

Is there an everyday task you can’t do on your mobile phone?

Paying for things in the real world like shops and markets has been one of the biggest challenges of the past few years.So who does mobile payments best?

Gabriel Wildau in Shanghai and Leslie Hook in San Francisco took their smart phone to the market to see whose city comes out on top.

FT记者吴佳柏(Gabriel Wildau)在上海,何丽(Leslie Hook)在旧金山,拿着手机来到真正的店家来测试哪个城市在移动支付上更为出色。

(Gabriel Wildau =G; Leslie Hook=L)


G: There’re convenience stores like these all over Shanghai.Here I don’t scan them.They scan me.

L: Here at Walgreens I can pay with Apple pay but it’s actually faster to use my chip card.
在旧金山这家超市,我可以用Apple Pay支付,但实际上用芯片卡支付更快。


G: In Shanghai most people don’t buy their fruit from the supermarket but from street-side stall like this one.Scan the QRCode on the wall and enter the price.

L: California may be known for its local produce farmer’s market like this one in the financial district in downtown San Francisco.But if you hadn’t brought your wallet with your credit card and cash, you can’t buy anything.



G: Mobile payments are so widespread in Shanghai that you can pick up a roast chicken or a duck just by scanning the QRCode behind me on the wall.

L: Here at McDonald’s I can also pay with my phone, but most of the people in line in front of me were paying with cash or credit cards.


G: The FT won’t cover a new suit on the expenses, so I won’t be buying anything from this boutique in the upscale French border today.But you can see from the sign that they accept both Alipay and WeChat, right alongside VISA and the China bank card scheme, UnionPay.


L: Now right next to the FT’s old office in San Francisco is the Cartier store.They do not accept any form of mobile payments here, but if you are going to make a big purchase; they do take wire transfer.

That’s a clear win for Shanghai.Most people think of China as a follower when it comes to technology, but in mobile and FinTech it leads the world.


upscale ['ʌpskeɪl]


The FT won’t cover a new suit on the expenses, so I won’t be buying anything from this boutique in the upscale French border today.

stall [stɔːl]


In Shanghai most people don’t buy their fruit from the supermarket but from street-side stall like this one.

mobile payments


They do not accept any form of mobile payments here, but if you are going to make a big purchase; they do take wire transfer.

wire transfer


If you are going to make a big purchase; they do take wire transfer.


金融科技(financial technology)

Most people think of China as a follower when it comes to technology, but in mobile and FinTech it leads the world.


“Subtweet” is not yet an official entry in the Merriam-Webster dictionary,because it has not met the dictionary’s strict usage requirements.That is likely to change this year.




A subtweet is a standalone response to someone else’s tweet that does not mention the other person or their tweet at all.The people who follow both the tweeter and the subtweeter will see the tweets and make the connection, but the original tweeter won’t be alerted to the comment.It’s a sly—or passive-aggressive, depending on your view—interaction that appears only on Twitter.


不过这个词也运用到了现实中。2016年格莱美颁奖礼上,泰勒·斯威夫特隐晦地回应了侃爷(Kanye West)在歌词中表示的是他“造就了她的成功。”


As the first woman to win Album of the Year at the Grammys twice, I want to say to all the young women out there: There are going to be people along the way who will try to undercut your success, or take credit for your accomplishments, or your fame.But if you just focus on the work, and you don’t let those people sidetrack you, some day when you get where you’re going, you’ll look around and you will know that it was you and the people who love you who put you there.And that will be the greatest feeling in the world.


Lauren Naturale, Merriam-Webster’s content and social media manager,has been in charge of managing the dictionary’s Twitter for about a year.Naturale, 33, says that while her approach to the account’s tweets has remained the same, the public response has changed drastically.

Lauren Naturale是韦氏词典的内容与社交媒体运营经理,已经管理韦氏词典推特账号快一年了。她今年33岁,她说这一年来她发推的方式没变,但公众的反应却发生了天翻地覆的变化。

“Things that shouldn’t be politically charged, like the definition of a fact,are being received as if they are politically charged,” Naturale says.“But our job is to provide people with accurate definitions.And some of the most interesting things we share on Twitter are the words people are looking up at a given moment.”


While Merriam-Webster’s “word of the day” tweets are decided on weeks ahead of time, its posts about trending searches are the ones making the post impact.Take, for example, the definition of “fact,” which was posted on the same day as Kellyanne Conway’s much-mockedtelevision interview,in which Conway used the term “alternative facts” to describe false information.

尽管韦氏词典“每日单词”推特发布的内容提前几周决定的,但其与热搜相关的推文影响最大。比如说,“事实(fact)”的定义,当天凯利安·康威(KellyanneConway)在电视采访中也用到了这个词,她用“另类事实(alternative fact)”来描述假消息,备受讽刺。

These tweets, though based on trending user look-ups, reveal hypocrisy and draw sharp attention to the actions of the Trump administration.Naturale says that the response to recent tweets has been “overwhelmingly positive” and that many people have said they are subscribing to the Unabridged dictionary, buying a physical copy, or downloading the accompanying app.


Before joining Merriam-Webster as their social lead, Naturale taught English at the University of California, Berkeley, while earning her Master’s degree.“Running the Twitter for Merriam-Webster feels like all of the fun parts of teaching without any of the grading,” she says.


Educating the public has taken on new meaning in the current political climate.The fact that Naturale does so with subtle snark makes Merriam-Webster’s posts all the more engaging.The account followed up the definition of “fact” days later with another pertinent response to Conway’s “alternative facts” statement.


Other posts require little explanation to get the message across.

What’s next for Naturale, and the Merriam-Webster Twitter account, after a rise to subtweeting fame?


“The more you learn about language, the more obvious it is that English is constantly changing and that even the rules you really should follow don’t make a lot of sense,” Naturale says.“Those complexities make English more interesting, not less.We want to use Twitter to show people how interesting English really is.”


If pointing out these complexities means exposing holes in statements made by politicians, so be it.



语法和长难句59【真题例句】Working with a personal search agent means having another set of eyes looking out for you. (2004-1-5)
looking out for you是现在分词短语做定语,修饰eyes。

语法和长难句60【真题例句】 And, of course, speaking a language does not necessarily meant that someone understands social and cultural patterns. (1997-2-5)
speaking a language是主语。


standalone ['stændə,ləʊn]


A subtweet is a standalone response to someone else’s tweet that does not mention the other person or their tweet at all.

political climate


Educating the public has taken on new meaning in the current political climate.

pertinent ['pɜːtɪnənt]


The account followed up the definition of “fact” days later with another pertinent response to Conway’s “alternative facts” statement.

sly [slaɪ]


It’s a sly—or passive-aggressive, depending on your view—interaction that appears only on Twitter.

hypocrisy [hɪ’pɒkrɪsɪ]


These tweets, though based on trending user look-ups, reveal hypocrisy and draw sharp attention to the actions of the Trump administration.

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