


Labors in New Zealand.


(324)澳大利亚会议结束之后,我们在新南威尔士州的帕拉玛塔教会度过了一周时间。1893年2月4日,我们从悉尼登船前往新西兰的奥克兰。我们的罗托马哈纳二号轮船是一艘漂亮的汽船,是这带水域船速最快的轮船之一。我在上甲板的特等客舱舒适而便利,使这段令人担忧而漫长的旅行比我想象的要容易忍受得多。一路风平浪静,我们在2月8日星期三上午抵达了奥克兰。伊斯雷尔长老在码头迎接了我们,我们很快就住进了布置舒适的小屋,这是奥克兰教会为我们安置,供我们任意使用的。{EA 47.3}


(324) At the close of the Australian conference we spent a week with the church in Parramatta, N.S.W., and on Feb. 4, 1893, we embarked from Sydney for Auckland, New Zealand. Our ship, the “Rotomahana, 2” was a beautiful steamer; and one of the fastest in these waters. I had a convenient and pleasant stateroom on the upper deck, and endured this long-dreaded journey much better than I had dared to hope. There was no rough weather, and on Wednesday morning, Feb. 8 we were in Auckland. Elder Israel met us at the wharf, and we were soon in a comfortably furnished cottage, which the Auckland church had placed at our disposal.?{EA 47.3}


我们为奥克兰教会做了十二天热心的工作。只要有弟兄参加,晚上就会安排聚会,每个安息日和星期日都排满了日程。我在剧场对有心的听众讲了两次。斯塔尔长老不知疲惫地为教会工作,许多晚上的聚会(325)被要求提前开始,分为两场举行。先由我讲半小时,然后斯塔尔长老讲道或讲圣经课。{EA 47.4}


For twelve days we labored earnestly for the Auckland church. Evening meetings were held as often as the brethren could attend, and each Sabbath and Sunday was fully occupied. Twice I spoke in the theater to attentive audiences. Elder Starr labored untiringly for the church, and several of the evening meetings (325) were called early in the evening, and divided into two meetings. I would speak for half an hour, and then Elder Starr would follow with a discourse or Bible lesson.?{EA 47.4}


我在奥克兰总共演讲了八次。{EA 47.5}


Altogether I spoke eight times in Auckland.?{EA 47.5}


奥克兰是一座美丽的城市,安息日复临信徒在这里拥有一座良好的教堂,舒适、朴素而整洁。这里原先有一个强大的教会,但许多年轻人去从事文字布道了,还有些人搬走了,因此如今宽敞的会堂要相对冷清。{EA 47.6}


Auckland is a beautiful city, and Seventh-day Adventists have a good church building there, a pleasant, plain, neat chapel. There was once a strong church here, but many of the young men went into the canvassing field, and others moved away, so that now there are comparatively few to occupy our commodious meeting-house.?{EA 47.6}


看到这些空空的座位,我很难过,我不得不作出一针见血的见证。有些人当场认罪,但工作还不够彻底,我的见证没有改变。他们的罪恶行径呈现在他们面前。这些行为使他们与基督分离。教会的主要成分不是上帝所能够使用的。他们因争执辩论何为最大而侮辱了神圣的真理。他们太容易满足于行在自己所点的火把中。(326)他们没有意识到自己要全然依靠上帝,也没有认识到如果不是祂建造房屋,建造的人就枉然劳力。这些分歧令真理和基督教蒙羞。外面的人不会愿意来听他们,听教会信徒之间的争吵。我们只会因在这个城市所进行的非基督化工作而羞愧。{EA 47.7}


It pained my heart to see the empty seats, and the testimony I had?to bear was close and cutting. Some confessions were made at this time, but the work done was not thorough; and my testimony did not change. It presented to them their wicked course of action, which had separated them from Christ. The leading elements in the church had not been such as God could use. They had dishonored the sacred truth by quarreling and disputing as to which should be the greatest. They had been too well satisfied to walk in the sparks of their own kindling. (326) They had not felt their entire dependence upon God, nor realized that unless He built the house, the builders labor but in vain. This drawing apart had brought disgrace upon the truth and Christianity. Outsiders had no desire to come to the meeting they said, to hear the members of the church quarrel. We could only hang our heads at the unchristlike work that had been carried on in this city.?{EA 47.7}


基督说:“离了我你们就不能做什么”(约15:5)。我要问:你个人是如何理解基督的?通过你们自己在家和在教会的生活方式和你们处理俗事的方式,就能看到你们对基督的看法。如果你们不看自己,如果你们藏在耶稣里,在上帝面前始终保持谦卑的心,基督就能为奥克兰教会做工作。但如果你依然坚持你对组成基督化品格的观点,那么真理对你来说就不是真理。它不可能让你获得任何益处。相反,你会把真理拖进泥潭和污垢中,令上帝的事业蒙羞。{EA 48.1}


Christ says, “Without me ye can do nothing.” I urged the question: what do you individually think of Christ? By your own course of life, at home, in the church, and in your business transactions in the world, you will individually reveal what are your ideas of Christ. If you are looking away from self, if you are hiding in Jesus, and constantly humbling the heart before God, then Christ can work for the church in Auckland. But if you retain your present ideas of what constitutes Christian character, the truth is not truth to you. It cannot possibly do you any good. Instead, you will drag the truth into the mire and dirt, and bring reproach upon the cause of God.?{EA 48.1}


(327)我们相信澳大利亚有许多家庭拥有真理的知识,如果他们定居在类似于奥克兰这样的地方,亲身劳动维系生活,致力于在这些有许许多多还不知道时间紧迫之人的城市和村庄高举真理的旗帜,他们就会得到上帝的赐福。“你们要先求祂的国和祂的义”(太6:33)。这些人会更加热诚地把他们白白领受的亮光和恩典传播给别人。{EA 48.2}


(327) We believe that there are many families in America, having a knowledge of the truth, who would be blessed of God if they would settle in such places as Auckland, and while sustaining themselves by their own labors, work to hold up the standard of truth in these cities and villages where there are thousands who know not the shortness of time. “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness.” O that men would be more earnest to communicate to others the light and grace they have so freely received.?{EA 48.2}





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