
  • 1.tif图片切割为jpg
  • 2.图片合并


  • 将图片切割为1024大小的小图片
  • 大小不够1024的,填充为黑色
    import os
    import numpy as np
    import cv2 as cv
    import PIL.Image as Imagedef cutting(img_path, data_path,image_name, clip_path):""":param img_path: 图片文件夹:param data_path: 数据文件夹:param image_name: 切割原始图片名:param clip_path: 切割图片保存路径:return:"""img_size = 1024n, m, max_n = 0, 0, 0img = cv.imread(os.path.join(img_path, image_name), 1)clip_img_path = os.path.join(data_path, 'clip', clip_path)if not os.path.exists(clip_img_path):os.makedirs(clip_img_path)h, w = img.shape[0], img.shape[1]# 图片切割for i in range(0, h, img_size):img_h = (h % img_size) if (i + img_size) > h else 1024for j in range(0, w, img_size):max_n = n if max_n <= n else max_nend_i, end_j = min(h, i + img_size), min(w, j + img_size)cropped = img[i:end_i, j:end_j]img_w = (w % img_size) if (j + img_size) > w else 1024img_orig = Image.fromarray(cv.cvtColor(cropped, cv.COLOR_BGR2RGB)) # bgr 转 rgbto_image ='RGB', (img_size, img_size))  # 创建1024大小图片to_image.paste(img_orig, (0, 0))if img_w != 1024:  # 宽度填充img_w_new = np.zeros(shape=((img_size - img_w), img_h, 3), dtype=np.uint8)img_w_new = Image.fromarray(img_w_new)to_image.paste(img_w_new, (img_w, 0))if img_h != 1024:  # 宽度填充 and 高度填充img_h_new = np.zeros(shape=(img_size, (img_size - img_h), 3), dtype=np.uint8)img_h_new = Image.fromarray(img_h_new)to_image.paste(img_h_new, (0, img_h)) + '/' + str(m) + '_' + str(n) + ".jpg")elif img_w == 1024 and img_h != 1024:  # 只填充高度img_h_new = np.zeros(shape=(img_size, (img_size - img_h), 3), dtype=np.uint8)img_h_new = Image.fromarray(img_h_new)to_image.paste(img_h_new, (0, img_h)) + '/' + str(m) + '_' + str(n) + ".jpg")else:  # 不填充cv.imwrite(clip_img_path + '/' + str(m) + '_' + str(n) + ".jpg", cropped)n += 1n = 0m += 1if __name__ == '__main__':root = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))data_path = os.path.join(root, 'data')img_path = os.path.join(data_path, 'bhfx1')cutting(img_path, data_path, "fw1_2021.tif", "clip_2021")


  • 合并的图片大小一致

    import os
    import PIL.Image as Imagedef image_compose(IMAGE_SIZE=1024, IMAGE_ROW=24, IMAGE_COLUMN=19):to_image ='RGB', (IMAGE_SIZE*(IMAGE_COLUMN+1), IMAGE_SIZE*(IMAGE_ROW+1)))  # 创建新图片大小for y in range(0, IMAGE_ROW + 1):  # 循环遍历,把每张图片按顺序粘贴到对应位置上for x in range(0, IMAGE_COLUMN + 1):file_name = str(y) + '_' + str(x) + ".jpg"img_name = os.path.join(clip_img_path, file_name) # 图片名from_image = # 打开合并的图片to_image.paste(from_image, ((x) * IMAGE_SIZE, (y) * IMAGE_SIZE))  # 粘贴image到im的position(左上角)位置。w, # 保存图片if __name__ == '__main__':root = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))data_path = os.path.join(root, 'data')clip_img_path = os.path.join(data_path, 'clip', 'clip_2020')IMAGE_SAVE_PATH = os.path.join(data_path, 'img_merge', 'clip_2020.jpg')image_compose()


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