
#include <iostream>
#include <Windows.h>  //Unicode字符串需要用到
#include <conio.h> //_getch获取用户输入需要用到
#pragma comment (lib,"winmm.lib")//播放音乐函数需要用到MCIERROR mciSendString(LPCTSTR lpszCommand,//命令字符串LPTSTR  lpszReturnString,//指向接收返回信息的缓冲区,为NULL时不返回信息UINT    cchReturn,//上述缓冲区大小HANDLE  hwndCallback//在命令串中含通知时,它指定一个回调窗口的句柄,一般为NULL




_stprintf_s(lpszCommand, TEXT("open %s %s %s"), lpszDevice, //设备名称,就是媒体名字lpszOpenFlags, lpszFlags

eg:mciSendString(L"open music.wav alias BGM", NULL, 0, NULL)

music.wav : 媒体名字

alias BGM: 起别名为"BGM"

这里举几个例子 "play BGM form 3000 to 5000"

BGM:   别名

form 3000  :从第3秒开始播放(3*1000毫秒)

to 5000:到第5秒结束。


Value Meaning
at time Indicates when the device should begin performing this command, or, if the device has been cued, when the cued command begins. For more information, see the cue command.
fast Indicates that the device should play faster than normal. To determine the exact speed on a videodisc player, use the "speed" flag of the status command. To specify the speed more precisely, use the "speed" flag of this command.
from position Specifies a starting position for the playback. If the "from" flag is not specified, playback begins at the current position. For cdaudio devices, if the "from" position is greater than the end position of the disc, or if the "from" position is greater than the "to" position, the driver returns an error. For videodisc devices, the default positions are in frames for CAV discs and in hours, minutes, and seconds for CLV discs.
fullscreen Specifies that a full-screen display should be used. Use this flag only when playing compressed files. (Uncompressed files won't play full-screen.)
repeat Specifies that playback should restart when the end of the content is reached.
reverse Specifies that the play direction is backward. You cannot specify an ending location with the "reverse" flag. For videodiscs, "scan" applies only to CAV format.
scan Plays as fast as possible without disabling video (although audio might be disabled). For videodiscs, "scan" applies only to CAV format.
slow Plays slowly. To determine the exact speed on a videodisc player, use the "speed" flag of the status command. To specify the speed more precisely, use the "speed" flag of this command. For videodiscs, "slow" applies only to CAV format.
speed integer Plays a videodisc at the specified speed, in frames per second. This flag applies only to CAV discs.
to position Specifies an ending position for the playback. If the "to" flag is not specified, playback stops at the end of the content. For cdaudio devices, if the "to" position is greater than the end position of the disc, the driver returns an error. For videodisc devices, the default positions are in frames for CAV discs and in hours, minutes, and seconds for CLV discs.
window Specifies that playing should use the window associated with the device instance. This is the default setting.


void play() {//打开music.wav文件起个新名字BGMmciSendString(L"open music.wav alias BGM", NULL, 0, NULL);mciSendString(L"play BGM", NULL, 0, NULL);while (1);//防止马上停止
void play2() {//但也可以直接播放,不取名字mciSendString(L"play music.wav", NULL, 0, NULL);while (1);//防止马上停止


1)停止(pause ):"pause music"

2)继续(Resume):“resume music”

3)停止:"stop music"

4)关闭:"close music"

5)快进/后退一个位置:"step music by frames reverse"  下划线为参数


6)获取进度:"status music position"

7)获取长度:"status music length"        同上都是status命令,但是参数不同


#define PLAY 1
#define STOP 0void play() {mciSendString(L"open music.wav alias BGM", NULL, 0, NULL);while (1) {input=mouse();if (input == PLAY)mciSendString(L"play BGM from 9000 ", NULL, 0, NULL);if(input==STOP)mciSendString(L"pauseBGM", NULL, 0, NULL);}
}void Button() {TCHAR str[] = TEXT("播放");settextstyle(60, 35, str);outtextxy(500, 250, str);TCHAR str2[] = TEXT("暂停");settextstyle(60, 35, str2);outtextxy(500, 450, str2);
}int isButton(ExMessage mouse) {if (mouse.x > 500 && mouse.x < 500 + 60 && mouse.y>250 && mouse.y < 250 + 35)return PLAY;if (mouse.x > 500 && mouse.x < 500 + 60 && mouse.y>450 && mouse.y < 450 + 35)return STOP;return -1;
}int mouse() {ExMessage mouse;while (1) {mouse = getmessage(EM_MOUSE);if (mouse.message == WM_LBUTTONDOWN) {return isButton(mouse);}}
}void ini() {initgraph(1200, 600);Button();play3();



参考博客  C/C++笔记之播放音乐的函数_搬砖的码蚁的博客-CSDN博客_music函数

参考文档MCI Command Strings - Win32 apps | Microsoft Docs


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