
13.2 SSA操作符

Almost every GIMPLE statement will contain a reference to a variable or memory location. Since statements come in different shapes and sizes, their operands are going to be located at various spots inside the statement’s tree. To facilitate access to the statement’s operands, they are organized into lists associated inside each statement’s annotation. Each element in an operand list is a pointer to a VAR_DECL, PARM_DECL or SSA_NAME tree node. This provides a very convenient way of examining and replacing operands.


Data flow analysis and optimization is done on all tree nodes representing variables. Any node for which SSA_VAR_P returns nonzero is considered when scanning statement operands. However, not all SSA_VAR_P variables are processed in the same way. For the purposes of optimization, we need to distinguish between references to local scalar variables and references to globals, statics, structures, arrays, aliased variables, etc. The reason is simple, the compiler can gather complete data flow information for a local scalar. On the other hand, a global variable may be modified by a function call, it may not be possible to keep track of all the elements of an array or the fields of a structure, etc.


The operand scanner gathers two kinds of operands: real and virtual. An operand for which is_gimple_reg returns true is considered real, otherwise it is a virtual operand. We also distinguish between uses and definitions. An operand is used if its value is loaded by the statement (e.g., the operand at the RHS of an assignment). If the statement assigns a new value to the operand, the operand is considered a definition (e.g., the operand at the LHS of an assignment).


Virtual and real operands also have very different data flow properties. Real operands are unambiguous references to the full object that they represent. For instance, given


{int a, b;a = b

Since a and b are non-aliased locals, the statement a = b will have one real definition and one real use because variable a is completely modified with the contents of variable b. Real definition are also known as killing definitions. Similarly, the use of b reads all its bits.


In contrast, virtual operands are used with variables that can have a partial or ambiguous reference. This includes structures, arrays, globals, and aliased variables. In these cases, we have two types of definitions. For globals, structures, and arrays, we can determine from a statement whether a variable of these types has a killing definition. If the variable does, then the statement is marked as having a must definition of that variable. However, if a statement is only defining a part of the variable (i.e. a field in a structure), or if we know that a statement might define the variable but we cannot say for sure, then we mark that statement as having a may definition. For instance, given


{int a, b, *p;if (…)p = &a;elsep = &b;*p = 5;return *p;

The assignment *p = 5 may be a definition of a or b. If we cannot determine statically where p is pointing to at the time of the store operation, we create virtual definitions to mark that statement as a potential definition site for a and b. Memory loads are similarly marked with virtual use operands. Virtual operands are shown in tree dumps right before the statement that contains them. To request a tree dump with virtual operands, use the -vops option to -fdump-tree:


虚操作符将在树的保存(tree dump)操作中写入输出的ssa文件,显示在文件中包含虚操作的语句之前。要获得这种带有虚操作符的分析结果,可以在-fdump-tree操作中加上-vops选项。

(译者注,完整语句是这样的:gcc -c -fdump-tree-ssa-vops file.c


{int a, b, *p;if (…)p = &a;elsep = &b;# a = VDEF <a># b = VDEF <b>*p = 5;# VUSE <a># VUSE <b>return *p;

Notice that VDEF operands have two copies of the referenced variable. This indicates that this is not a killing definition of that variable. In this case we refer to it as a may definition or aliased store. The presence of the second copy of the variable in the VDEF operand will become important when the function is converted into SSA form. This will be used to link all the non-killing definitions to prevent optimizations from making incorrect assumptions about them.


Operands are updated as soon as the statement is finished via a call to update_stmt. If statement elements are changed via SET_USE or SET_DEF, then no further action is required (i.e., those macros take care of updating the statement). If changes are made by manipulating the statement’s tree directly, then a call must be made to update_stmt when complete. Calling one of the bsi_insert routines or bsi_replace performs an implicit call to update_stmt.



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