前 言


活动开展至今,已有众多社区加入Filenet成为打包节点,共同构建Filenet社区生态。Filenet项目的发展引起业界的关注,加拿大数字知名媒体Digital Journal对Filenet进行了全面的报道。

Digital Journal,加拿大数字期刊,在世界200多个国家拥有成千上万的成员及内容提供者,每月访客量达数百万。




Filenet — the World’s First Distributed Storage Public Chain Who has Launched the Main Net

What is the Trend in the Future?

The development of the digital economy is entering a new era. Blockchain, Big Data, 5G, artificial intelligence (AI), and cloud services are building a new era of global IT infrastructure. By then, everything will be connected, device applications will rise and prosper on a large scale, and data will grow massively.

数字经济的发展正在跨入一个新的时代,区块链(Blockchain)、大数据(Big Data)、5G、人工智能(AI)、云服务(Cloud)正在构建新时代的全球 IT 基础设施。届时,万物互联,设备应用大规模兴起和繁荣,数据海量增长。

Centralized storage can no longer bear with the explosive growth of data and there are disadvantages such as data easily leakage and loading slowly. To figure out new data storage methods has become an urgent need.


On October 18, 2019, IDC (International Data Corporation) and Inspur jointly released a document 2019 Data and Storage Development Research Report. The Report pointed out that data storage has become the basis for industry to transform, and distributed storage will be the trend, and its proportion will reach 40% in 2023.

2019年10月18日,IDC(国际数据公司)与浪潮联合发布了《2019年数据及存储发展研究报告》。报告中指出,数据存储成为承载产业转型的基础平台,分布式存储成为趋势,2023 年其占比将达到 40%。

In the future, distributed storage is an inevitable choice and a new trend in the era of big data.


Distributed storage, one of the core technologies of the blockchain, is to solve the problems brought by the data explosion era. Filenet, as the world’s first distributed storage application chain with main net launched, will lead the world into a new era of network technology.


Filenet, the World’s First Public Chain of Distributed Storage Application


Filenet (FN)
(http://www.filenet.io/page/index_EN.html) is the world’s first public chain of distributed storage application who has launched main net and is also the world’s first public chain of distributed storage application using DPOS + POC consensus mechanism. Filenet is dedicated to storing and distributing valuable content and rewards miners to contribute idle bandwidth and storage space in the form of mining. The mission of Filenet is to connect all idle storage space. Any storage device that can connect to the Internet can participate in mining and form a powerful distributed data service system.

Filenet(FN)是全球第一条主网上线的分布式存储应用公链,也是全球第一条采用 DPOS+POC 共识机制的分布式存储应用公链,致力于存储分发有价值的内容,以挖矿的形式,奖励矿工贡献闲置带宽以及存储空间。Filenet的使命是连接一切闲置存储空间,凡可以连接上网的存储设备都可以参与挖矿,形成强大的分布式数据服务系统。

In November 2018, Filenet main net was released. In about a year, it has successfully completed 1.0 and 2.0 iterations and is about to enter a new stage of 3.0. Filenet has emerged as an industry leader in industrial development, applications, global nodes and business ecology, and has achieved relatively impressive results, leading the industry to a new height.


  1. Top in the Industry

Since launched, Filenet has been in the top in the industry.
World’s first distributed storage public chain who has launched the main net
World’s first distributed storage public chain that listed on the exchange
World’s first distributed storage public chain using DPOS + POC consensus mechanism of mining

第一个采用 DPOS+POC 共识机制挖矿的分布式存储应用公链

  1. First Listed on Coineal Hits Record High
    首发Coineal 创新高

In December 2018, Filenet first listed on Coineal, with the highest increase of 350% in history, and successively listed on ZG.com, ZB.com, Boboo, BTB.io and other five exchanges. It is expected that Filenet will be listed on the world’s top exchange Bitfinex soon.


For one year, Filenet has targeted the distributed storage as a path for technology development, applied decentralized blockchain technology, dedicated to store and distribute valuable content, and fully found out the demand of enterprises and users for distributed storage space. Meanwhile, Filenet keeps updating and iterating the main net and gradually the popularity and explosion of distributed storage commercialization will be realized.


  1. “Blockchain + Industry” Representative

There are only a handful of scenarios that combine with the real economy since the development of the blockchain. Any vanity company only with the name of the blockchain that live out of the real economy will eventually die and become a bubble squeezed by the times. The combination of blockchain and industry has become an inevitable trend.


As an excellent representative of “Blockchain + Industry”, Filenet won the “Annual Blockchain Application Adoption Award” at the Global Exchange Summit in Seoul.


  1. Large Scale of Node Community

At present, the height of Filenet’s main net has reached 3,303,703. The number of global nodes is 60,000+ (Chinese nodes have exceeded 60%). The number of global super nodes has reached 47, and the scale of community and business cooperation has continued to expand and hit a new record.


Current partners include the first-tier exchanges, main chain technology R&D teams, world-renowned CDN service providers, Internet companies (including Tencent Wesee content providers, SnapChat, Byte Dance and other storage providers) and many decentralized applications DAPPs.


  1. International Influence Expands

Besides having the huge community base worldwide, Filenet is renowned in the blockchain digital industry. The world’s leading digital market platforms have also included Filenet projects, like the world’s most authoritative platform CoinMarketCap.


  1. Commercial Application

Filenet has achieved major technological breakthroughs in the field of video storage and distribution and successfully reached a commercial agreement with companies such as the exclusive supplier of Tencent Wesee, Snapchat supplier, Byte Dance and so on.


DAPP—ZTiao, the world’s first social software developed on Filenet has run on the market, with functions such as decentralized account, distributed storage, various digital wallets and token wealth management.


Filenet fog computing has become one of the world’s leading fog computing service providers


7.Packaging Node Recruitment Plan Released Globally

In order to accelerate the growth of the project and give back to the community for their support, and in order to allow community users to share and jointly manage the project more widely and in a longer time, Filenet officially announced the packaging node and autonomous community election plan to the global community, and has recruited the first 10 packaging nodes successfully.

Filenet packaging node application page link:


The packaging node election is initiated by 21 autonomous communities, and users freely compete for 105 packaging nodes. Filenet packaging node will receive an incentive of 10% of the total mining, that is, a total of 1 million FN.


As the plan announced, many communities around the world signed up and participated actively. Communities such as Coiness, Grand Shores Fund, Peer-to-Peer Capital, Polar Bear, Yuncun Technology, ET Cloud, Interplanetary Universe, Interplanetary Node and Bitcodeman have joined the campaign have obtained the small number of packaging nodes seats.


In the future, Filenet will continue to target the distributed storage track as a path for technology development, apply decentralized blockchain technology, and focus on storing and distributing valuable content. In the era of big data, the future of Filenet is deserve to be expected.


Filenet 联系方式
Contact Filenet at:contact@filenet.io

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