

message.h:36:16: error: redefinition of 'struct MSG_SERVOCTRL'
message.h:36:16: note: originally defined here
message.h:40:2: error: conflicting types for 'servoctrl'
message.h:40:2: note: previous declaration of 'servoctrl' was here
message.h:42:16: error: redefinition of 'struct MSG_PTZCTRL'
message.h:42:16: note: originally defined here
message.h:51:2: error: conflicting types for 'ptzctrl'
message.h:51:2: note: previous declaration of 'ptzctrl' was here
message.h:55:20: error: redefinition of 'cameractrl_params'
#ifndef _TEST_H_
#define _TEST_H_
#include “xxx.h” 实际是将.h文件内容展开铺在.c文件之前,如果xxx.h没有加条件编译,那么重复引用和循环递归include时,就会展开多个重复的定义在.c代码之前,这样在编译的时候必然会有重复定义的告警。

error: redefinition of ‘xxx’问题的解决相关推荐

  1. error redefinition of 'xxx' 问题解决

    error redefinition of 'xxx'出现这种问题: 1. .H文件没有进行#ifndef... #define... ..... #endif 这种限制.

  2. Runtime error 216 at xxx 故障解决一例

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  4. 解决:syntax error at line xxx: `<<‘ unmatched

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  5. 解决 error: called object ‘xxx‘ is not a function or function pointer

    代码编译时遇到报错: error: called object 'xxx' is not a function or function pointer| 导致原因:数学表达式错误 或 使用了某些数学函 ...

  6. SpringBoot(二)Error resolving template “xxx”, template might not exist or might not be accessible解决办法

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  7. 解决:Error resolving template [/xxx], template might not exist or might not be accessible by any of th

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  8. 解决webpack报错:ERROR in multi ./xxx/xxx.js ./xxx/xxx.js Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '.\xxx\

    问题描述 初次使用webpack打包 报了一个鲜红的异常: ERROR in multi ./xxx/xxx.js ./xxx/xxx.js Module not found: Error: Can' ...

  9. 异常:Error resolving template xxx, template might not exist or might not be accessible...解决办法

    简单表述:控制台出现了这个异常:Error resolving template "xxx", template might not exist or might not be a ...


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