









Abbreviated weekday name.

Sun, Mon, …


Full weekday name.

Sunday, Monday, …


Weekday as a decimal number.

0, 1, …, 6


Day of the month as a zero added decimal.

01, 02, …, 31


Day of the month as a decimal number.

1, 2, …, 30


Abbreviated month name.

Jan, Feb, …, Dec


Full month name.

January, February, …


Month as a zero added decimal number.

01, 02, …, 12


Month as a decimal number.

1, 2, …, 12


Year without century as a zero added decimal number.

00, 01, …, 99


Year without century as a decimal number.

0, 1, …, 99


Year with century as a decimal number.

2013, 2019 etc.


Hour (24-hour clock) as a zero added decimal number.

00, 01, …, 23


Hour (24-hour clock) as a decimal number.

0, 1, …, 23


Hour (12-hour clock) as a zero added decimal number.

01, 02, …, 12


Hour (12-hour clock) as a decimal number.

1, 2, … 12


Locale’s AM or PM.



Minute as a zero added decimal number.

00, 01, …, 59


Minute as a decimal number.

0, 1, …, 59


Second as a zero added decimal number.

00, 01, …, 59


Second as a decimal number.

0, 1, …, 59


Microsecond as a decimal number, zero added on the left.

000000 - 999999


UTC offset in the form +HHMM or -HHMM.


Time zone name.


Day of the year as a zero added decimal number.

001, 002, …, 366


Day of the year as a decimal number.

1, 2, …, 366


Week number of the year (Sunday as the first day of the week). All days in a new year preceding the first Sunday are considered to be in week 0.

00, 01, …, 53


Week number of the year (Monday as the first day of the week). All days in a new year preceding the first Monday are considered to be in week 0.

00, 01, …, 53


# Python program to demonstrate

# strftime() function

from datetime import datetime as dt

# Getting current date and time

now = dt.now()

print("Without formatting", now)

# Example 1

s = now.strftime("%a %m %y")

print('\nExample 1:', s)

# Example 2

s = now.strftime("%A %-m %Y")

print('\nExample 2:', s)

# Example 3

s = now.strftime("%-I %p %S")

print('\nExample 3:', s)

# Example 4

s = now.strftime("%-j")

print('\nExample 4:', s)


Without formatting 2019-12-17 18:21:39.211378

Example 1:Tue-12-19

Example 2:Tuesday-12-2019

Example 3:6 PM 39

Example 4:351

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