

declare module 'vue-print-nb';






import Print from './printarea';
import Vue from "vue";Vue.directive("print", {inserted: function (el, binding, vnode) {let vue: any = vnode.context;let closeBtn = true;let id = '';el.addEventListener('click', () => {vue.$nextTick(() => {if (typeof binding.value === 'string') {id = binding.value;} else if (typeof binding.value === 'object' && !!binding.value.id) {id = binding.value.id;let ids = id.replace(new RegExp("#", "g"), '');let elsdom = document.getElementById(ids);if (!elsdom) console.log("id in Error"), id = '';}// 局部打印if (id) {localPrint();} else {// 直接全局打印window.print();}});});const localPrint = () => {if (closeBtn) {closeBtn = false;new Print({ids: id, // * 局部打印必传入idstandard: '', // 文档类型,默认是html5,可选 html5,loose,strictextraHead: binding.value.extraHead, // 附加在head标签上的额外标签,使用逗号分隔extraCss: binding.value.extraCss, // 额外的css连接,多个逗号分开popTitle: binding.value.popTitle, // title的标题endCallback() { // 调用打印之后的回调事件closeBtn = true;}});}};}


export default class {constructor(option: any) {let that: any = this;that.standards = {strict: 'strict',loose: 'loose',html5: 'html5'};that.selectArray = []; // 存储select的that.counter = 0;that.settings = {standard: that.standards.html5,extraHead: '', // 附加在head标签上的额外元素,使用逗号分隔extraCss: '', // 额外的css逗号分隔popTitle: '', // 标题endCallback: null, // 成功打开后的回调函数ids: '' // 局部打印的id};Object.assign(that.settings, option);that.init();}init() {let that: any = this;that.counter++;that.settings.id = `printArea_${that.counter}`;let PrintAreaWindow = that.getPrintWindow(); // 创建iframethat.write(PrintAreaWindow.doc); // 写入内容that.print(PrintAreaWindow);that.settings.endCallback();}print(PAWindow: any) {let that: any = this;let paWindow = PAWindow.win;const _loaded = () => {paWindow.focus();paWindow.print();try {let box: any = document.getElementById(that.settings.id);let canvasList: any = that.elsdom.querySelectorAll('.canvasImg')console.log(that.elsdom)for (let i = 0; i < canvasList.length; i++) {let _parent = canvasList[i].parentNode_parent.removeChild(canvasList[i])}box.parentNode.removeChild(box);} catch (e) {console.log(e);}};if (window.ActiveXObject) {paWindow.onload = _loaded();return false;}paWindow.onload = () => {_loaded();};}write(PADocument: any, $ele: any) {let that: any = this;PADocument.open();PADocument.write(`${that.docType()}<html>${that.getHead()}${that.getBody()}</html>`);PADocument.close();}docType() {let that: any = this;if (that.settings.standard === that.standards.html5) {return '<!DOCTYPE html>';}var transitional = that.settings.standard === that.standards.loose ? ' Transitional' : '';var dtd = that.settings.standard === that.standards.loose ? 'loose' : 'strict';return `<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01${transitional}//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/${dtd}.dtd">`;}getHead() {let that: any = this;let extraHead = '';let links = '';let style = '';if (that.settings.extraHead) {that.settings.extraHead.replace(/([^,]+)/g, (m: any) => {extraHead += m;});}// 复制所有link标签[].forEach.call(document.querySelectorAll('link'), function (item: any, i) {if (item.href.indexOf('.css') >= 0) {links += `<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="${item.href}" >`;}});// 循环获取style标签的样式let domStyle = document.styleSheets;if (domStyle && domStyle.length > 0) {for (let i = 0; i < domStyle.length; i++) {try {if (domStyle[i].cssRules || domStyle[i].rules) {let rules = domStyle[i].cssRules || domStyle[i].rules;for (let b = 0; b < rules.length; b++) {style += rules[b].cssText;}}} catch (e) {console.log(domStyle[i].href + e);}}}if (that.settings.extraCss) {that.settings.extraCss.replace(/([^,\s]+)/g, (m: any) => {links += `<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="${m}">`;});}return `<head><title>${that.settings.popTitle}</title>${extraHead}${links}<style type="text/css">${style}</style></head>`;}getBody() {let that: any = this;let ids = that.settings.ids;ids = ids.replace(new RegExp("#", "g"), '');that.elsdom = that.beforeHanler(document.getElementById(ids));let ele = that.getFormData(that.elsdom);let htm = ele.outerHTML;return '<body>' + htm + '</body>';}// 克隆节点之前做的操作beforeHanler(elsdom: any) {let canvasList = elsdom.querySelectorAll('canvas');// canvas转换png图片for (let i = 0; i < canvasList.length; i++) {if (!canvasList[i].style.display) {let _parent = canvasList[i].parentNodelet _canvasUrl = canvasList[i].toDataURL('image/png')let _img = new Image()_img.className = 'canvasImg'_img.style.display = 'none'_img.src = _canvasUrl// _parent.replaceChild(_img, canvasList[i])_parent.appendChild(_img)}}return elsdom}// 根据type去处理form表单getFormData(ele: any) {let copy = ele.cloneNode(true);let copiedInputs = copy.querySelectorAll('input,select,textarea');let canvasImgList = copy.querySelectorAll('.canvasImg,canvas');let selectCount = -1;// 处理所有canvasfor (let i = 0; i < canvasImgList.length; i++) {let _parent = canvasImgList[i].parentNodelet item = canvasImgList[i]// 删除克隆后的canvas节点if (item.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'canvas') {_parent.removeChild(item)} else {item.style.display = 'block'}}// 处理所有输入框for (let i = 0; i < copiedInputs.length; i++) {let item = copiedInputs[i];let typeInput = item.getAttribute('type');let copiedInput = copiedInputs[i];// 获取select标签if (!typeInput) {typeInput = item.tagName === 'SELECT' ? 'select' : item.tagName === 'TEXTAREA' ? 'textarea' : '';}// 处理input框if (item.tagName === 'INPUT') {// 除了单选框 多选框比较特别if (typeInput === 'radio' || typeInput === 'checkbox') {copiedInput.setAttribute('checked', item.checked);//} else {copiedInput.value = item.value;copiedInput.setAttribute('value', item.value);}// 处理select} else if (typeInput === 'select') {selectCount++;for (let b = 0; b < ele.querySelectorAll('select').length; b++) {let select = ele.querySelectorAll('select')[b]; // 获取原始层每一个select!select.getAttribute('newbs') && select.setAttribute('newbs', b) // 添加标识if (select.getAttribute('newbs') == selectCount) {let opSelectedIndex = ele.querySelectorAll('select')[selectCount].selectedIndex;item.options[opSelectedIndex].setAttribute('selected', true);}}// 处理textarea} else {copiedInput.innerHTML = item.value;copiedInput.setAttribute('html', item.value);}}return copy;}getPrintWindow() {let that: any = this;var f = that.Iframe();return {f: f,win: f.contentWindow || f,doc: f.doc};}Iframe() {let that: any = this;let frameId = that.settings.id;let iframe: any;try {iframe = document.createElement('iframe');document.body.appendChild(iframe);iframe.style.border = '0px';iframe.style.position = 'absolute';iframe.style.width = '0px';iframe.style.height = '0px';iframe.style.right = '0px';iframe.style.top = '0px';iframe.setAttribute('id', frameId);iframe.setAttribute('src', new Date().getTime());iframe.doc = null;iframe.doc = iframe.contentDocument ? iframe.contentDocument : (iframe.contentWindow ? iframe.contentWindow.document : iframe.document);iframe.onload = function () {var win = iframe.contentWindow || iframe;that.print(win);}} catch (e) {throw new Error(e + '. iframes may not be supported in that browser.');}if (iframe.doc == null) {throw new Error('Cannot find document.');}return iframe;}


import "@/directive/vue-print-nb/print";

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