
pixman/Makefile.am:1: error: Libtool library used but 'LIBTOOL' is undefined
pixman/Makefile.am:1:   The usual way to define 'LIBTOOL' is to add 'LT_INIT'
pixman/Makefile.am:1:   to 'configure.ac' and run 'aclocal' and 'autoconf' again.
pixman/Makefile.am:1:   If 'LT_INIT' is in 'configure.ac', make sure
pixman/Makefile.am:1:   its definition is in aclocal's search path.
test/Makefile.am:5: warning: 'INCLUDES' is the old name for 'AM_CPPFLAGS' (or '*_CPPFLAGS')










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