使用composer安装PHPword,composer require phpoffice/phpword


1.开始新建phpword$php_word = new Phpword();

如果你直接复制这段代码一定会报错,因为这里没有写引用的代码,需要在class外层添加引用的代码也就是我们说的use,但是从此处开始我将直接将需要引用的地方写到new中。$php_word = new \PhpOffice\PhpWord\PhpWord();






还可以配置一些word的基本信息$properties = $php_word->getDocInfo();

$properties->setCreator('My name');

$properties->setCompany('My factory');

$properties->setTitle('My title');

$properties->setDescription('My description');

$properties->setCategory('My category');

$properties->setLastModifiedBy('My name');

$properties->setCreated(mktime(0, 0, 0, 3, 12, 2014));

$properties->setModified(mktime(0, 0, 0, 3, 14, 2014));

$properties->setSubject('My subject');

$properties->setKeywords('my, key, word');

3.添加section$section = $php_word->addSection();


+ borderBottomColor. 边框颜色.

+ borderBottomSize. 边框宽度 (in twips).

+ borderLeftColor. 左侧边框颜色.

+ borderLeftSize. 左侧边框宽度(in twips).

+ borderRightColor. 右侧边框颜色.

+ borderRightSize. 右侧边框宽度(in twips).

+ borderTopColor. 上边框颜色.

+ borderTopSize. 上边框宽度(in twips).

+ breakType. 换行格式 (nextPage, nextColumn, continuous, evenPage, oddPage).

+ colsNum. 列数目.

+ colsSpace. 列间距.

+ footerHeight. 底部间距.

+ gutter. 每页间距.

+ headerHeight. 头间距.

+ marginTop. 上边距(in twips).

+ marginLeft. 左边距(in twips).

+ marginRight. 右边距(in twips).

+ marginBottom. 下边距(in twips).

+ orientation. 页面方向:默认竖向:null 横向:landscape.

+ pageSizeH. 页面高度(in twips).

+ pageSizeW. 页面宽度(in twips).

4.添加文本$section->addText('我是一段话', [

'color' => '#000',

'size' => 40,

'bold' => true

], [

'align' => 'center',

'spacing' => 10




font_styleallCaps. 首字母大写, true or false.

bgColor. 文字背景色, e.g. FF0000.

bold. 加粗, true or false.

color. 文字的颜色, e.g. FF0000.

doubleStrikethrough. 双删除线, true or false.

fgColor. 文字突出颜色, e.g. yellow, green, blue.

hint. 文字内容类型(我暂时没用到过), default, eastAsia, or cs.

italic. 斜体, true or false.

name. 字体name, e.g. Arial.

rtl. 从右到左的文本, true or false.

size. 字号, e.g. 20, 22和word中的字号值一致.

smallCaps. 小写, true or false.

strikethrough. 删除线, true or false.

subScript. 下标, true or false.

superScript. 上标, true or false.

underline. 下划线, dash, dotted, etc.

paragraph_stylealign. 对齐方式, center or left or right.

spacing. 间距,(in twips).


$section->addTextBreak(2, [

'color' => '#000',

'size' => 40,

'bold' => true

], [

'align' => 'center',

'spacing' => 10





$section->addTextBreak([breakCount], [font_style], [paragraph_style]);


6.添加列表$list_style = [

'type' => 'multilevel',

'levels' => [

['format' => 'decimal', 'text' => '%1.', 'left' => 360, 'hanging' => 360, 'tabPos' => 360],

['format' => 'upperLetter', 'text' => '%2.', 'left' => 720, 'hanging' => 360, 'tabPos' => 720],



$section->addListItem('列表1', 0, null, $list_style);

$section->addListItem('列表a', 1, null, $list_style);

$section->addListItem('列表b', 1, null, $list_style);

$section->addListItem('列表2', 0, null, $list_style);

ex:$section->addListItem(text, [depth], [font_style], [list_style], [paragraph_style]);


list_styletype. 类型 hybridMultilevel or multilevel.

levels. 级别 (arr).

format. 格式(decimal or lowerLetter or lowerRoman or upperLetter or bullet).

text. 文本(%+int).

left. 左边距(in twips).

hanging. 悬挂(in twips).

tabPos. 可以理解为缩进(in twips).

7.添加表格$table = $section->addTable([

'width' => '9639',

'borderSize' => 6,

'cellMargin' => 50



$table->addCell('1134')->addText('hhhh', $font_style_12, $paragraph_style);

$table->addCell('8505', $cell_col_span)->addText('wwww', $font_style_12, $paragraph_style);



table_stylebgColor. 背景色, e.g. ‘9966CC’.

border(Top|Right|Bottom|Left)Color. 边框颜色, e.g. ‘9966CC’.

border(Top|Right|Bottom|Left)Size. 边框宽度 in twips.

gridSpan. 跨行.

textDirection(btLr|tbRl). 文本方向. You can use constants \PhpOffice\PhpWord\Style\Cell::TEXT_DIR_BTLR and \PhpOffice\PhpWord\Style\Cell::TEXT_DIR_TBRL

valign. 垂直对齐, top, center, both, bottom.

vMerge. 垂直合并,restart or continue.

width. 单元格宽 in twips.

cantSplit. 表格行不能在页面之间折断, true or false.

exactHeight. 行高设定.

tblHeader. 在每个新页面上重复表格行, true or false.

8.Images$section->addImage('10001_1.jpg', $image_style);

image_styleheight. 高度 in pixels.

marginLeft. 左边距 in inches, can be negative.

marginTop. 上边距 in inches, can be negative.

width. 宽度 in pixels.

wrappingStyle. 图片格式, inline, square, tight, behind, or infront.

9.对象$section->addObject( $src, [$style] );

stylealign. 对齐方式, left – right – center

10.标题$section->addTitle( $text, [$depth] );

11.目录$styleTOC = ['tabLeader'=>PHPWord_Style_TOC::TABLEADER_DOT];

$styleFont = ['spaceAfter'=>60, 'name'=>'Tahoma', 'size'=>12];

$section->addTOC($styleFont, $styleTOC);





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