

添加启动分区Add boot partitions

烧录Program boot image on ZCU102 board

启动Start FPGA from flash image


在创建Xilinx FPGA zcu102闪存启动映像后整理的资料,为无OS设计,


测试环境 :

Vivado 2019.2

Vitis 2019.2

Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC ZCU102 Evaluation Kit


If you have hw bitstream and sw application, and did not want to use the linux or any OS, please follow the steps to create boot image.

1. Start the Vitis IDE (19.2) and set the workspace

2. Select Xilinx > Create Boot Image

3.Select Zynq MP as Architecture

4.Select the Create new BIF file option

5.Ensure that the Output format is set to BIN

6.In the Basic tab, browse to and select the Output BIF file path and Output path

添加启动分区Add boot partitions

1. Click Add to open the Add Partition dialog box.

2. In the Add Partition dialog box, click the Browse button to select the FSBL executable.

a. For FSBL, ensure that the Partition type is selected as bootloader and the correct  destination CPU is selected by the tool. The tool is configured to make this selection based on the FSBL executable.

b. Ignore the Exception Level, as FSBL is set to EL3 by default. Also, leave the Trustzone setting unselected for this example.

c. Click OK to select the FSBL and go back to the Create Boot Image wizard.

3. Click Add to open the Add Partition window to add the next partition.

4. The next partition is the bitstream

a. For BitStream, ensure that the Partition type is selected as datafile and Destination device is  selected as PL.

b. Click OK to select the bitstream and go back to the Create Boot Image wizard.

5. Click Add to open the Add Partition window to add the next partition.

6. The next partition is the sw application which works after power-up.

a. For BitStream, ensure that the Partition type is selected as datafile, select Destination device as  PS, Destination CPU as A53 0, Exception level as EL2, and  Enable Trust Zone.

b. Click OK to select the bitstream and go back to the Create Boot Image wizard.

7. Click the Create Image

烧录Program boot image on ZCU102 board

1. In the Vitis IDE, select Xilinx > Program Flash.

2.  In the Program Flash wizard, browse to and select the ***.bin image file.

3.  Select qspi-x8-dual_parallel as the Flash type.

4.  Set the Offset as 0 and select the FSBL ELF file  ( ../(project name)/hw_description/export/hw_description/sw/hw_description/boot/fsbl.elf).

5. Ensure that a USB cable is connected between the USB-JTAG connector on ZCU102 target and the USB port on the Host machine using the following steps.

a. Ensure the board power off.

b. Set the SW6 Boot mode switch as shown in the following figure (1111).

c. Turn on the board.

6. Click Program to start the process of programming the QSPI Flash with the image. Wait until you see the message “Flash Operation Successful” in the console.

启动Start FPGA from flash image

1. Ensure the board power off.

2. Configure the Board to Boot in QSPI-Boot mode by switching SW6 as shown in following figure(1011).

3. Turn on the board.


  • UG1209, Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC: Embedded Design Tutorial -  A Hands-On Guide to Effective Embedded System Design.  Chapter 5: Boot and Configuration.
  • UG1043, Embedded System Tools Reference Manual.
  • Booting a PL design from a PS-attached SPI flash in Zynq UltraScale+ devices(Accessed at 2020.01.04) : https://forums.xilinx.com/t5/Design-and-Debug-Techniques-Blog/Booting-a-PL-design-from-a-PS-attached-SPI-flash-in-Zynq/ba-p/1015804
  • A infomation resource web - Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC and RFSoC - Boot and Configuration  (Accessed at 2020.01.04) : https://www.xilinx.com/support/documentation-navigation/design-hubs/dh0072-zynq-mpsoc-boot-and-config-hub.html
  • A issue solutions web - AR# 65467: Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC - Boot and Configuration (Accessed at 2020.01.04): https://www.xilinx.com/support/answers/65467.html

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