
  • Word Preparation
    • discover: 发现,找到
    • politics: 政治,时政
    • space exploration:太空探索,宇宙空间探索
    • come true: 实现,(预言等)成为现实
    • be reflected with: 反映在
  • Grammar
    • 表达 “方法,方式”的介词

Word Preparation

discover: 发现,找到

to find information, a place, or an object, especially for the first time.

Scientists have discovered how to predict an earthquake.

We searched all morning for the missing papers and finally discovered them in a drawer.

politics: 政治,时政

the activities involved in getting and using power in public life, and being able to influence decisions that affect a country or a society.

Linda’s aunt is planning to retire from politics next year.

Joe is very active in left-wing politics.

space exploration:太空探索,宇宙空间探索

In the near future robots will take part in space exploration as well as ocean exploration.

The early era of space exploration was driven by a ‘Space Race’ between the Soviet Union and the United States.

come true: 实现,(预言等)成为现实

My dream had come true since I had been dreaming of going to London.

I’ll never give up on trying to make my dream come true.

be reflected with: 反映在

Do you think people’s personalities are reflected in the books they read?

The change in people’s spending habits is reflected in the latest research.


表达 “方法,方式”的介词

  1. with + 工具/感官
  2. by + V-ing 通过…方式
  3. by + 交通工具 乘坐

You should see more with your eyes, and hear more with your ears.

I wrote a letter with the pen you gave me.

We could get more information by reading a newspaper.

Modern technology made it possible for people to travel to Mars by spaceship.

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