


Apache introduction

How does the Web server work?

Installation of Apache under Linux

Apache introduction

Dear sirsre

After the web site is released, users can access the information resources in the site through the Web browser. Web server software is the server for Publishing Web sites, and Apache is the world's top ranked Web server software that can run on almost any widely used computer platform.

Apache originated from NCSAhttp server (National Center for Supercomputin Applications, referred to as NCSA), and has been modified many times to become one of the most popular Web server software in the world. Apache is taken from the pronunciation of "a patchy server", meaning the server full of patches. Because it's free software, people are constantly coming up with the features, new features, and modifications to the original defects. Apache features simple, fast, stable performance and can be used as a proxy server.

How does the Web server work?


Apache installed under Linux


Directory structure and configuration instructions of Apache



Bin - the Apache executable directory

Apachectl htpasswd

Cgi-bin - presets to directories stored by some CGI web programs

Error - the default error answer file directory

HtDocs - default Web document root directory (document root directory)

Icons - provides some small icons for Apache presets

Logs - Apache log file storage directory

Access_log records access information, such as access time, access to the client, IP, and so on

Error_log records some incorrect access to the Web server, such as a client accessing a directory that does not exist

These two files need to set the file size. General customization 50M

Man - the directory where the help manual is located

Modules - where the dynamic load module is located

The directory where the Apache configuration file resides

Source package Apache the default l


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