

Process exited after 8.127 seconds with return value 3221226356



#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct Node{int data;struct Node *next;
}Node,*Link; int main(){Link head;head = list(head);judge(head);judge(head);output(head);length(head);gainElement(head);gainLocation(head);before(head);after(head);insert(head);output(head);reLocation(head);output(head);clean(head);judge(head);length(head);destroy(head);return 0;


int main(){Link head;head = list(head);judge(head);judge(head);output(head);length(head);gainElement(head);gainLocation(head);before(head);after(head);insert(head);output(head);reLocation(head);output(head);clean(head);/*judge(head);length(head);*/destroy(head);return 0;

而且,我是用Dev c++写的C语言,但是在那边向CSDN里边复制代码的时候这个缩进就很不理想,有大佬能解决吗?

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