

Robust is an Android HotFix solution with high compatibility and high stability. Robust can fix bugs immediately without publishing apk.



  • Mac Linux and Windows
  • Gradle 2.10+
  • Java 1.7 +


  1. Add below codes in the module's build.gradle.

    apply plugin: ''
    //please uncomment fellow line before you build a patch
    //apply plugin: 'auto-patch-plugin'
    apply plugin: 'robust'
    compile 'com.meituan.robust:robust:0.3.8'

  2. Add below codes in the outest project's build.gradle file.

     buildscript {repositories {jcenter()}dependencies {classpath 'com.meituan.robust:gradle-plugin:0.3.8'classpath 'com.meituan.robust:auto-patch-plugin:0.3.8'}

  3. There are some configure items in app/robust.xml,such as classes which Robust will insert code,this may diff from projects to projects.Please copy this file to your project.


  • Support 2.3 to 7.X Android OS
  • Perfect compatibility
  • Patch takes effect without reboot
  • Support fixing at method level,including static methods
  • Support add classes and methods
  • Suport ProGuard,including inline methods or changing methods' signure

When you build APK,you may need to save mapping.txt and files in build/outputs/robust/methodsMap.robust.


AutoPatch will generate patch for Robust automatically. You just need to fellow below steps to genrate patches. For more details please visit website


  1. Put 'auto-patch-plugin' just behind '',but in the front of others plugins。like this:

     apply plugin: ''apply plugin: 'auto-patch-plugin'

  2. Put mapping.txt and methodsMap.robust which are generated when you build the apks in diretory app/robust/,if not exists ,create it!

  3. After modifying the code ,please put annotation @Modify on the modified methods or invoke RobustModify.modify()(designed for Lambda Expression )in the modified methods:

       @Modifyprotected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);}//protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {RobustModify.modify()super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);}

    Use annotation @Add when you neeed to add methods or classes.

        //add method@Addpublic String getString() {return "Robust";}//add class@Addpublic class NewAddCLass {public static String get() {return "robust";}}

  4. After those steps,you need to run the same gradle command as you build the apk,then you will get patches in directory app/build/outputs/robust/patch.jar.

  5. Generating patches always end like this,which means patches is done 

Demo Usage

  1. Excute fellow command to build apk:

    ./gradlew clean  assembleRelease --stacktrace --no-daemon

  2. After install apk on your phone,you need to save mapping.txt and app/build/outputs/robust/methodsMap.robust

  3. Put mapping.txt and methodsMap.robust which are generated when you build the apks into diretory app/robust/,if directory not exists ,create it!

  4. After modifying the code ,please put annotation @Modify on the modified methods or invoke RobustModify.modify()(designed for Lambda Expression )in the modified methods.

  5. Run the same gradle command as you build the apk:

    ./gradlew clean  assembleRelease --stacktrace --no-daemon

  6. Generating patches always end like this,which means patches is done 

  7. Copy patch to your phone:

    adb push ~/Desktop/code/robust/app/build/outputs/robust/patch.jar /sdcard/robust/patch.jar

    patch directory can be configured in PatchManipulateImp.

  8. Open app,and click Patch button,patch is used.

  9. Also you can use our sample patch in app/robust/sample_patch.jar ,this dex change text after you click Jump_second_Activity Button.

  10. In the demo ,we change the text showed on the second activity which is configured in the method getTextInfo(String meituan) in class SecondActivity


  1. You should modify inner classes' priavte constructors to public modifier.

  2. AutoPatch cannot handle situations which method returns this,you may need to wrap it like belows:

    method a(){return this;

    changed to

    method a(){return new B().setThis(this).getThis();

  3. Not Support add fields,but you can add classes currently, this feature is under testing.

  4. Classes added in patch should be static nested classes or non-inner classes,and all fields and methods in added class should be public.

  5. Support to fix bugs in constructors currently is under testing.

  6. Not support methods which only use fields,without method call or new expression.

  7. Support to resources and so file is under testing.

  8. For more help, please visit Wiki


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