本文为 BJUT 2021 Fall Introduction to AI 的读书笔记;
课程教材为:Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach;

Cover: Photo by Hu Chen on Unsplash

Hill Climbing (Steepest Ascending ver.)

Hill Climbing

  • Hill Climbing (Steepest Ascending ver.)
    • Introduction
    • Problems
    • Variants
    • See Also

#school_notes #algorithm/search


如同上图所描述的一样,爬山法没有维护一个数据结构去保存到达当前 state 的 path,而只是站在当前 state 下寻找 neighbor 中的最大值,并作为下一个 state 返回,直到在周围找不到比当前 state 还要大的 node 为止。(局部最小值 trap 警告)

It’s like trying to find the top of Mount Everest in a thick fog while suffering from amnesia.

Hill Climbing is sometimes called greedy local search

Although greedy is considered one of the seven deadly sins, it turns out that the greedy algorithms often perform well.


  • local maxima: 一个 state which is greater than all of its neighbors but smaller than the global maxima.
  • ridge: a sequence of local maxima
  • plateaux(the plural form of plateau): flat shoulders (where the derivatives are 0)


To solve the previously addressed problems, there are numerous variants of the original Hill Climbing Algorithm

See Also

[[Informed Search and Local Search]]

[Introduction to AI] Local Search::Hill Climbing (最陡上升)相关推荐

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