
/ʃ/ 清辅音:戏

Can you spot me some cash?
cash back
buck  美金
Oceans of people 人山人海
rock sugar  冰糖
white sugar  白糖
brown sugar  红糖
fashionsta : 时尚达人
This restaurant is in. 这家餐厅很潮
You wish! 想得美

/dʒ/ 音:挤

job June juice age
I've got a new job. It's my bread and butter from now on.
glutinous rice ball : 汤圆

/tʃ/ 清辅音:起

物美价廉:It's a good bargain. / What / That's a steal.
for a song (便宜)
I bought that T-shirt at the flea marker for a song
I bought these at the supermarket for a song.
Who moved my cheese. 谁动了我的奶酪
Chicken nuggets  鸡块
tycoon : 大亨
millionaire     /  billionaire

/l/ 音

... is a milestone in one's life... 是某人生命里的里程碑
I'm so sick of this weather.
The birth of every child is a milestone in every parent's life.
I'm freezing my butt off.
leave 和 leave for 的区别
YOLO: You only live once / See you in another life!  再见
slow down: 慢慢来
I'm starving to death
I'm so hungry that I can eat a horse.
final exam
eat like a bird

/r/ 音

right  up one's alley 正合某人的口味
carrot and stick  一种奖惩并存的激励政策
Sorry, I didn't mean it.
in one's birthday suit 一丝不挂
I'm not really interested in watching movie right now, and I think reading a book might be right up my alley.

/ar/ 音

hit the bar 去酒吧
go clubbing 蹦迪
Spade / Diamond / 梅花 Club / 红桃 Heart
摊牌:Cards on the table
Prince Charming: 白马王子
Mr Right : 如意郎君
Let's get started!
Let's jump right in!
Smoking will do harm to your health.
do harm to ...  do good to
I'm starving to death

/ɛr/ 音 : 艾尔 , air

A problem shared is a problem halved.
I want my share!
ladder 梯子
go down stairs
shareholder 股东
How dare you!
pear : 梨子
That's not fair!
That's unfair!
underwear 内衣内裤
I'm scared to death.


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