How do I change the hyperlinks in pdf using python? I am currently using a pyPDF2 to open up and loop through the pages. How do I actually scan for hyperlinks and then proceed to change the hyperlinks?


So I couldn't get what you want using the pyPDF2 library.

I did however get something working with another library: pdfrw. This installed fine for me using pip in Python 3.6:

pip install pdfrw

Note: for the following I have been using this example pdf I found online which contains multiple links. Your mileage may vary with this.

import pdfrw

pdf = pdfrw.PdfReader("pdf.pdf") #Load the pdf

new_pdf = pdfrw.PdfWriter() #Create an empty pdf

for page in pdf.pages: #Go through the pages

for annot in page.Annots or []: #Links are in Annots, but some pages

#don't have links so Annots returns None

old_url = annot.A.URI

#>Here you put logic for replacing the URLs<

#Use the PdfString object to do the encoding for us.

# Note the brackets around the URL here.

new_url = pdfrw.objects.pdfstring.PdfString("(")

#Override the URL with ours.

annot.A.URI = new_url



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