A. Primal Sport
time limit per test 1.5 seconds
memory limit per test 256 megabytes
input standard input
output standard output

Alice and Bob begin their day with a quick game. They first choose a starting number X0 ≥ 3 and try to reach one million by the process described below.

Alice goes first and then they take alternating turns. In the i-th turn, the player whose turn it is selects a prime number smaller than the current number, and announces the smallest multiple of this prime number that is not smaller than the current number.

Formally, he or she selects a prime p < Xi - 1 and then finds the minimum Xi ≥ Xi - 1 such that p divides Xi. Note that if the selected prime palready divides Xi - 1, then the number does not change.

Eve has witnessed the state of the game after two turns. Given X2, help her determine what is the smallest possible starting number X0. Note that the players don't necessarily play optimally. You should consider all possible game evolutions.


The input contains a single integer X2 (4 ≤ X2 ≤ 106). It is guaranteed that the integer X2 is composite, that is, is not prime.


Output a single integer — the minimum possible X0.
















稍加思考会发现,对于当前x2,x1的可能取值范围为[x2-p+1, x2],其中p为x2的最大质因子

暴力[x2-p+1, x2]中的每一个数作为x1,如果x1是质数就无视(因为这样就不可能存在x0),否则计算x0 = x1-p'+1


using namespace std;
int cnt, flag[1005] = {1,1}, pri[1005];
int Cha(int x)
{int i, bet;bet = 0;for(i=1;pri[i]*pri[i]<=x&&pri[i]!=0;i++){while(x%pri[i]==0){bet = max(bet, pri[i]);x /= pri[i];}}if(x!=1)bet = max(bet, x);return bet;
int main(void)
{int i, j, x2, now, ans;for(i=2;i<=1000;i++){if(flag[i])continue;pri[++cnt] = i;for(j=i*i;j<=1000;j+=i)flag[j] = 1;}scanf("%d", &x2);now = Cha(x2);ans = 10000000;for(i=x2-now+1;i<=x2;i++){now = Cha(i);if(now==i)continue;ans = min(ans, i-now+1);}printf("%d\n", ans);return 0;

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