子矩阵的范围:x1 <= x <= x2, y1 <= y <= y2


有一种简单粗暴的方法,就是遍历所有的x1, x2, y1, y2,

public int numSubmatrixSumTarget(int[][] matrix, int target) {int m = matrix.length;int n = matrix[0].length;// aux[i][j] is the sum of sub-matrix which start at [0][0] and end in [i][j]int[][] aux = new int[m + 1][n + 1]; // padding on top and leftfor (int i = 1; i < m + 1; i++) {for (int j = 1; j < n + 1; j++) {aux[i][j] = matrix[i - 1][j - 1] + aux[i - 1][j] + aux[i][j - 1] - aux[i - 1][j - 1]; }}int res = 0;// try each sub-matrixfor (int x1 = 1; x1 < m + 1; x1++) {for (int y1 = 1; y1 < n + 1; y1++) {for (int x2 = x1; x2 < m + 1; x2++) {for (int y2 = y1; y2 < n + 1; y2++) {if (target == aux[x2][y2] - aux[x2][y1 - 1] - aux[x1 - 1][y2] + aux[x1 - 1][y1 - 1])res++;}}}}return res;


可以想象一下行的上边界是top, 下边界是bottom
和保存在sum数组里,sum[col] 表示 col这一列top~bottom范围的和。

只需要求left ~ right范围内sum[col]的和就行了,每个sum[col]是一条,多条组合起来就是一个子矩阵。

遍历top : 1~m-1, bottom : top~m-1, left : 0 ~n-1, right: left ~ n-1

public int numSubmatrixSumTarget(int[][] matrix, int target) {int m = matrix.length;int n = matrix[0].length;int res = 0;// traverse upper boundaryfor (int top = 0; top < m; top++) {// for each upper boundary, we have a prefix sum arrayint[] sum = new int[n];// traverse lower boundaryfor (int bottom = top; bottom < m; bottom++) {// count the prefix sum for each columnfor (int col = 0; col < n; col++) {sum[col] += matrix[bottom][col];}// traverse left and right boundaryfor (int left = 0; left < n; left++) {int cnt = 0;for (int right = left; right < n; right++) {cnt += sum[right];if (cnt == target) res++;}}}}return res;

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