Even an amateur or outsider can see that

theories aspiring to be complete must first and foremost answer the above

questions, which I have always thought of as “The first three questions”

(hence the title of today’s paper). So why is it these questions remain

unanswered by the professionals? The main reason is that professional theories

have three logical ‘black holes’ built into them as a result of the plausibility

gap in their treatments of these three questions. To their credit, though,

professionals do admit that all their theories are incomplete. They now

realise that all their theories have been doomed to incompleteness. Not

just because they don’t answer those questions, but because their arguments

are based solely on relative ‘facts’, and so inevitably hit a relative-fact

‘brick wall’ built from the respective arbitrary assumptions (usually cemented

together by convenient boundary conditions). So, whether the arguments

fall into a logical ‘black hole’ or hit the relative-fact ‘brick wall’,

the result is the same: we are left with an uncomfortable feeling that

professional theories start and go ‘absolutely’ nowhere. In fact, to many

outsiders and amateurs, the professional debate is looking increasingly

like some arcane academic guessing game involving relative-fact speculation

and academic argument for argument’s sake. It is clear that professional

physical cosmology is at an impasse. Who hasn’t come across professional

quotes to the effect that their theories are “almost complete”, or “only

needs one more piece of the puzzle”, and so on. When pressed, however,

they will cheerfully and unashamedly admit that the piece they are missing

is an absolutely fundamental one, unlike each and every piece of their

theory as it stands. Now, just because the professionals can’t answer “the

first three questions”, or find an absolutely fundamental piece of the

puzzle, it doesn’t mean no amateur or rank outsider can either. For it

wouldn’t be the first time that an outsider/amateur found some crucial

piece the professionals consistently missed because prior training or orthodoxy

‘blinkered’ them to it. So let’s give it a shot here and now! Let’s clear

our minds and try to outline, as briefly as we can, an objective train

of thought aimed at answering the first three questions and finding a fundamental

piece that we’ve all been missing; and perhaps we’ll finally do away with

the questionable modern catch cry of “Everything is Relative!”  Let’s

start our train of thought by confronting head-on the ‘biggest’ of “the

first three questions”, thus...

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