In.0: Don't panic!(不必惊慌)

Take the time to understand the implications of a guideline rule on your program.


These guidelines are designed according to the "subset of superset" principle (Stroustrup05). They do not simply define a subset of C++ to be used (for reliability, safety, performance, or whatever). Instead, they strongly recommend the use of a few simple "extensions" (library components) that make the use of the most error-prone features of C++ redundant, so that they can be banned (in our set of rules).


The rules emphasize static type safety and resource safety. For that reason, they emphasize possibilities for range checking, for avoiding dereferencing nullptr, for avoiding dangling pointers, and the systematic use of exceptions (via RAII). Partly to achieve that and partly to minimize obscure code as a source of errors, the rules also emphasize simplicity and the hiding of necessary complexity behind well-specified interfaces.


【RAll】- resource acquisition is initializatio 资源获取即初始化


Many of the rules are prescriptive. We are uncomfortable with rules that simply state "don't do that!" without offering an alternative. One consequence of that is that some rules can be supported only by heuristics, rather than precise and mechanically verifiable checks. Other rules articulate general principles. For these more general rules, more detailed and specific rules provide partial checking.


These guidelines address the core of C++ and its use. We expect that most large organizations, specific application areas, and even large projects will need further rules, possibly further restrictions, and further library support. For example, hard-real-time programmers typically can't use free store (dynamic memory) freely and will be restricted in their choice of libraries. We encourage the development of such more specific rules as addenda to these core guidelines. Build your ideal small foundation library and use that, rather than lowering your level of programming to glorified assembly code.

这些准则关注C++核心及其用法。我们希望更大的组织,特定的应用领域,甚至大项目会需要更进一步的规则, 可能是更进一步的限制,和更进一步的库支持。例如硬实时程序员通常不能自由地使用自由存储(动态内存)并且被严格限制库的选择。我们鼓励这样的更专门的规则作为核心准则的补充。构建你自己的完美小规模基本库并且使用它,而不是降低你的编程层次去装配代码,虽然这听起来也不错。


The rules are designed to allow gradual adoption.


Some rules aim to increase various forms of safety while others aim to reduce the likelihood of accidents, many do both. The guidelines aimed at preventing accidents often ban perfectly legal C++. However, when there are two ways of expressing an idea and one has shown itself a common source of errors and the other has not, we try to guide programmers towards the latter.





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