

  • RSA组件之掩码生成函数(MGF)的实现(C源码)
    • 1. RSA 算法中使用 MGF 函数
      • 1.1 OAEP 中对 MGF 的调用
      • 1.2 PSS 中对 MGF 的调用
    • 2. RFC 8017 中关于 MGF 函数的描述
    • 3. MGF 函数代码
      • 3.1 实现代码
      • 3.2 测试代码
      • 3.3 编译代码和并测试
    • 4. 其它

1. RSA 算法中使用 MGF 函数

在非对称加密算法 RSA 中,如果加密模式为 RSA-OAEP 或签名方案为概率签名 RSA-PSS 时会用到一个 MGF 函数。

  • OAEP: 最优非对称加密填充 Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding
  • PSS: 概率签名方案, Probabilistic Signature Scheme
  • MGF: 掩码生成函数, Mask Generation Function

1.1 OAEP 中对 MGF 的调用

RSA 最优非对称加密填充中两次调用 MGF 分别用于生成 maskedDB 和 maskedSeed 数据:

1.2 PSS 中对 MGF 的调用

RSA 概率签名方案中调用 MGF 来生成 maskedDB 数据:

2. RFC 8017 中关于 MGF 函数的描述

MGF 函数基于哈希函数来构建,RSA 规范中使用的 MGF 函数是 MGF1,其在 RFC 8017 附录 B2 中的描述如下:

B.2.  Mask Generation FunctionsA mask generation function takes an octet string of variable lengthand a desired output length as input and outputs an octet string ofthe desired length.  There may be restrictions on the length of theinput and output octet strings, but such bounds are generally verylarge.  Mask generation functions are deterministic; the octet stringoutput is completely determined by the input octet string.  Theoutput of a mask generation function should be pseudorandom: Givenone part of the output but not the input, it should be infeasible topredict another part of the output.  The provable security ofRSAES-OAEP and RSASSA-PSS relies on the random nature of the outputof the mask generation function, which in turn relies on the randomnature of the underlying hash.One mask generation function is given here: MGF1, which is based on ahash function.  MGF1 coincides with the mask generation functionsdefined in IEEE 1363 [IEEE1363] and ANSI X9.44 [ANSIX944].  Futureversions of this document may define other mask generation functions.B.2.1.  MGF1MGF1 is a mask generation function based on a hash function.MGF1 (mgfSeed, maskLen)Options:Hash     hash function (hLen denotes the length in octets ofthe hash function output)Input:mgfSeed  seed from which mask is generated, an octet stringmaskLen  intended length in octets of the mask, at most 2^32 hLenOutput:mask     mask, an octet string of length maskLenError: "mask too long"Steps:1.  If maskLen > 2^32 hLen, output "mask too long" and stop.2.  Let T be the empty octet string.3.  For counter from 0 to \ceil (maskLen / hLen) - 1, do thefollowing:A.  Convert counter to an octet string C of length 4 octets (seeSection 4.1):C = I2OSP (counter, 4) .B.  Concatenate the hash of the seed mgfSeed and C to the octetstring T:T = T || Hash(mgfSeed || C) .4.  Output the leading maskLen octets of T as the octet string mask.

说重点, MGF1 是一个伪随机函数,其输入参数是一个任意长度的位串 mgfSeed 和需要输出的掩码位长 maskLen,基于哈希函数构造。

  1. MGF1 有两个参数 mgfSeed 和 maskLen

    • mgfSeed 是输入的随机变量
    • maskLen 是输出的掩码长度
  2. MGF1 内部根据需要调用一个哈希函数,默认为 SHA1,其输出哈希长度为 hLen

  3. MGF1 函数内部有一个计数器 counter,其大小为 0 ~ maskLen / hLen

  4. 将 counter 转换成 4 字节的字符串 C,附加到 mgfSeed 的末尾并计算哈希

Hash(mgfSeed || C)
  1. 递增计数器,计算哈希输出,并链接前一个哈希输出的末尾,直到输出位长的长度达到要求(不少于 maskLen),然后截取前面的 maskLen 字节并返回


Hash(mgfSeed||0x00000000) || Hash(mgfSeed||0x00000001) || Hash(mgfSeed||0x00000002)... Hash(mgfSeed||n)

3. MGF 函数代码

3.1 实现代码

整个过程的 C 语言代码如下:

  • mgf.h
#ifndef __ROCKY_MGF__H
#define __ROCKY_MGF__Hint MGF1(const char *mgfSeed, unsigned int mgfSeedLen, HASH_ALG alg, unsigned int maskLen, char *mask);#endif
  • mgf.c
#define MGF1_BUF_SIZE 256
int MGF1(const unsigned char *mgfSeed, unsigned int mgfSeedLen, HASH_ALG alg, unsigned int maskLen, unsigned char *mask)
{unsigned char buf[MGF1_BUF_SIZE], *p;unsigned char digest[64]; /* 最长支持 SHA-512 */unsigned long digestLen;unsigned long counter, restLen;if (mgfSeedLen > MGF1_BUF_SIZE - 4){printf("MGF1 buffer is not long enough!\n");return -1;}// copy mgfSeed to buffermemcpy(buf, mgfSeed, mgfSeedLen);// clear rest buffer to 0p = buf + mgfSeedLen;memset(p, 0, MGF1_BUF_SIZE-mgfSeedLen);digestLen = HASH_GetDigestSize(alg, 0);counter = 0;restLen = maskLen;while (restLen > 0){p[0] = (counter >> 24) & 0xff;p[1] = (counter >> 16) & 0xff;p[2] = (counter >>  8) & 0xff;p[3] = counter & 0xff;if (restLen >= digestLen){HASH(alg, buf, mgfSeedLen+4, (unsigned char *)mask);restLen -= digestLen;mask += digestLen;counter ++;}else // 剩余的不足单次哈希长度的部分{HASH(alg, buf, mgfSeedLen+4, (unsigned char *)digest);memcpy(mask, digest, restLen);restLen = 0;}}return 0;

其中使用到一个计算哈希函数的库 libhash.a,其头文件如下:

  • hash.h
/** @        file: hash.h* @ description: header file for hash.c* @      author: Gu Yongqiang* @        blog:*/
#ifndef __ROCKY_HASH__H
#define __ROCKY_HASH__H
#include "type.h"/* Hash Algorithm List */
} HASH_ALG;typedef struct hash_context {/** currently we don't use below 3 stuffs,* just for future use, like hmac, hash_drbg, hmac_drbg and so on.*/HASH_ALG alg;uint32_t block_size;uint32_t digest_size;void     *impl;
}HASH_CTX;int HASH_Init(HASH_CTX *ctx, HASH_ALG alg);
int HASH_Update(HASH_CTX *ctx, const void *data, size_t len);
int HASH_Final(unsigned char *md, HASH_CTX *ctx);
unsigned char *HASH(HASH_ALG alg, const unsigned char *data, size_t n, unsigned char *md);/** For SHA-512t, SHAKE128, SHAKE256*/
int HASH_Init_Ex(HASH_CTX *ctx, HASH_ALG alg, uint32_t ext);
unsigned char *HASH_Ex(HASH_ALG alg, const unsigned char *data, size_t n, unsigned char *md, uint32_t ext);uint32_t HASH_GetBlockSize(HASH_ALG alg);
uint32_t HASH_GetDigestSize(HASH_ALG alg, uint32_t ext);#endif

3.2 测试代码

  • mgftest.c

这里的测试内容参考维基百科 MGF 词条中使用 python 测试的内容,具体参考代码中的注释段。

#include <stdio.h>
#include "hash.h"
#include "mgf.h"/** From:** Example outputs of MGF1:** Python 2.7.6 (default, Sep  9 2014, 15:04:36) * [GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 6.0 (clang-600.0.39)] on darwin* Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.* >>> from mgf1 import mgf1* >>> from binascii import hexlify* >>> from hashlib import sha256* >>> hexlify(mgf1('foo', 3))* '1ac907'* >>> hexlify(mgf1('foo', 5))* '1ac9075cd4'* >>> hexlify(mgf1('bar', 5))* 'bc0c655e01'* >>> hexlify(mgf1('bar', 50))* 'bc0c655e016bc2931d85a2e675181adcef7f581f76df2739da74faac41627be2f7f415c89e983fd0ce80ced9878641cb4876'* >>> hexlify(mgf1('bar', 50, sha256))* '382576a7841021cc28fc4c0948753fb8312090cea942ea4c4e735d10dc724b155f9f6069f289d61daca0cb814502ef04eae1'*/
int main(int argc, char *argv)
{int i;char buf[1024];MGF1("foo", 3, HASH_ALG_SHA1, 3, buf);for (i=0; i<3; i++){printf("%02x", ((unsigned char *)buf)[i]);}printf("\n");MGF1("foo", 3, HASH_ALG_SHA1, 5, buf);for (i=0; i<5; i++){printf("%02x", ((unsigned char *)buf)[i]);}printf("\n");MGF1("bar", 3, HASH_ALG_SHA1, 5, buf);for (i=0; i<5; i++){printf("%02x", ((unsigned char *)buf)[i]);}printf("\n");MGF1("bar", 3, HASH_ALG_SHA1, 50, buf);for (i=0; i<50; i++){printf("%02x", ((unsigned char *)buf)[i]);}printf("\n");MGF1("bar", 3, HASH_ALG_SHA256, 50, buf);for (i=0; i<50; i++){printf("%02x", ((unsigned char *)buf)[i]);}printf("\n");return 0;

3.3 编译代码和并测试


cc mgftest.c mgf.c -o mgftest -I/public/ygu/cryptography/crypto-work.git/out/include -L/public/ygu/cryptography/crypto-work.git/out/lib -lhash

这里使用了 -I-L 选项来指定哈希函数库的头文件和库文件位置。


/public/ygu/cryptography/crypto-work.git/mgf$ ./mgftest

4. 其它



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