Golang sync包提供了基础的异步操作方法,包括互斥锁Mutex,执行一次Once和并发等待组WaitGroup。

  • Mutex: 互斥锁
  • RWMutex:读写锁
  • WaitGroup:并发等待组
  • Once:执行一次
  • Cond:信号量
  • Pool:临时对象池
  • Map:自带锁的map

二. sync.Mutex


互斥锁的概念: 对共享数据进行锁定,保证同一时刻只有能一个线程或者协程去操作。

注意: 互斥锁是多个线程或者协程一起去抢,抢到锁的线程或者协程去先执行,没抢到的就等待。等互斥锁使用完释放后,其他等待的线程或者协程去抢这个锁。


func (m *Mutex) Lock()
func (m *Mutex) UnLock()


举个例子: 我们经常使用网上支付购物东西,就会出现同一个银行账户在某一个时间既有支出也有收入,那银行就得保证我们余额准确,保证数据无误。

type Bank struct {sync.Mutexbalance map[string]float64
}// In 收入
func (b *Bank) In(account string, value float64) {// 加锁 保证同一时间只有一个协程能访问这段代码b.Lock()defer b.Unlock()v, ok := b.balance[account]if !ok {b.balance[account] = 0.0}b.balance[account] += v
}// Out 支出
func (b *Bank) Out(account string, value float64) error {// 加锁 保证同一时间只有一个协程能访问这段代码b.Lock()defer b.Unlock()v, ok := b.balance[account]if !ok || v < value {return errors.New("account not enough balance")}b.balance[account] -= valuereturn nil

三. sync.RWMutex



  • 当有一个协程在读的时候,所有写的协程必须等到所有读的协程结束才可以获得锁进行写操作。
  • 当有一个协程在读的时候,所有读的协程不受影响都可以进行读操作。
  • 当有一个协程在写的时候,所有读、写的协程必须等到写的协程结束才可以获得锁进行读、写操作。
  • RWMutex有5个函数,分别为读和写提供锁操作。
func (rw *RWMutex) Lock()
func (rw *RWMutex) Unlock()读操作
func (rw *RWMutex) RLock()
func (rw *RWMutex) RUnlock()RLocker()能获取读锁,然后传递给其他协程使用。
func (rw *RWMutex) RLocker() Locker


type Bank struct {sync.RWMutexbalance map[string]float64
}func (b *Bank) In(account string, value float64) {b.Lock()defer b.Unlock()v, ok := b.balance[account]if !ok {b.balance[account] = 0.0}b.balance[account] += v
}func (b *Bank) Out(account string, value float64) error {b.Lock()defer b.Unlock()v, ok := b.balance[account]if !ok || v < value {return errors.New("account not enough balance")}b.balance[account] -= valuereturn nil
}func (b *Bank) Query(account string) float64 {b.RLock()defer b.RUnlock()v, ok := b.balance[account]if !ok {return 0.0}return v



func (wg *WaitGroup) Add(delta int)  Add添加n个并发协程
func (wg *WaitGroup) Done()  Done完成一个并发协程
func (wg *WaitGroup) Wait()  Wait等待其它并发协程结束


func main() {wg := &sync.WaitGroup{}for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {wg.Add(1)go func() {defer func() {wg.Done()}()time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)fmt.Println("hello world ~")}()}// 等待所有协程结束wg.Wait()fmt.Println("WaitGroup all process done ~")



import  "github.com/remeh/sizedwaitgroup"func main() {# 最大10个并发wg := sizedwaitgroup.New(10)for i = 0; i < 1000; i++ {wg.Add()go func() {defer func() {wg.Done()}()time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)fmt.Println("hello world ~")}()}// 等待所有协程结束wg.Wait()fmt.Println("WaitGroup all process done ~")




type Once struct {m    Mutex     #互斥锁done uint32    #执行状态
}func (o *Once) Do(f func())


func main() {once := &sync.Once{}for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {go func(idx int) {once.Do(func() {time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)fmt.Printf("hello world index: %d", idx)})}(i)}time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)



// NewCond returns a new Cond with Locker l.
func NewCond(l Locker) *Cond {return &Cond{L: l}
}// A Locker represents an object that can be locked and unlocked.
type Locker interface {Lock()Unlock()


// Wait 等待通知
func (c *Cond) Wait()
// Signal 单播通知
func (c *Cond) Signal()
// Broadcast 广播通知
func (c *Cond) Broadcast()


var sharedRsc = make(map[string]interface{})
func main() {var wg sync.WaitGroupwg.Add(2)m := sync.Mutex{}c := sync.NewCond(&m)go func() {// this go routine wait for changes to the sharedRscc.L.Lock()for len(sharedRsc) == 0 {c.Wait()}fmt.Println(sharedRsc["rsc1"])c.L.Unlock()wg.Done()}()go func() {// this go routine wait for changes to the sharedRscc.L.Lock()for len(sharedRsc) == 0 {c.Wait()}fmt.Println(sharedRsc["rsc2"])c.L.Unlock()wg.Done()}()// this one writes changes to sharedRscc.L.Lock()sharedRsc["rsc1"] = "foo"sharedRsc["rsc2"] = "bar"c.Broadcast()c.L.Unlock()wg.Wait()




func (p *Pool) Get() interface{}
func (p *Pool) Put(x interface{})


var bufPool = sync.Pool{New: func() interface{} {return new(bytes.Buffer)},
}func timeNow() time.Time {return time.Unix(1136214245, 0)
}func Log(w io.Writer, key, val string) {// 获取临时对象,没有的话会自动创建b := bufPool.Get().(*bytes.Buffer)b.Reset()b.WriteString(timeNow().UTC().Format(time.RFC3339))b.WriteByte(' ')b.WriteString(key)b.WriteByte('=')b.WriteString(val)w.Write(b.Bytes())// 将临时对象放回到 Pool 中bufPool.Put(b)
}func main() {Log(os.Stdout, "path", "/search?q=flowers")






type MapWithLock struct {sync.RWMutexM map[string]Kline


// 查询一个key
func (m *Map) Load(key interface{}) (value interface{}, ok bool)
// 设置key value
func (m *Map) Store(key, value interface{})
// 如果key存在则返回key对应的value,否则设置key value
func (m *Map) LoadOrStore(key, value interface{}) (actual interface{}, loaded bool)
// 删除一个key
func (m *Map) Delete(key interface{})
// 遍历map,仍然是无序的
func (m *Map) Range(f func(key, value interface{}) bool)


// Based upon sync.WaitGroup, SizedWaitGroup allows to start multiple
// routines and to wait for their end using the simple API.// SizedWaitGroup adds the feature of limiting the maximum number of
// concurrently started routines. It could for example be used to start
// multiples routines querying a database but without sending too much
// queries in order to not overload the given database.
// Rémy Mathieu © 2016
package sizedwaitgroupimport ("context""math""sync"
)// SizedWaitGroup has the same role and close to the
// same API as the Golang sync.WaitGroup but adds a limit of
// the amount of goroutines started concurrently.
type SizedWaitGroup struct {Size intcurrent chan struct{}wg      sync.WaitGroup
}// New creates a SizedWaitGroup.
// The limit parameter is the maximum amount of
// goroutines which can be started concurrently.
func New(limit int) SizedWaitGroup {size := math.MaxInt32 // 2^32 - 1if limit > 0 {size = limit}return SizedWaitGroup{Size: size,current: make(chan struct{}, size),wg:      sync.WaitGroup{},}
}// Add increments the internal WaitGroup counter.
// It can be blocking if the limit of spawned goroutines
// has been reached. It will stop blocking when Done is
// been called.
// See sync.WaitGroup documentation for more information.
func (s *SizedWaitGroup) Add() {s.AddWithContext(context.Background())
}// AddWithContext increments the internal WaitGroup counter.
// It can be blocking if the limit of spawned goroutines
// has been reached. It will stop blocking when Done is
// been called, or when the context is canceled. Returns nil on
// success or an error if the context is canceled before the lock
// is acquired.
// See sync.WaitGroup documentation for more information.
func (s *SizedWaitGroup) AddWithContext(ctx context.Context) error {select {case <-ctx.Done():return ctx.Err()case s.current <- struct{}{}:break}s.wg.Add(1)return nil
}// Done decrements the SizedWaitGroup counter.
// See sync.WaitGroup documentation for more information.
func (s *SizedWaitGroup) Done() {<-s.currents.wg.Done()
}// Wait blocks until the SizedWaitGroup counter is zero.
// See sync.WaitGroup documentation for more information.
func (s *SizedWaitGroup) Wait() {s.wg.Wait()
package sizedwaitgroupimport ("context""sync/atomic""testing"
)func TestWait(t *testing.T) {swg := New(10)var c uint32for i := 0; i < 10000; i++ {swg.Add()go func(c *uint32) {defer swg.Done()atomic.AddUint32(c, 1)}(&c)}swg.Wait()if c != 10000 {t.Fatalf("%d, not all routines have been executed.", c)}
}func TestThrottling(t *testing.T) {var c uint32swg := New(4)if len(swg.current) != 0 {t.Fatalf("the SizedWaitGroup should start with zero.")}for i := 0; i < 10000; i++ {swg.Add()go func(c *uint32) {defer swg.Done()atomic.AddUint32(c, 1)if len(swg.current) > 4 {t.Fatalf("not the good amount of routines spawned.")return}}(&c)}swg.Wait()
}func TestNoThrottling(t *testing.T) {var c uint32swg := New(0)if len(swg.current) != 0 {t.Fatalf("the SizedWaitGroup should start with zero.")}for i := 0; i < 10000; i++ {swg.Add()go func(c *uint32) {defer swg.Done()atomic.AddUint32(c, 1)}(&c)}swg.Wait()if c != 10000 {t.Fatalf("%d, not all routines have been executed.", c)}
}func TestAddWithContext(t *testing.T) {ctx, cancelFunc := context.WithCancel(context.TODO())swg := New(1)if err := swg.AddWithContext(ctx); err != nil {t.Fatalf("AddContext returned error: %v", err)}cancelFunc()if err := swg.AddWithContext(ctx); err != context.Canceled {t.Fatalf("AddContext returned non-context.Canceled error: %v", err)}}
# SizedWaitGroup[![GoDoc](https://godoc.org/github.com/remeh/sizedwaitgroup?status.svg)](https://godoc.org/github.com/remeh/sizedwaitgroup)`SizedWaitGroup` has the same role and API as `sync.WaitGroup` but it adds a limit of the amount of goroutines started concurrently.`SizedWaitGroup` adds the feature of limiting the maximum number of concurrently started routines. It could for example be used to start multiples routines querying a database but without sending too much queries in order to not overload the given database.# Example```go
package mainimport ("fmt""math/rand""time""github.com/remeh/sizedwaitgroup"
)func main() {rand.Seed(time.Now().UnixNano())// Typical use-case:// 50 queries must be executed as quick as possible// but without overloading the database, so only// 8 routines should be started concurrently.swg := sizedwaitgroup.New(8)for i := 0; i < 50; i++ {swg.Add()go func(i int) {defer swg.Done()query(i)}(i)}swg.Wait()
}func query(i int) {fmt.Println(i)ms := i + 500 + rand.Intn(500)time.Sleep(time.Duration(ms) * time.Millisecond)
```# LicenseMIT# CopyrightRémy Mathieu © 2016

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