一 背景




二 功能特性

  • 简易的子命令行模式,如 app server, app fetch等等
  • 完全兼容posix命令行模式
  • 嵌套子命令subcommand
  • 支持全局,局部,串联flags
  • 使用Cobra很容易的生成应用程序和命令,使用cobra create appname和cobra add cmdname
  • 如果命令输入错误,将提供智能建议,如 app srver,将提示srver没有,是否是app server
  • 自动生成commands和flags的帮助信息
  • 自动生成详细的help信息,如app help
  • 自动识别-h,–help帮助flag
  • 自动生成应用程序在bash下命令自动完成功能
  • 自动生成应用程序的man手册
  • 命令行别名
  • 自定义help和usage信息
  • 可选的紧密集成的viper apps

三 使用Cobra

3.1 安装

Cobra安装非常简单,可以使用go get获取即可,安装完成后,打开GOPATH目录,bin目录下应该有已经编译好的cobra,当然也可以使用源码编译安装。

  • 命令自身的一些基本信息,用command表示,具体对象是 cobra.Command
  • 命令的一些标致或者选项,用flag表示,具体对象是 flag.FlagSet
  • 最后的参数,用args表示,通常是[]string


go get -u test.com/a/b

这里 get 就是commond(这里比较特殊), -u 就是flag, test.com/a/b 就是args

3.2 生成应用程序

$ /Users/xuel/workspace/goworkspace/bin/cobra init --pkg-name smartant-cli
Your Cobra application is ready at
$ ls
LICENSE cmd     go.mod  go.sum  main.go
$ tree
├── cmd
│   └── root.go
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
└── main.go1 directory, 5 files

3.3 设计cls程序

在smartant-cli 目录下创建imp目录,器重编写utils.go文件,内入如下

package utilsimport "fmt"func Show(name string, age int) {fmt.Printf("name is %s, age is %d", name, age)
  • main.go
package mainimport "github.com/kaliarch/smartant-cli/cmd"func main() {cmd.Execute()


  • root.go
Copyright © 2021 NAME HERE <EMAIL ADDRESS>Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License athttp://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package cmdimport ("fmt""github.com/spf13/cobra""os"homedir "github.com/mitchellh/go-homedir""github.com/spf13/viper"
)var cfgFile string// rootCmd represents the base command when called without any subcommands
var rootCmd = &cobra.Command{Use:   "smartant-cli",Short: "SmartAnt linux agent cli",Long: `
smartant-cli is a CLI for SmartAnt applications.
This application is a tool to migrations linux system.`,// Uncomment the following line if your bare application// has an action associated with it:// Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { },
}// Execute adds all child commands to the root command and sets flags appropriately.
// This is called by main.main(). It only needs to happen once to the rootCmd.
func Execute() {if err := rootCmd.Execute(); err != nil {fmt.Println(err)os.Exit(1)}
}func init() {cobra.OnInitialize(initConfig)// Here you will define your flags and configuration settings.// Cobra supports persistent flags, which, if defined here,// will be global for your application.rootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVar(&cfgFile, "config", "", "config file (default is $HOME/.smartant-cli.yaml)")// Cobra also supports local flags, which will only run// when this action is called directly.rootCmd.Flags().BoolP("toggle", "t", false, "Help message for toggle")
}// initConfig reads in config file and ENV variables if set.
func initConfig() {if cfgFile != "" {// Use config file from the flag.viper.SetConfigFile(cfgFile)} else {// Find home directory.home, err := homedir.Dir()if err != nil {fmt.Println(err)os.Exit(1)}// Search config in home directory with name ".smartant-cli" (without extension).viper.AddConfigPath(home)viper.SetConfigName(".smartant-cli")}viper.AutomaticEnv() // read in environment variables that match// If a config file is found, read it in.if err := viper.ReadInConfig(); err == nil {fmt.Println("Using config file:", viper.ConfigFileUsed())}


Copyright © 2021 NAME HERE <EMAIL ADDRESS>Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License athttp://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package cmdimport ("fmt""github.com/spf13/cobra"//"github.com/spf13/viper""github.com/kaliarch/cobra-demo/utils""os"
)var cfgFile string//var name string
//var age int
var command string// rootCmd represents the base command when called without any subcommands
var rootCmd = &cobra.Command{Use:   "cobra-demo",Short: "A brief description of your application",Long: `A longer description that spans multiple lines and likely contains
examples and usage of using your application. For example:Cobra is a CLI library for Go that empowers applications.
This application is a tool to generate the needed files
to quickly create a Cobra application.`,// Uncomment the following line if your bare application// has an action associated with it:// Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { },Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {//if len(name) == 0 {//    cmd.Help()//    return//}//imp.Show(name, age)if len(command) == 0 {cmd.Help()return}utils.Cmd(command)},
}// Execute adds all child commands to the root command and sets flags appropriately.
// This is called by main.main(). It only needs to happen once to the rootCmd.
func Execute() {if err := rootCmd.Execute(); err != nil {fmt.Println(err)os.Exit(-1)}
}func init() {//cobra.OnInitialize(initConfig)// Here you will define your flags and configuration settings.// Cobra supports persistent flags, which, if defined here,// will be global for your application.rootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVar(&cfgFile, "config", "", "config file (default is $HOME/.smartant-agent.yaml)")// Cobra also supports local flags, which will only run// when this action is called directly.//rootCmd.Flags().BoolP("toggle", "t", false, "Help message for toggle")//rootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&name, "name", "n", "", "person name")//rootCmd.PersistentFlags().IntVarP(&age, "age", "a", 0, "person age")rootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&command, "command", "o", "", "execute command context")}// initConfig reads in config file and ENV variables if set.
//func initConfig() {//  if cfgFile != "" {//      // Use config file from the flag.
//      viper.SetConfigFile(cfgFile)
//  } else {//      // Find home directory.
//      home, err := homedir.Dir()
//      if err != nil {//          fmt.Println(err)
//          os.Exit(1)
//      }
//      // Search config in home directory with name ".cobra-demo" (without extension).
//      viper.AddConfigPath(home)
//      viper.SetConfigName(".cobra-demo")
//  }
//  viper.AutomaticEnv() // read in environment variables that match
//  // If a config file is found, read it in.
//  if err := viper.ReadInConfig(); err == nil {//      fmt.Println("Using config file:", viper.ConfigFileUsed())
//  }

3.4 执行

# 编译
$ go build -o smartant-cli
$ ./smartant-cli smartant-cli is a CLI for SmartAnt applications.
This application is a tool to migrations linux system.Usage:smartant-cli [flags]Flags:-a, --age int       persons age-h, --help          help for smartant-cli-n, --name string   persons name
$ ./smartant-cli -a 11 -n "xuel"
name is xuel, age is 11%

四 实现带有子命令的clis

在执行cobra.exe init demo之后,继续使用cobra为demo添加子命令test:

4.1 生成sysinfo子命令

$ /Users/xuel/workspace/goworkspace/bin/cobra add sysinfo
sysinfo created at /Users/xuel/workspace/goworkspace/src/github.com/kaliarch/smartant-cli
$ tree
├── cmd
│   ├── root.go
│   └── sysinfo.go
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
├── main.go
├── smartant-cli
└── utils└── utils.go

4.2 查看子命令

$ go build -o smartant-cli
$ ./smartant-cli smartant-cli is a CLI for SmartAnt applications.
This application is a tool to migrations linux system.Usage:smartant-cli [flags]smartant-cli [command]Available Commands:help        Help about any commandsysinfo     A brief description of your commandFlags:-a, --age int       persons age-h, --help          help for smartant-cli-n, --name string   persons nameUse "smartant-cli [command] --help" for more information about a command.
$ ./smartant-cli sysinfo -h
A longer description that spans multiple lines and likely contains examples
and usage of using your command. For example:Cobra is a CLI library for Go that empowers applications.
This application is a tool to generate the needed files
to quickly create a Cobra application.Usage:smartant-cli sysinfo [flags]Flags:-h, --help   help for sysinfo

4.3 编写子命令

  • sysinfo.go
Copyright © 2021 NAME HERE <EMAIL ADDRESS>Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License athttp://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package cmdimport ("fmt""github.com/kaliarch/smartant-cli/utils""github.com/spf13/cobra"
)var (host, pwd, username stringport                intcommand             string
)// sysinfoCmd represents the sysinfo command
var sysinfoCmd = &cobra.Command{Use:   "sysinfo",Short: "check sys info message",Long: `A longer description that spans multiple lines and likely contains examples
and usage of using your command. For example:Cobra is a CLI library for Go that empowers applications.
This application is a tool to generate the needed files
to quickly create a Cobra application.`,Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {if len(host) == 0 || len(pwd) == 0 {cmd.Help()return}fmt.Println("sysinfo called")utils.Sysinfo(host, pwd, username, port, command)fmt.Println("sysinfo called commpled")},
}func init() {rootCmd.AddCommand(sysinfoCmd)// Here you will define your flags and configuration settings.// Cobra supports Persistent Flags which will work for this command// and all subcommands, e.g.:// sysinfoCmd.PersistentFlags().String("foo", "", "A help for foo")// Cobra supports local flags which will only run when this command// is called directly, e.g.:// sysinfoCmd.Flags().BoolP("toggle", "t", false, "Help message for toggle")sysinfoCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&host, "host", "i", "", "host ip addr")sysinfoCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&username, "username", "u", "", "host username")sysinfoCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&command, "command", "c", "", "command")sysinfoCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&pwd, "pwd", "p", "", "host password")sysinfoCmd.Flags().IntVarP(&port, "port", "P", 0, "host port")
  • utils.go
package utilsimport ("bytes""fmt""golang.org/x/crypto/ssh""net""strings"//"strconv""log"
)// smartant-cli
func Show(name string, age int) {fmt.Printf("name is %s, age is %d", name, age)
}func sshConnect(user, pwd, host string, port int) (*ssh.Session, error) {var (auth         []ssh.AuthMethodaddr         stringclientConfig *ssh.ClientConfigclient       *ssh.Clientsession      *ssh.Sessionerr          error)// get auth methodauth = make([]ssh.AuthMethod, 0)auth = append(auth, ssh.Password(pwd))// host key callbkhostKeyCallbk := func(host string, remote net.Addr, key ssh.PublicKey) error {return nil}clientConfig = &ssh.ClientConfig{User:            user,Auth:            auth,HostKeyCallback: hostKeyCallbk,BannerCallback:  nil,//ClientVersion:     "",//HostKeyAlgorithms: nil,//Timeout: 10000000,}// connet to sshaddr = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", host, port)if client, err = ssh.Dial("tcp", addr, clientConfig); err != nil {return nil, err}// create sessionif session, err = client.NewSession(); err != nil {return nil, err}return session, nil
}func Sysinfo(host, pwd, username string, port int, cmd string) {var stdOut, stdErr bytes.Buffer// 使用用户名,密码登陆session, err := sshConnect(username, pwd, host, port)if err != nil {log.Fatal(err)}defer session.Close()session.Stdout = &stdOutsession.Stderr = &stdErrsession.Run(cmd)fmt.Println(strings.Replace(stdOut.String(), "\n", " ", -1))
  • 执行测试
$ ./smartant-cli sysinfo
A longer description that spans multiple lines and likely contains examples
and usage of using your command. For example:Cobra is a CLI library for Go that empowers applications.
This application is a tool to generate the needed files
to quickly create a Cobra application.Usage:smartant-cli sysinfo [flags]Flags:-c, --command string    command-h, --help              help for sysinfo-i, --host string       host ip addr-P, --port int          host port-p, --pwd string        host password-u, --username string   host username$ ./smartant-cli sysinfo -i -u root -P 22 -p xxxxxxx -c "cat /etc/hosts"
sysinfo called
::1     localhost       localhost.localdomain   localhost6      localhost6.localdomain6      localhost       localhost.localdomain   localhost4      localhost4.localdomain4   localhost        localhost     hw-server       hw-server
sysinfo called commpled

五 其他

Cobra非常强大,能够帮助我们快速创建命令行工具,但是如果直接仅仅写一个非常简单的命令行工具,flag选项非常少,golang built-in的flag库够了。当然使用看个人选择,Cobra更适合复杂的命令行工具。

golang/云原生/Docker/DevOps/K8S/持续集成/分布式/etcd/ipfs 学习群:960994558

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