
1.  求两个经纬点的方位角,P0(latA, lonA), P1(latB, lonB)(很多博客写的不是很好,这里总结一下)

def getDegree(latA, lonA, latB, lonB):



point p1(latA, lonA)

point p2(latB, lonB)


bearing between the two GPS points,

default: the basis of heading direction is north


radLatA = radians(latA)

radLonA = radians(lonA)

radLatB = radians(latB)

radLonB = radians(lonB)

dLon = radLonB - radLonA

y = sin(dLon) * cos(radLatB)

x = cos(radLatA) * sin(radLatB) - sin(radLatA) * cos(radLatB) * cos(dLon)

brng = degrees(atan2(y, x))

brng = (brng + 360) % 360

return brng

2.  求两个经纬点的距离函数:P0(latA, lonA), P1(latB, lonB)

def getDistance(latA, lonA, latB, lonB):

ra = 6378140 # radius of equator: meter

rb = 6356755 # radius of polar: meter

flatten = (ra - rb) / ra # Partial rate of the earth

# change angle to radians

radLatA = radians(latA)

radLonA = radians(lonA)

radLatB = radians(latB)

radLonB = radians(lonB)

pA = atan(rb / ra * tan(radLatA))

pB = atan(rb / ra * tan(radLatB))

x = acos(sin(pA) * sin(pB) + cos(pA) * cos(pB) * cos(radLonA - radLonB))

c1 = (sin(x) - x) * (sin(pA) + sin(pB))**2 / cos(x / 2)**2

c2 = (sin(x) + x) * (sin(pA) - sin(pB))**2 / sin(x / 2)**2

dr = flatten / 8 * (c1 - c2)

distance = ra * (x + dr)

return distance


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