
Have you been looking for a quick and easy way to take partial or full screenshots of a webpage in Firefox? Now you can have either type with just a couple of clicks using the Abduction! extension for Firefox.

您是否一直在寻找一种快速简便的方法来在Firefox中拍摄网页的部分或全部屏幕截图? 现在,使用“绑架”,您只需单击几下就可以选择任一种类型! Firefox扩展。



Usually if you want a screenshot of a webpage you can only capture the visible area within the browser window…


Getting the entire webpage as pieces or editing all those pieces into one larger pic is enough to frustrate anyone. But there is a much easier and quicker way to do it.

将整个网页分段或将所有这些分段编辑为一个较大的图片足以使任何人感到沮丧。 但是,有一种更简便快捷的方法。


Once you have installed the extension you are ready to go…right click anywhere within the webpage and select “Save Page As Image…”.


You will notice that the entire webpage will be “shaded over” and there will be a “yellow area” where you right clicked. The “yellow area” is a starting point for whatever type of screenshot you wish to take. You will also see a temporary “toolbar” at the top of the webpage with a “Save Button”.

您会注意到整个网页将被“遮盖”,并且在您单击鼠标右键的地方将出现“黄色区域”。 “黄色区域”是您想要拍摄的任何类型的屏幕截图的起点。 您还将在网页顶部看到一个带有“保存按钮”的临时“工具栏”。

You can easily resize the “yellow area” just like you would with a regular app window that is not maximized…


The “yellow area” can also be moved or repositioned very easily…


Perhaps you just need the whole page at once…double left click in the webpage area and the entire webpage is selected for the screenshot. All that you will need to do once you have the desired area selected is click on the “Save Button”.

也许您一次只需要整个页面……在网页区域中双击鼠标左键,然后选择整个网页作为屏幕截图。 选择了所需区域后,您需要做的所有事情就是单击“保存按钮”。

The images will be saved in a .png format…


Here is the screenshot that we took of the webpage open in Paint.NET at 66%…that is a nice sized screenshot at almost 6,800 pixels in length.




If you have been needing a quick and easy way to get screenshots of webpages, then it just does not get any easier than this. The Abduction! extension is definitely a recommended add-on for Firefox.

如果您一直需要一种快速简便的方法来获取网页的屏幕截图,那么这没有比这更容易的了。 绑架! 绝对是Firefox推荐的扩展。



Download the Abduction! extension (Mozilla Add-ons)

下载绑架! 扩展(Mozilla附加组件)

Download the Abduction! extension (Extension Homepage)

下载绑架! 扩展程序(扩展程序首页)

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/7119/take-screenshots-in-firefox-the-easy-way/



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