Unit2 介词和并列连词



1.1 常见介词及辨析

  • 表示地点时,at, in, on的区别

    at后面跟的是比较小的地方,比如村庄,小城市,门牌等;in后面接比较大的地方,比如国家、城市等;on表示在某物之上,且表面接触。例如:on the road, in/on the stree, on the farm, in the field

  • 表示时间时at, on , in的区别

    1. at表示时间点

      at six
      at noon
      at midnight
      at night
      at sunrise
      at the weekend
      at Christmas
    2. on表示在特定某一天或某天的上午,下午,晚上(时间段)

      on Monday
      on Sunday afternoon
    3. in表示一段时间,后面跟上小时、周、月、年、季等表示一段时间的名词

      in three hours
      in a week
      in a month
      in tree years


      def work(time):res="in"if type(time)=="时间点":res="at"elif type(time)=="时间段":if time=="具体某天" or time=="具体某天某段时间":res="on"return res
  • 表示持续时间的since, for, in, after的区别

    1. since接过去某个时间点,表示“自…以来”,常用于完成时。

      She has been working here since 2007.
    2. for接一段具体的时间,常用于完成时,表示时间的延续。

      I have studied English for 7 years.
    3. in+一段时间与非延续性动词连用,表示一段时间以后,多用于将来时。

      Jack will be back in a week.
    4. after+一段时间表示“…之后”,常用于过去时。

      After one month, the baby began to learn climbing.

  • 表示方位的介词in, on, to, off的区别

    1. in表示在境内

      in China
      in Europe
    2. on表示相邻或在边界上,不在境内

      on the border between Kenya and Tanzania.
    3. to表示在境外,不接壤

      Beijing lies to the north of Shanghai.
    4. off表示在海面上靠近海岸的地方

      off the southwest coast of the U.S.

  • 表示运动方向或目的的介词

    1. across表示穿过物体表面或横过

      across the street
      across the English Channel
    2. through表示在某一空间通过或纵向穿过

      through the forest
      go through the valley
    3. along表示沿着一条线平行

      go along the bank of the river
    4. up表示向上,由南到北,由东到西,由沿海到内陆,由小地方到大地方,由农村到城市,反之则用down

      go up to London for the day
      drive all the way down from Wuhan in Guilin
    5. to表示动作的目的地

      travel to Beijing
      our weekly trip to the supermarket
    6. towards指朝向,而无到达的意思

      walk towards the river
      look out towards the sea
    7. for表示前往的目的地,与其连用的动词有leave, start off, set out, head, sail

      leave for New York
      a ship heading for Dalian

  • 表示“除…之外”的介词


    Besides the Black, six couples attended the party last Saturday.


    The museum is open every day except Tuesday.

    but:表示排除,多和nobody, none, no one, nothing, anything, everyone, all, who等连用

    Nothing but trouble will come of this plan. # 注意排除的是前面主语部分
    # A but B
    # 表示全集A挖去子集B剩下的集合

    except for:表示出去整体中的部分,意为“只不过,只是”,有大体肯定,细节指正的意思

    Your composition is very good except for a few spelling mistakes.
  • amongbetween


    The news sparked a heated debate among people on social media.
    # 这一消息在社交媒体上引发了人们的激烈讨论


    Peter sat between Mary and Jane.
  • 表示价格、比率、标准、速度的介词

    at:表示价值、价格、比率或速度,例如buy sth. at a half price

    for:表示交换,指总价钱,如pay $3 for a ticket


    We're paid by the hour. # 我们按小时计费
    Increase by 20% # 增长20%
  • against

    ​ 值得注意的是,against是介词,而不是动词

    • 表示“反对,不利于,对着,违背”

      We are all against his idea.
      He was married against his will. # 他结婚是违背本意的
      There were 20 votes for him and 12 against him. # 有20票赞成他,12票反对他
    • 表示“靠着,盯着,迎着”

      He stood with his back against the door.
      He hit his head against the window.
      Bright red flags flow in the wind against the blue sky.
  • beyond

    • 表示位置,意思是“在…的那一边,在…之外,在更远处"

      The new housing estate stretches beyond the playing-fields. # 新的住宅区一直延伸到游乐场的另一边
    • 表示时间,意思是“迟于,超过"

      Some shops keep open beyond midnight. # 有些商店营业到半夜之后
    • 表示范围、水平、限度、能力,意思是“超出,多余,为…所不能及"

      Your work is beyond all praise. # 你的作品让人称赞不已
      She was really touched beyond words. # 她确实被感动的无法形容
    • 表示年龄或数量,意思是"超过"

      He didn't believe in people living beyond 150. # 他不能相信人能活到150岁以上
    • 用在否定和疑问句中,意思是“除…之外"

      I know nothing beyond what he told me. # 除了他告诉我的,我一无所知# 常用搭配
      beyond belief # 难以置信
      beyond doubt # 无疑的
      beyond compare # 无与伦比的,举世无双
      beyond recognition # 认不出来,无法辨认
      beyond control # 无法控制的
      beyond repair # 无法修理
      beyond description # 难以形容

    1.2 固定介词搭配

    • 介词+名词

      1. at+名词

        at war # 正在交战
        at work # 正在工作
        at peace # 处于和平或平静状态
        at table # 正在吃饭
        at meeting # 在开会
        be at school # 正在上学
        at church # 在做礼拜
        at breakfast/lunch/supper # 正在吃早(午/晚)饭
      2. in+名词

        in progress # 正在进展中
        in fashion # 流行
        in church # 在做礼拜
        in danger # 处在危险中
        in class # 在上课
        in turn # 依次
        in action # 在运转
        in hospital # 在住院
        in tears # 在流泪
        in office # 在执政
        in power # 掌握权力
        in operation # 生效,起作用
        in need # 在贫困中
        in addition # 此外
        in time # 及时
        in trouble # 处于困境之中
        in one's opinion # 根据某人的看法
      3. on+名词

        on strike # 在罢工
        on leave # 在休假
        on the rise # 在上涨
        on a visit # 正在访问
        on sale # 正在出售
        on time # 准时
        on earth # 究竟;在地球上
        on the contrary # 相反
      4. under+名词

        under consideration # 在考虑之中
        under construction # 在修建中
        under discussion # 在讨论中
        under treatment # 在治疗中
        under repair # 在修理中
        under attack # 受到攻击
    • 形容词+介词

      1. at有关的

        be angry at sth. # 对某事感到生气
        be good at # 擅长于
        be bad at # 不擅长
        be surprised at # 对...感到吃惊
        be clever at # 擅长
        be terrified at # 对...感到害怕
      2. of有关的

        be afraid of # 害怕
        be sure of # 对...有把握
        be full of # 充满
        be tired of # 对...感到厌倦
        be fond of # 喜欢
        be proud of # 对...感到自豪
        be worthy of # 应得到某物
        be centain of # 对...确定的
      3. with有关的

        be angry with sb. # 对某人感到生气
        be strict with sb. # 对某人要求严格
        be careful with # 受到...欢迎
        be busy with # 因...而繁忙
        be popular with # 受到...欢迎
      4. to有关的

        be next to # 与...相邻
        be good to # 对...好
        be polite to # 对...有礼貌
        be kind to # 友好对待
        be cruel to # 对...残暴
        be rude to # 对...无理
        be married to # 嫁给,娶
        be close to # 靠近,挨着
        be near to # 距离...近
        be similar to # 与...相似
        be known to # 为...所知
        be due to # 是由于
      5. for有关的

        be good for # 对...有利
        be free for # 对...免费
        be fit for # 对...合适的
        be unfit for # 对...不合适
        be eager for # 渴望
        be hungry for # 渴望
        be anxious for # 为...感到焦虑,担心
        be sorry for # 为...感到抱歉
        be known for # 因...而闻名
      6. from有关的

        be far from # 远离
        be different from # 不同于
        be free from # 使...免于
        be safe from # 没有...的危险
        be absent from # 缺席
    • “动词+介词”固定搭配

      1. 动词+at

        glare at # 瞪着
        laugh at # 嘲笑
        stare at # 瞪着
        arrive at # 到达,抵达
      2. 动词+for

        mistake... for... 将...误作
        search for 搜寻
        pay for # 为...付费
        run for # 竞选
        blame...for... # 因...责备
        charge for # 索价,收费
        leave... for... # 离开,前往
        account for # 解释,是...的原因,占
      3. 动词+from

        die from # 死于
        hear from sb. # 收到某人的来信
        keep...from... # 阻止...做
        prevent...from... # 阻止...做
        stop...from... # 阻止...做
        # stoping him from doing it!
        protect...from...  # 保护...免受...
        distinguish...from... # 使...区别于...
        recover from... # 从...回复
        separate... from... # 将....与...分离
        suffer from # 遭受,受...之苦
        tell...from... # 将...与...区分
        discourage sb. from. # 劝别人不要
      4. 动词+in

        involve ... in ... # 将...牵扯进来
        result in # 导致,造成
        result from # 由...造成,因...产生
        succeed in # 在...方面成功
        lie in # 在于
        believe in # 信任,相信
      5. 动词+into

        divide...into... # 将...划分为
        change...into... # 将...转变
      6. 动词+of

        accuse sb. of ... # 指责某人有错
        approve of # 赞成,赞同
        consist of # 包括,由...构成
        complain of # 抱怨,诉说
        die of # 死于
        convince ...  of ... # 使相信
        remind ... of ... # 使...想起,记起
        hear of # 听说,听说过
        think of #想起
        rob sb. of sth. # 抢劫某人某物
        be made up of # 由...构成
        be composed of # 由...组成
        warn sb. of sth. # 警告某人某事
      7. 动词+on/upon

        agree on # 就...达成一致
        base ... on # 基于
        concentrate on # 集中注意力
        congratulate ... on ...  # 因...而祝贺
        count on # 指望,依靠
        depend on # 依赖于,取决于
        feed on # 以...为食
        insist on # 坚持,坚决要求
        live on # 以...为生
        keep on # 持续做
        operate on # 在...操作
        rely on # 依靠
      8. 动词+介词to

        adapt ... to ... # 将...调整为
        agree to # 赞同
        appeal to # 对...有吸引力
        apply ... to ... # 将...应用于
        belong to # 属于
        contribute to # 有助于
        devote ... to ... # 投身于
        entitle ... to ... # 使...具有...的权利或资格
        lead to # 导致
        object to # 反对
        owe ... to ... # 归功于
        react to ... # 对...做出反映
        refer to # 指,涉及
        relate to # 涉及,有关
        respond to # 响应
        stick to # 坚持,继续做
        subject ... to... # 使...顺从。使...遭受
      9. 动词+with

        agree with # 同意
        associate with # 与...联系
        charge ... with ... # 使承担(责任,义务)
        communicate with # 与...沟通
        compare with # 与...相比较
        conflict with # 与...起冲突
        contrast ... with ... # 与...相比
        cope with # 处理,音符
        share with # 与...分享
        do with # 应付,处置,处理
        deal with # 处理
    • with复合结构


      The teacher with a smile on his face is my English teacher.With all this work to do, I won't have time to go out.He often sleeps with the windows open.He stood before his teacher with his head downAll the afrernoon he worked with the door locked.
    • 短语介词


      out of # 从....中出来
      because of # 因为
      away from # 距离...
      on top of # 在...之上
      ever since # 自从
      next to # 在...隔壁
      according to # 根据...
      in front of # 代替
      in addition to # 除...之外
      for fear of # 以免
      in case of # 以免
      in fear of # 为...提心吊胆
      thanks to # 由于
      according to # 根据
      in the middle of # 在...中间
      in front of # 在...前面
      in charge of # 负责
      in return for # 作为对...的回报
      in exchange for # 与...交换
      as a result of # 作为...的结果

2. 并列连词


2.1 并列连词


  • 表示转折关系的并列连词


    • 但是(语义很强,上下文完全相反的那种)


    • 可是(语义较弱,一般上下文有关联)


    • 而,却
    Mary likes classical music, but her husband likes rock music.I've been away only for three years, yet I can hardly recognize my hometown.The son was having a good meal at home, while the parents were working in the fields.though 和 although 不能和 but 连用
  • 表示选择关系的并列连词


    • 或者,否则

    either or

    • 要么

    neither nor

    • 既不也不


    • 要不然
    Work harder, or you'll fall behind.Either we will find a supply, or we will make the goods.Neither was the price satisfactory, nor did the colour agree with me.We'll go early, otherwise we may not get a seat.neither nor 需要倒装
  • 表示并列关系的并列连词


    not only but also

    when(and just at this time)

    Follow the advice of the docter, and you'll be well very soon.Not only will help be given to disabled persons to find jobs, but also medical treatment will be provided for people who need it.I was about to go out when someone knocked at the door.# be about to
    # 即将做某事
  • 表示因果的并列连词


    • 因为


    • 因此
    She found it increasingly difficult to read, for her eyesight was beginning to fail.I was an only child, so I had no experience of large families.# because 不能跟so 连用
    # 并列连词for引导的分句只能放句尾,表示补充说明的微弱理由

2.2 并列连词的连词与主谓一致


  • 基本用法




    both ---> neither
    both and ---> neither nor
    Both of the boys are handsome. # 都帅Neither of the boys are handsome. # 都不帅Both of the boys aren't handsome. # 不都帅I know both the man and the woman.I know neither the man nor the woman.
  • 主谓一致

    当连词或连词短语连接两个成分,重点强调“其中之一”时,要采用就近原则,如or, either...or..., neither...nor..., not only...but also...需要与最近的主语人称、数保持一致

    Neither he nor her was at home.Either my father or my brothers are coming.

2.3 or的用法

  • 引出另一种可能性,表示“还是,或者"

    Are you coming or not? # 你来不来嘛
  • 表示“也不”


    I don't like tea or coffee. # 我既不喜欢茶,也不喜欢咖啡
  • 用于警告


    Hurry up, or you will be late for school.
  • 表示“或者说”


    He likes geology, or the science of the earth's crust.
  • 常见固定短语

    or so # 大约
    more or less # 或多或少
    believe it or not # 信不信由你

2.4 祈使句+and

  • 祈使句+and/or+陈述句


    Wait for a moment and you will find something interesting.Speak the truth or you will be punished.
  • 祈使句+and+陈述句的变化形式

    1. 祈使句+破折号+陈述句

      Try some of this juice--perhaps you'll like it.
    2. 名词词组+and+陈述句

      More effort, and you will succeed.# 这个句型能够转变成条件状语成句
      Work hard, and you will succeed.
      ---> If you work hard, you will succeed.Hurry up, or you'll miss the last bus.
      ---> If you don't hurry up, you will miss the last bus.

【英语语法】Unit2 介词和并列连词相关推荐

  1. 初中英语语法(020)-介词

    介词 介词又称作前置词,表示名词.代词等与句中其他词的关系,在句中不能单独作句子成分.介词后面一般有名词.代词或相当于名词的其他词类.短语或从句作它的宾语,表示与其他成分的关系.介词和它的宾语构成介词 ...

  2. 英语语法的介词省略现象

    英语里有一些在人们的语言交流中约定俗成的习惯性省略,介词的省略就属于这类现象. 1 常见的介词省略 与spend, have difficulty (trouble, a hard time), wa ...

  3. 【考研英语语法】介词 Preposition

    1. 介词原理 实词: 大多代表具体的,有实际意义的 虚词: 抽象的概念 介词属于虚词,就是为了介绍实词存在的, 介词一般放在名词,代词等前,给它们增添"附加信息",附加信息包括: ...

  4. 【考研英语语法】介词短语

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  5. 英语语法总结11(并列句、省略)

  6. 英语语法---介词详解

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  7. 英语语法学习总结整合版

    目录 一.英语语言概述 1.1词的分类 1.2构词法 1.3句子成分 1.4短语 1.5从句 1.6句型 1.7逻辑英语 附:知识点补充 英语宾补和双宾的区别是什么 复合宾语(宾语补足语) 什么是状语 ...

  8. 【考研英语语法】并列连词详解

    0 并列连词练习题 主题 地址链接 并列连词 点击跳转 1. 体会并列结构: and 1.并列名词:She plays tennis and badminton. 2.并列动词:Jack can si ...

  9. 《薄冰实用英语语法详解》独家连载之十五:并列连词

    并列连词 并列连词(Coordinating Conjunctions)是指用来连接彼此是并列关系的词.短语.从句或句子的词,被连接的两个部分彼此是独立的,在句法上是平等的. 1. 并列连词的种类 类 ...


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