import java.nio.file.Files; //导入方法依赖的package包/类


public void setFileHiddenAttribute(

String sourceFile,

boolean hidden ) {

sourceFile = IoUtils.normalizeFilePath(sourceFile, osType);

checkFileExistence(new File(sourceFile));

final String errMsg = "Could not " + (hidden

? "set"

: "unset")

+ " the hidden attribute of file '" + sourceFile + "'";

if (OperatingSystemType.getCurrentOsType().isWindows()) {

try {

Path path = Paths.get(sourceFile);

DosFileAttributes attr;

attr = Files.readAttributes(path, DosFileAttributes.class, LinkOption.NOFOLLOW_LINKS);

boolean goHidden = attr.isHidden();

if (!hidden && goHidden) {

Files.setAttribute(path, "dos:hidden", false, LinkOption.NOFOLLOW_LINKS);

} else if (hidden && !goHidden) {

Files.setAttribute(path, "dos:hidden", true, LinkOption.NOFOLLOW_LINKS);


} catch (IOException e) {

throw new FileSystemOperationException(errMsg, e);


} else if (OperatingSystemType.getCurrentOsType().isUnix()) {

// a '.' prefix makes the file hidden

String filePath = IoUtils.getFilePath(sourceFile);

String fileName = IoUtils.getFileName(sourceFile);

if (hidden) {

if (fileName.startsWith(".")) {

log.warn("File '" + sourceFile + "' is already hidden. No changes are made!");


} else {

fileName = "." + fileName;


} else {

if (!fileName.startsWith(".")) {

log.warn("File '" + sourceFile + "' is already NOT hidden. No changes are made!");


} else {

fileName = fileName.substring(1);



renameFile(sourceFile, filePath + fileName, false);

} else {

throw new FileSystemOperationException(errMsg + ": Unknown OS type");



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