import net.sf.freecol.server.model.ServerPlayer; //导入方法依赖的package包/类

public void testHorsesLost() {

Game game = ServerTestHelper.startServerGame(getTestMap(true));

Map map = game.getMap();

AIMain aiMain = ServerTestHelper.getServer().getAIMain();

// Create players, settlement and unit

ServerPlayer inca = (ServerPlayer)game.getPlayerByNationId("model.nation.inca");

ServerPlayer dutch = (ServerPlayer)game.getPlayerByNationId("model.nation.dutch");


Tile settlementTile = map.getTile(2, 1);

FreeColTestCase.IndianSettlementBuilder builder

= new FreeColTestCase.IndianSettlementBuilder(game);


IndianSettlement is = settlementTile.getIndianSettlement();

Player.makeContact(inca, dutch);

Tile unitTile = map.getTile(2, 2);

Unit scout = new ServerUnit(game, unitTile, dutch,

scoutType, scoutRole);

assertEquals(scoutRole, scout.getRole());

AIUnit aiUnit = aiMain.getAIUnit(scout);


assertNotNull("The scout should be an AI unit", aiUnit);

assertEquals("Scout should have the scout role", scoutRole,


assertTrue("Scout should be able to speak to chief",


assertEquals("The Inca settlement should be a scouting target", null,

ScoutingMission.invalidReason(aiUnit, is));

assertEquals("The Inca settlement should be found as scouting target",

is, ScoutingMission.findTarget(aiUnit, 10, false));

assertEquals("Scouting mission should be assignable to scout", null,


ScoutingMission mission

= new ScoutingMission(aiMain, aiUnit, is);

assertEquals("Scout should have been assigned the Scouting mission",

mission, aiUnit.getMission());

assertEquals(null, mission.invalidReason());

assertTrue("Scouting mission should be valid",


assertEquals("Scouting mission target should be the Inca settlement",

is, mission.getTarget());

// Invalidate the mission by losing the horses.

scout.changeRole(spec().getDefaultRole(), 0);

assertFalse("Scout should not have the scout role",


assertNotNull("Scouting mission should be invalid",


assertNotNull("Scouting mission should be impossible for this unit",


// Restore the horses.

scout.changeRole(scoutRole, 1);

assertTrue("Scouting mission should be valid again",


// Complete the mission, should be invalid.


assertFalse("Scouting mission should be invalid lacking target",


// Add an LCR. Mission could become valid again.

Tile lcrTile = map.getTile(2, 3);

lcrTile.addLostCityRumour(new LostCityRumour(game, lcrTile));

assertEquals("Scouting mission should be possible for this unit", null,


assertEquals("The LCR tile should be a scouting target",

lcrTile, ScoutingMission.findTarget(aiUnit, 10, false));


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