SAP Fiori elements provide designs for UI patterns and predefined templates for common application use cases.

SAP Fiori Elements 提供了预定义的模板和 UI 样式,适用于 SAP 应用的通用应用场合。

App developers can use SAP Fiori elements to create SAP Fiori applications based on OData services and annotations that don’t need JavaScript UI coding.

使用 SAP Fiori Elements,应用开发人员可以创建基于 OData 服务和注解的 Fiori 应用,而无需额外的 JavaScript 编程。

The resulting app uses predefined views and controllers that are provided centrally.

Fiori Elements 应用使用的视图和控制器,都是 SAP UI5 框架统一提供的。这些统一的视图,控制器,component.js, 如下图所示:

This means no application-specific view instances are required.


The SAPUI5 runtime interprets metadata and annotations of the underlying OData service and uses the corresponding views for the SAP Fiori app at startup.

运行时,SAP UI5 解析 OData 服务和注解中包含的元数据,将其同业务数据一起,使用框架统一提供的视图来渲染页面。

为什么要使用 SAP Fiori Elements?

  1. High development efficiency to cover what 80% of all apps need

开发效率高,Fiori Elements 提供的模板,能涵盖 80% 的应用需求。

You do not need to build the UI over and over again. Just reuse the common features required by most applications. They are provided by the SAP Fiori elements floorplans.

应用开发人员无需一次又一次地重复创建相似的 UI,而是直接重用 SAP Fiori Elements 为大多数应用提供的可重用模板即可。

  1. Design consistency

Predefined floorplans, views, and controllers ensure UI consistency within and across similar apps.

因为每个 SAP Fiori Elements 应用,使用的都是统一的 floorplans,views,和控制器,这样保证了 UI 界面的高度一致性。

Apps created using SAP Fiori elements are kept up-to-date as they are automatically adapted to the most recent design guidelines.

基于 SAP Fiori Elements 的应用,因为使用的是 SAP UI5 统一提供的模板,这些模板由 SAP 管理,总能保证符合最新的设计准则。

  1. Decoupling of UI and business logic

UI 和业务逻辑的解耦合。

The metadata-driven development model uses semantic annotations and significantly reduces the amount of front-end code. Developers can focus on the business logic.

SAP Fiori Elements 采取元数据驱动的开发模式,使用语义化注解,从而极大减少了前端代码的规模。开发者可以专注于业务逻辑的设计和实现。

To extend your apps, use SAP Web IDE 1.17 or higher.

如果想扩展 SAP Fiori Elements 应用,需要使用 Web IDE 1.17 之上的版本。

The OData service models (entity sets and entity types) are derived from CDS views.

OData 服务的模型(entity sets 和 entity types) 源于CDS view.

The CDS entities are the primary artifacts for the data model.

CDS view 是 SAP Fiori Elements 应用数据模型的首要资源。

Transactional runtime model (based on the BOPF) is generated based on annotations.

基于 BOPF 的事务性运行时模型,基于 annotation 自动生成。

The UI annotations are attached to CDS views using the tags as defined in the SAP - ABAP Programming Model for SAP Fiori guide in the documentation for your SAP NetWeaver version on SAP Help Portal at

UI 注解使用 SAP Fiori ABAP 编程模型里定义的 tag,附加到 CDS view 上。

Here, the annotations are read using the catalog service of SAP Gateway. This is the standard method when using the auto-exposure feature of the application infrastructure.

使用 SAP Gateway 的 catalog service 读取注解。

The local resources localService/metadata.xml and localService/SEPMRA_PROD_MAN_ANNO_MDL.xml are generated for local tests that want to simulate back-end access.


  • localService/metadata.xml
  • localService/SEPMRA_PROD_MAN_ANNO_MDL.xml

Besides the annotations that are retrieved from the back-end system, the local resource annotations.xml plays a role at runtime, as this file contains the facet descriptions for the object page. This is where you have to maintain the labels for the different facets.

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