MiYu原创, 转帖请注明 : 转载自 ______________白白の屋  




Find the nondecreasing subsequences

Time Limit: 10000/5000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 211    Accepted Submission(s): 80

Problem Description
How many nondecreasing subsequences can you find in the sequence S = {s1, s2, s3, ...., sn} ? For example, we assume that S = {1, 2, 3}, and you can find seven nondecreasing subsequences, {1}, {2}, {3}, {1, 2}, {1, 3}, {2, 3}, {1, 2, 3}.
The input consists of multiple test cases. Each case begins with a line containing a positive integer n that is the length of the sequence S, the next line contains n integers {s1, s2, s3, ...., sn}, 1 <= n <= 100000, 0 <= si <= 2^31.
For each test case, output one line containing the number of nondecreasing subsequences you can find from the sequence S, the answer should % 1000000007.
Sample Input
3 1 2 3
Sample Output


整整一天的时间, 终于是把这个题A了  ,HDU 第一,  纪念下.....................

1 HUT-MiYu 375MS 1824K 2358B G++

2010-08-27 09:44:32

但也没有什么值得高兴的,  题目的思路是 小A 的,  0rz.......................  现在还是没有理解树状数组是怎么解这一题的,  它的思路是怎样的,

一点也没明白,   刚开始做的时候, 还以为 输入数据已经是按非递减排序了, 所以直接用 公式 2^n - 1, WA ...

.....  问过小A 才发现, 输入数据是 随机的.  这时就要像找上升子串一样, 找到它 所有的上升子串.  这里用到了 树状数组, 继续理解-ing......

先发代码 :

MiYu原创, 转帖请注明 : 转载自 ______________白白の屋
Author By : MiYu
Test      : 1
Program   : 2227 
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
#define lowbit(x) (x&(-x))
int num[100005];
int numcopy[100005];
int hash[100005];
int com[100005];
int nCount = 1;
void add ( int x,int k )
while ( x <= nCount )
com[x] += k;
if ( com[x] >= 1000000007 ) com[x] %= 1000000007;
x += lowbit(x); 
int sum ( int x )
int s = 0;
while ( x > 0 )
s += com[x];
if ( s >= 1000000007 ) s %= 1000000007;
x -= lowbit(x);
return s %= 1000000007;
int cmp (const void *a, const void *b)
return *((int*)a) - *((int*)b); 
int sfind ( int x )
int *p = (int *)bsearch ( &x,hash+1,nCount+1,sizeof ( int ),cmp ); 
return p - hash;
int find(int num){
int top=1,bottom=nCount,mid=(top+bottom)/2,ans=mid;
return ans;
inline bool scan_d(int &num)  //整数输入
char in;bool IsN=false;
if(in==EOF) return false;
while(in!='-'&&(in<'0'||in>'9')) in=getchar();
if(in=='-'){ IsN=true;num=0;}
else num=in-'0';
if(IsN) num=-num;
return true;
int main ()
int N;
while ( scan_d ( N ) )
for ( int i = 0; i != N; ++ i )
scan_d ( num[i] ),numcopy[i] = num[i];
sort ( num, num + N );
memset ( com,0,sizeof (com) );
nCount = 1;
hash[1] = num[0];
for ( int i = 1; i < N; ++ i )
if ( num[i] != num[i-1] )
hash[++nCount] = num[i]; 
for ( int i = 0; i < N; ++ i )
int pos = find ( numcopy[i] ); 
int res = sum ( pos ) + 1;
add ( pos,res );
cout << sum ( nCount ) << endl;
return 0;


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