kotlin 计算平方

Compound interest is the sum of principal amount and interest of interest.


Given, principal, rate, and time, we have to calculate the Compound interest.


Formula to calculate Compound interest is: P * (Math.pow(( 1 + R/100), T)

计算复利的公式为:P *(Math.pow((1 + R / 100),T)



  • P is Principal amount.


  • R is rate of interest per annum.


  • T is time in years.




P = 5000
R = 12
T = 5
Compound Interest = 8811.708416000003

计算Kotlin复利的程序 (Program to calculate Compound interest in Kotlin)

package com.includehelp
import java.util.*
//Main Function , Entry point of Program
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
//Input Stream
val scanner = Scanner(System.`in`)
//Input Amount
print("Enter Principal Amount : ")
val principalAmount = scanner.nextDouble()
//Input Interest Rate
print("Enter Rate of Interest : ")
val rateOfInterest = scanner.nextDouble()
//Input time in years
print("Enter Time : ")
val time = scanner.nextDouble()
//Calculate Compound Interest
val compoundInterest = principalAmount.toDouble() * Math.pow((1 + rateOfInterest.toDouble()/100.00),time.toDouble())
//Print Compound Interest
println("Compound Interest is :$compoundInterest")



Enter Principal Amount : 5000
Enter Rate of Interest : 12
Enter Time : 5
Compound Interest is :8811.708416000003

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/kotlin/calculate-compound-interest.aspx

kotlin 计算平方

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