
属性获取器和设置器方法 (Properties Getter and Setter Methods)

  • Variable having a class-level scope, declared inside the class body but outside the functions called property.


  • Property can be declared with var(mutable) and val (read-only).


    var/val <propertyName>: <PropertyType> = <property_initializer>
  • property_initializer, getter, and Setter are optional.


  • Getter and Setter Auto-Generated into the code.


  • Getter is used to get the value of properties and setter is used to set value of properties.


  • val(read-only) type property does not allow setter.


  • If we don't want public access of setter than declare it private.


    var name:String
    private set

程序以演示Kotlin中的属性Getter和Setter方法的示例 (Program to demonstrate the example of Properties Getter and Setter Methods in Kotlin)

package com.includehelp
// Declare class,
class America{
// Declare property with initial value
var city:String = "NewYork"
// Auto Generated getter and setter
// Declare class,
class India{
// Declare property with initial value
var city:String = "Delhi"
// define optional getter and setter
get() = field // Getter
set(value) {  // Setter
// Declare class, define optional getter and setter
class China{
// Declare property with initial value
var city:String = "Wuhan"
// private setter, cant set value from outside the class
private set
// member function to set property
fun setCity(city:String){
// declare class, with customized getter and setter
class Japan{
// Declare property with initial value
var city:String = "Tokyo"
// Getter of property
get() = field.toUpperCase()
//setter of Property
set(value) {
field="Modern City $value"
// Main function, entry Point of Program
fun main(){
// create Instance
val america=America()
america.city="Alsakaaa" // access setter
println("America : ${america.city}") // access getter
// create Instance
val india=India()
india.city="Mumbai" // access setter
println("India : ${india.city}") // access getter
// create Instance
val china=China()
// Try to access private setter, leads to compile time error
// china.city="Beijing"
// Set City by calling member function
println("China : ${china.city}") // access getter
// create Instance
val japan=Japan()
india.city="Quoto" // access setter
println("Japan : ${india.city}") // access getter



America : Alsakaaa
India : Mumbai
China : Beijing
Japan : Quoto

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/kotlin/example-of-properties-getter-and-setter-methods.aspx


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