kotlin 判断数字

Given an integer number, we have to find reverse number and print it.




Number: 12345
Reverse Number: 54321

To find a reverse number – we use this formula: reverse = (reverse * 10) + lastDigit, to calculate the lastDigit, we find the remainder of the number by dividing the number with 10.

要找到一个反向数字 –我们使用以下公式: reverse =(reverse * 10)+ lastDigit ,要计算lastDigit ,我们可以通过将数字除以10来找到数字的余数。

Consider the below program to find the reverse number.


计划在Kotlin中反转数字 (Program to reverse a number in Kotlin)

package com.includehelp.basic
import java.util.*
/* Function to Reverse an given Integer Number */
fun getReverse(number: Int): Int {
var number = number
var sum = 0
while (number > 0) {
val r = number % 10
sum = sum * 10 + r
number /= 10
return sum
//Main function Entry Point of Program
fun main(arg: Array<String>) {
val sc = Scanner(System.`in`)
//Input Number
println("Enter Number  : ")
val num: Int = sc.nextInt()
//Calling function to get reverse number
val reverseNumber = getReverse(num)
// Print reverse format of number
println("Reverse Number : $reverseNumber")



Run 1:
Enter Number  :
Reverse Number : 54321
Run 2:
Enter Number  :
Reverse Number : 983543

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/kotlin/reverse-a-number.aspx

kotlin 判断数字

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