
There are many customs and traditions in Chinese civilization. Here, we will talk about the development of the way people greet each other:

In ancient times, people had to kneel to those who were superior to them. This custom remained until the collapse of Qing Dynasty, when people noticed democratic ideas from Western countries. At that time, they adopted a new way-they bowed to each other to show respect.

Since 1980, great historical changes have taken place.People learned about equality. And because of this, they were more likely to shake hands with each other when they met. Today, this way of greeting is considered more casual




custom n风俗
civilization n文明
kneel v下跪
superior adj更好的,地位更高的
collapse v倒塌
Qing Dynasty 清朝
Western countries 西方国家
bow v鞠躬
shake hands 握手
greeting n问候

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