
  • OBJ格式解析
  • 一、OBJ格式
  • 二、vtkOBJReader源码解析
    • 1.主要部分
  • 总结





# 一些注释mtllib cube.mtl
g default
v -0.500000 -0.500000 0.500000
v 0.500000 -0.500000 0.500000
v -0.500000 0.500000 0.500000
v 0.500000 0.500000 0.500000
v -0.500000 0.500000 -0.500000
v 0.500000 0.500000 -0.500000
v -0.500000 -0.500000 -0.500000
v 0.500000 -0.500000 -0.500000
vt 0.001992 0.001992
vt 0.998008 0.001992
vt 0.001992 0.998008
vt 0.998008 0.998008
vt 0.001992 0.001992
vt 0.998008 0.001992
vt 0.001992 0.998008
vt 0.998008 0.998008
vt 0.001992 0.001992
vt 0.998008 0.001992
vt 0.001992 0.998008
vt 0.998008 0.998008
vt 0.001992 0.001992
vt 0.998008 0.001992
vt 0.001992 0.998008
vt 0.998008 0.998008
vt 0.001992 0.001992
vt 0.998008 0.001992
vt 0.001992 0.998008
vt 0.998008 0.998008
vt 0.998008 0.998008
vt 0.001992 0.998008
vt 0.998008 0.001992
vt 0.001992 0.001992
vn 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
vn 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
vn 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
vn 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
vn 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000
vn 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000
vn 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000
vn 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000
vn 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000
vn 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000
vn 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000
vn 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000
vn 0.000000 -1.000000 0.000000
vn 0.000000 -1.000000 0.000000
vn 0.000000 -1.000000 0.000000
vn 0.000000 -1.000000 0.000000
vn 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000
vn 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000
vn 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000
vn 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000
vn -1.000000 0.000000 0.000000
vn -1.000000 0.000000 0.000000
vn -1.000000 0.000000 0.000000
vn -1.000000 0.000000 0.000000
s 1
g pCube1
usemtl file1SG
f 1/1/1 2/2/2 3/3/3
f 3/3/3 2/2/2 4/4/4
s 2
f 3/13/5 4/14/6 5/15/7
f 5/15/7 4/14/6 6/16/8
s 3
f 5/21/9 6/22/10 7/23/11
f 7/23/11 6/22/10 8/24/12
s 4
f 7/17/13 8/18/14 1/19/15
f 1/19/15 8/18/14 2/20/16
s 5
f 2/5/17 8/6/18 4/7/19
f 4/7/19 8/6/18 6/8/20
s 6
f 7/9/21 1/10/22 5/11/23
f 5/11/23 1/10/22 3/12/24


  • 注释以#开头;
  • v表示模型的顶点坐标,表示为: v x y z
  • vn:法线坐标,表示为:vn x y z
  • vt:纹理坐标,一般每个坐标包含两个值,表示为:vt u v w
  • p:Point元素;
  • l:线
  • f:面,可以有多个顶点表示;
    • f v1 v2 v3 … ,仅由三个以上顶点索引组成;
    • f v1/vt1 v2/vt2 v3/vt3 …,由顶点和纹理索引组成;
    • f v1//vn1 v2//vn2 v3//vn3 …,由顶点和法线索引组成;
    • f v1/vt1/vn1 v2/vt2/vn2 v3/vt3/vn3 …,由顶点,纹理和法线索引组成;





/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\This is only partial support for the OBJ format, which is quite complicated.
To find a full specification, search the net for "OBJ format", eg.:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Objhttp://netghost.narod.ru/gff/graphics/summary/waveobj.htmWe support the following types:v <x> <y> <z>vertexvn <x> <y> <z>vertex normalvt <x> <y>texture coordinatef <v_a> <v_b> <v_c> ...polygonal face linking vertices v_a, v_b, v_c, etc. whichare 1-based indices into the vertex listf <v_a>/<t_a> <v_b>/<t_b> ...polygonal face as above, but with texture coordinates foreach vertex. t_a etc. are 1-based indices into the texturecoordinates list (from the vt lines)f <v_a>/<t_a>/<n_a> <v_b>/<t_b>/<n_b> ...polygonal face as above, with a normal at each vertex, as a1-based index into the normals list (from the vn lines)f <v_a>//<n_a> <v_b>//<n_b> ...polygonal face as above but without texture coordinates.Per-face tcoords and normals are supported by duplicatingthe vertices on each face as necessary.l <v_a> <v_b> ...lines linking vertices v_a, v_b, etc. which are 1-basedindices into the vertex listp <v_a> <v_b> ...points located at the vertices v_a, v_b, etc. which are 1-basedindices into the vertex list\*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*///部分代码float xyz[3];//按行来解析数据...// in the OBJ format the first characters determine how to interpret the line://为定点信息if (strcmp(cmd, "v") == 0){// this is a vertex definition, expect three floats, separated by whitespace://获取坐标值if (sscanf(pLine, "%f %f %f", xyz, xyz + 1, xyz + 2) == 3){points->InsertNextPoint(xyz);}else{vtkErrorMacro(<< "Error reading 'v' at line " << lineNr);everything_ok = false;}}//纹理坐标else if (strcmp(cmd, "vt") == 0){// this is a tcoord, expect two floats, separated by whitespace:// 获取坐标if (sscanf(pLine, "%f %f", xyz, xyz + 1) == 2){tcoords->InsertNextTuple(xyz);}else{vtkErrorMacro(<< "Error reading 'vt' at line " << lineNr);everything_ok = false;}}//法线坐标else if (strcmp(cmd, "vn") == 0){// this is a normal, expect three floats, separated by whitespace://获取坐标if (sscanf(pLine, "%f %f %f", xyz, xyz + 1, xyz + 2) == 3){normals->InsertNextTuple(xyz);hasNormals = true;}else{vtkErrorMacro(<< "Error reading 'vn' at line " << lineNr);everything_ok = false;}}//点元素else if (strcmp(cmd, "p") == 0){// this is a point definition, consisting of 1-based indices separated by whitespace and /pointElems->InsertNextCell(0); // we don't yet know how many points are to comeint nVerts = 0; // keep a count of how many there arewhile (everything_ok && pLine < pEnd){// find next non-whitespace characterwhile (isspace(*pLine) && pLine < pEnd) { pLine++; }if (pLine < pEnd)         // there is still data left on this line{int iVert;if (sscanf(pLine, "%d", &iVert) == 1){pointElems->InsertCellPoint(iVert - 1);nVerts++;}else if (strcmp(pLine, "\\\n") == 0){// handle backslash-newline continuationif (fgets(rawLine, MAX_LINE, in) != NULL){lineNr++;pLine = rawLine;pEnd = rawLine + strlen(rawLine);continue;}else{vtkErrorMacro(<< "Error reading continuation line at line " << lineNr);everything_ok = false;}}else{vtkErrorMacro(<< "Error reading 'p' at line " << lineNr);everything_ok = false;}// skip over what we just sscanf'd// (find the first whitespace character)while (!isspace(*pLine) && pLine < pEnd) { pLine++; }}}if (nVerts < 1){vtkErrorMacro(<< "Error reading file near line " << lineNr<< " while processing the 'p' command");everything_ok = false;}// now we know how many points there were in this cellpointElems->UpdateCellCount(nVerts);}//线元素else if (strcmp(cmd, "l") == 0){// this is a line definition, consisting of 1-based indices separated by whitespace and /lineElems->InsertNextCell(0); // we don't yet know how many points are to comeint nVerts = 0; // keep a count of how many there arewhile (everything_ok && pLine < pEnd){// find next non-whitespace characterwhile (isspace(*pLine) && pLine < pEnd) { pLine++; }if (pLine < pEnd)         // there is still data left on this line{int iVert, dummyInt;if (sscanf(pLine, "%d/%d", &iVert, &dummyInt) == 2){// we simply ignore texture informationlineElems->InsertCellPoint(iVert - 1);nVerts++;}else if (sscanf(pLine, "%d", &iVert) == 1){lineElems->InsertCellPoint(iVert - 1);nVerts++;}else if (strcmp(pLine, "\\\n") == 0){// handle backslash-newline continuationif (fgets(rawLine, MAX_LINE, in) != NULL){lineNr++;pLine = rawLine;pEnd = rawLine + strlen(rawLine);continue;}else{vtkErrorMacro(<< "Error reading continuation line at line " << lineNr);everything_ok = false;}}else{vtkErrorMacro(<< "Error reading 'l' at line " << lineNr);everything_ok = false;}// skip over what we just sscanf'd// (find the first whitespace character)while (!isspace(*pLine) && pLine < pEnd) { pLine++; }}}if (nVerts < 2){vtkErrorMacro(<< "Error reading file near line " << lineNr<< " while processing the 'l' command");everything_ok = false;}// now we know how many points there were in this celllineElems->UpdateCellCount(nVerts);}//面元素else if (strcmp(cmd, "f") == 0){// this is a face definition, consisting of 1-based indices separated by whitespace and /polys->InsertNextCell(0); // we don't yet know how many points are to cometcoord_polys->InsertNextCell(0);normal_polys->InsertNextCell(0);int nVerts = 0, nTCoords = 0, nNormals = 0; // keep a count of how many of each there arewhile (everything_ok && pLine < pEnd){// find the first non-whitespace characterwhile (isspace(*pLine) && pLine < pEnd) { pLine++; }if (pLine < pEnd)         // there is still data left on this line{int iVert, iTCoord, iNormal;//1.获取顶点、纹理、法线索引if (sscanf(pLine, "%d/%d/%d", &iVert, &iTCoord, &iNormal) == 3){polys->InsertCellPoint(iVert - 1); // convert to 0-based indexnVerts++;tcoord_polys->InsertCellPoint(iTCoord - 1);nTCoords++;normal_polys->InsertCellPoint(iNormal - 1);nNormals++;if (iTCoord != iVert)tcoords_same_as_verts = false;if (iNormal != iVert)normals_same_as_verts = false;}//2.获取顶点、法线索引else if (sscanf(pLine, "%d//%d", &iVert, &iNormal) == 2){polys->InsertCellPoint(iVert - 1);nVerts++;normal_polys->InsertCellPoint(iNormal - 1);nNormals++;if (iNormal != iVert)normals_same_as_verts = false;}//3.获取顶点、纹理索引else if (sscanf(pLine, "%d/%d", &iVert, &iTCoord) == 2){polys->InsertCellPoint(iVert - 1);nVerts++;tcoord_polys->InsertCellPoint(iTCoord - 1);nTCoords++;if (iTCoord != iVert)tcoords_same_as_verts = false;}//4.获取顶点索引else if (sscanf(pLine, "%d", &iVert) == 1){polys->InsertCellPoint(iVert - 1);nVerts++;}else if (strcmp(pLine, "\\\n") == 0){// handle backslash-newline continuationif (fgets(rawLine, MAX_LINE, in) != NULL){lineNr++;pLine = rawLine;pEnd = rawLine + strlen(rawLine);continue;}else{vtkErrorMacro(<< "Error reading continuation line at line " << lineNr);everything_ok = false;}}else{vtkErrorMacro(<< "Error reading 'f' at line " << lineNr);everything_ok = false;}// skip over what we just read// (find the first whitespace character)while (!isspace(*pLine) && pLine < pEnd) { pLine++; }}}// count of tcoords and normals must be equal to number of vertices or zeroif (nVerts < 3 ||(nTCoords > 0 && nTCoords != nVerts) ||(nNormals > 0 && nNormals != nVerts)){vtkErrorMacro(<< "Error reading file near line " << lineNr<< " while processing the 'f' command");everything_ok = false;}// now we know how many points there were in this cellpolys->UpdateCellCount(nVerts);tcoord_polys->UpdateCellCount(nTCoords);normal_polys->UpdateCellCount(nNormals);// also make a note of whether any cells have tcoords, and whether any have normalsif (nTCoords > 0) { hasTCoords = true; }if (nNormals > 0) { hasNormals = true; }}else{//vtkDebugMacro(<<"Ignoring line: "<<rawLine);}




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