
用法:dict.pop(key, def)






如果不存在 key ,则指定为默认值。

KeyError,如果不存在 key 且未指定默认值。

代码1:演示工作pop(),当存在 key 时。

# Python 3 code to demonstrate

# working of pop()

# initializing dictionary

test_dict = { "Nikhil" :7, "Akshat" :1, "Akash" :2 }

# Printing initial dict

print ("The dictionary before deletion:" + str(test_dict))

# using pop to return and remove key-value pair.

pop_ele = test_dict.pop('Akash')

# Printing the value associated to popped key

print ("Value associated to poppped key is:" + str(pop_ele))

# Printing dictionary after deletion

print ("Dictionary after deletion is:" + str(test_dict))


The dictionary before deletion:{'Nikhil':7, 'Akshat':1, 'Akash':2}

Value associated to poppped key is:2

Dictionary after deletion is:{'Nikhil':7, 'Akshat':1}


代码2:演示pop()在没有 key 的情况下的工作

# Python 3 code to demonstrate

# working of pop() without key

# initializing dictionary

test_dict = { "Nikhil" :7, "Akshat" :1, "Akash" :2 }

# Printing initial dict

print ("The dictionary before deletion:" + str(test_dict))

# using pop to return and remove key-value pair

# provided default

pop_ele = test_dict.pop('Manjeet', 4)

# Printing the value associated to popped key

# Prints 4

print ("Value associated to poppped key is:" + str(pop_ele))

# using pop to return and remove key-value pair

# not provided default

pop_ele = test_dict.pop('Manjeet')

# Printing the value associated to popped key

# KeyError

print ("Value associated to poppped key is:" + str(pop_ele))


The dictionary before deletion:{'Nikhil':7, 'Akshat':1, 'Akash':2}

Value associated to poppped key is:4

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "", line 20, in

pop_ele = test_dict.pop('Manjeet')


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