tps 交易量

A transaction is a simple process that takes place during business operations. The transaction processing system (TPS) manages the business transactions of the client and therefore helps a company's operations. A TPS registers, as well as all of its consequences, a non-inquiry transaction itself in the database and generates transaction-related documents.

交易是在业务运营过程中发生的简单过程。 交易处理系统(TPS)管理客户的商业交易,因此有助于公司的运营。 TPS会在数据库中注册非查询交易本身及其所有后果,并生成与交易相关的文档。

TPS manages and records transactions. It is the automation of the simple, repetitive processing used to support business operations.

TPS管理和记录交易。 它是用于支持业务运营的简单,重复处理的自动化。

Many real-time advantages for every company are offered by transaction processing systems. TPS uses data and creates reports as shown in the diagram below. To find out the key insights for decision-making, it offers graphical or condensed textual data.

交易处理系统为每个公司提供许多实时优势。 TPS使用数据并创建报告,如下图所示。 为了找出决策的关键见解,它提供了图形或压缩的文本数据。

TPS was previously referred to as the Management Information System. Data processing was conducted manually or with simple machines before computers. TPS's domain is at the lowest level of an organization's management hierarchy.

TPS以前称为“管理信息系统”。 数据处理是手动进行的,或者在计算机之前使用简单的机器进行。 TPS的域位于组织管理层次结构的最低级别。

A transaction processing system is a form of computer processing that takes place in the presence of a computer user and allows a user request or transaction to be answered immediately. Some examples of processing systems for transactions include,

交易处理系统是计算机处理的一种形式,它在计算机用户在场的情况下进行,并允许用户请求或交易立即得到答复。 交易处理系统的一些示例包括

  • ATM transactions


  • Credit Card system


  • Electronic Commerce


  • Online Payments


  • Online Trading Stocks


  • Self-checking stations


TPS is needed to conduct business in nearly any organization today. TPSs bring data into the databases of the organization; these systems are also a basis on which management-oriented information systems are based.

现在,几乎所有组织都需要TPS来开展业务。 TPS将数据带入组织的数据库中; 这些系统也是面向管理的信息系统所基于的基础。

交易处理活动 (Transaction Processing Activities)

The processing of individual transactions depends, of course, to some extent on their nature. The transaction processing general elements include,

当然,单个交易的处理在某种程度上取决于其性质。 事务处理的一般元素包括:

  1. Capturing and validating data


  2. Transaction-steps of processing


  3. Maintenance of the database


Data Capture


Data capturing denotes to the storage of data through source data automation. Transaction processing systems are increasingly relying on the interchange of electronic data. These systems provide for computer-to-computer communication without repeated data entry by replacing paper documents with formatted transaction data sent over telecommunications networks.

数据捕获表示通过源数据自动化进行数据存储。 交易处理系统越来越依赖于电子数据的交换。 这些系统通过用电信网络上发送的格式化交易数据代替纸质文档,从而提供了计算机与计算机之间的通信,而无需重复输入数据。

Data Validation


Validation includes checking for missing data items, valid codes and valid values. More extensive validation may involve transaction authorization based on the record of the customer and the inventory available.

验证包括检查丢失的数据项,有效代码和有效值。 更广泛的验证可能涉及基于客户记录和可用库存的交易授权。

Transaction-steps of processing


Processing of data inputted by users into automated machinery system, it shows logical and mathematical operations and stores processed results into the system.


Database Maintenance


System files or databases need to be updated after transactions other than inquiries. Thus, the data collected by TPSs serves as a source of detail for management-oriented information system components.

除查询外,还需要在交易后更新系统文件或数据库。 因此,TPS收集的数据可作为面向管理的信息系统组件的详细信息来源。


tps 交易量

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