scala 类中的对象是类

Scala中的课程 (Classes in Scala)

A class is a blueprint for objects. It contains the definition of all the members of the class. There are two types of members of the class in Scala,

类是对象的蓝图。 它包含该类的所有成员的定义。 Scala中有两种类型的班级成员,

  1. Fields: the variables in Scala that are used to define data in the class.

    字段: Scala中用于定义类中数据的变量。

  2. Methods: The functions of a class that are used to manipulate the fields of the class and do some stuff related to the functioning of a class.


Usage of a class member to the outer worlds is limited and can be excessed by only two ways,


  1. Inheritance: Property by which members of one class are used by child class which inherits it.


  2. Objects: It is creating instances of a class to use its members.


类的例子 (Example of a class)

We will use the classical student class for the explanation of class creation in Scala. Here, we have a class student, with fields: roll no, name, and percentage. There are methods to this class: getpercentage(), printresult().

我们将使用经典的学生课堂来解释Scala中课堂创建 。 在这里,我们有一个班级学生 ,具有以下字段: 卷号 , 名称和百分比 。 此类有一些方法: getpercentage() , printresult() 。

The blueprint is shown in the below figure...


Syntax of class in Scala:


Class student{// Class Variables
var rollno;
var name : string;
var percentage;
//Class methods…
def getpercentage(int percent){percentage = percent;
def printresult(){print("Roll number : " + rollno);
print("\nName  : "+ name);
print("\nHas scored " + percentage + "% and is ");
if(percentage > 40)

Syntax explanation:


The about is a code snippet to declare a class in Scala,


First, the class is declared keyword class is used to create a class followed by the name of the class. Next is the definition of the class members, the class contains three members all are public (because of var declaration). It also contains two member functions(methods) that are declared using def keyword (no need of return type), followed by the name of the function and then within the "(" are the arguments that are passed when the function is called.

首先,该类被声明为关键字class ,用于创建一个类,后跟该类的名称。 接下来是类成员的定义,该类包含三个成员,所有成员都是公共的(由于var Declaration )。 它还包含两个成员函数(方法),这些成员函数使用def关键字(不需要返回类型)声明,然后是函数名称,然后在“(”内)是调用函数时传递的参数。

Scala的主要构造函数 (Primary Constructor in Scala )

There is a new declaration of class in Scala, and you will see it very it is more efficient than the classical one.


It is the use of primary constructor definition in Scala.


    class student (var rlno , var stname){
var rollno = rlno;
var name = stname;



Here the class body is acting as a constructor and is used to initialize the values of fields.


This is all about classes in Scala we will learn about objects, their creation, and usage in the next tutorial.



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