PoPo数据可视化 聚焦于Web数据可视化与可视化交互领域,发现可视化领域有意思的内容。不想错过可视化领域的精彩内容, 就快快关注我们吧 :) 微信订阅号:popodv_com

谷歌决定关闭云可视化服务 Fusion Tables

谷歌宣布即将关闭其 Fusion Tables 云服务,这是谷歌云平台所提供的服务选项之一,提供创建在线可视化的简便方法,尤其是地图层面。众所周知,谷歌在地图方面的能力较强,该服务就是重要工具之一。谷歌宣布该服务将于 2019 年 12 月 3 日结束,并且使用 Maps JavaScript API v3.37 中的 Fusion Tables Layer 的地图将于 2019 年 8 月开始出现 bug。






This is a chart about the world through the eyes of the US 美国眼光看世界

不同时期美国媒体头条重点关注的国家可视化, 直观印证了中国在美国的影响力是多么牛B, 厉害了我的国.

There is always that one country on our collective conscious, and I wanted to know how that has changed over time. So I turned to the newspaper, since headlines have long been the catalyst for daily conversations about what is going on in the world. Most of that content is still preserved thanks to the New York Times archive. After looking at 741,576 section front headlines, I found out which countries around the world have preoccupied Americans the most each month since 1900.







星球环绕旋转图 -- 方法一: svg:animateMotion+ animateTransform 方法二:css3d

地图 -- svg渲染 + div悬浮框 + js事件

二维饼图(风车图) -- canvas: dragCircle 、 stopDragging

三棱锥 -- canvas + 对数排列

长方体 -- css3d + 增量增长



首先,咱们想下要如何将一系列的粒子组成一句表白呢?实现原理其实很简单,Canvas 中有个 getImageData 的方法,可以得到一个矩形范围所有像素点数据。那么我们就试试来获取一个文字的形状吧。








w3reality使用mapbox api与leaflet发布three-geo web工具

浏览二维地图时同步请求地形瓦片并渲染成三维,Live demo of "three-geo", our newly published GIS library (MIT License).


Which chart types are most engaging? 哪种图表类型最迷人

First of all, here are two similar but different outputs of the same datasets where I wanted to show characteristics of each of the UK’s 650 parliamentary constituencies. Essentially the two charts are not very different. The first is in the form of a hexmap:


What are Data Portraits? 数据画像解读

Yesterday I was invited to talk at the Northwest Tableau User Group in Manchester. I was delighted to accept, not least to support the co-organisers: Ella Worsdale, Lorna Eden, and Colin Wojtowicz – a freelance data visualisation and analyst trading as Datawoj Ltd. It quickly occurred to me that I could re-present my recent Tableau Conference talk from New Orleans, or failing that I could present a talk I gave to the London user group in September. Easy.


The Tech behind NORAD's Santa Tracker

The Cesium team is delighted to be a part of your Christmas traditions with the NORAD Tracks Santa program! Built on the CesiumJS open-source 3D mapping library, the Santa Tracker gives everyone a look at Santa’s Christmas Eve journey, as children around the world nestle snug in their beds while visions of sugar-plums dance in their heads.


V8 release v7.2

Every six weeks, we create a new branch of V8 as part of our release process. Each version is branched from V8’s Git master immediately before a Chrome Beta milestone. Today we’re pleased to announce our newest branch, V8 version 7.2, which is in beta until its release in coordination with Chrome 72 Stable in several weeks. V8 v7.2 is filled with all sorts of developer-facing goodies. This post provides a preview of some of the highlights in anticipation of the release.


V8 parse time on facebook.com (lower is better)

V8 parse times relative to V8 v7.2 (lower is better)



Nadieh Bremer. I've created the interactive #dataviz prototype for @scenarioDNA, who analyze trends and develop frameworks to grasp how culture is changing and why.See it "in action" in this demo about upcoming & established trends in food an beverage


VRoidHub 发布虚拟漫画角色浏览功能,基于Threejs开发


Finally! @FMS_Cat and I have been working on the #VRM viewer, and pixiv just released #VRoidHub. Browse 3D avatars! Share with a link! It just works on Web browsers thanks to #threejs and #webgl . Want to make one? #VRoidStudio is for you!



purecss-pink 纯CSS绘制人像


Diana Smith:I haven't had the inspiration to make any art in months. So I forced myself to start a CSS art project this weekend AND finish it. And in the process of knocking the rust off, I got inspired! I'm going to try do these "quick" challenges more often.An ongoing series in which I create art using only CSS and HTML.

All elements must be typed out by hand

Only Atom text editor and Chrome Developer Tools allowed.

No SVG allowed (no offense to SVG)



被CSS所惊艳, 另外也推荐另外基于纯CSS写的各类样式站点


lightning strike 雷电效果




谷歌发布3D模型浏览组件 <model-viewer>

Easily display interactive 3D models on the web and in AR!

HTML configurable

Responsive layout

AR holograms


Cesium 1.52 发布

距离1.51版本一个月,Cesium 12-04 发布1.52版本

TerrainProviders that implement availability must now also implement the loadTileDataAvailability method.

Added functions to get the most detailed height of 3D Tiles on-screen or off-screen

Added support for high dynamic range rendering.

Added Scene.invertClassificationSupported for checking if invert classification is supported.

Added computeLineSegmentLineSegmentIntersection to Intersections2D

Added the ability to apply styles to 3D Tilesets that don't contain features.


Threejs r99 发布

WebGLRenderTarget.texture.generateMipmaps is now set to false by default.

There is a new (not backwards compatible) implementation for SSAOShader and SSAOPass.

JSONLoader has been removed from core. It is now located in examples/js/loaders/deprecated/LegacyJSONLoader.js.

Removed Geometry support from ObjectLoader. You have to include LegacyJSONLoader if you still want to load geometry data of type Geometry.

Removed Geometry support from SkinnedMesh. Use BufferGeometry instead.

Removed SkinnedMesh.initBones(). The SkinnedMesh constructor does not build the bone hierarchy anymore. You have to do this by yourself and then call SkinnedMesh.bind() in order to bind the prepared skeleton.


Blend 2.8 Beta 发布开放下载

Blender 2.8 Beta has arrived! Includes glTF3D import/export, supporting Principled BSDF (PBR) materials.


VX 基于D3+React的可视化库

vx is collection of reusable low-level visualization components. vx combines the power of d3 to generate your visualization with the benefits of react for updating the DOM.


PoPo 数据可视化




  1. PoPo数据可视化第9期

    PoPo数据可视化 聚焦于Web数据可视化与可视化交互领域,发现可视化领域有意思的内容.不想错过可视化领域的精彩内容, 就快快关注吧 :) 2018 in the Ito Design Lab (视频 ...

  2. PoPo数据可视化第7期

    PoPo数据可视化 聚焦于Web数据可视化与可视化交互领域,发现可视化领域有意思的内容.不想错过可视化领域的精彩内容, 就快快关注我们吧 :) 微信号:popodv_com 狗的时空轨迹可视化(视频) ...

  3. html画台风路径,PoPo数据可视化周刊第3期 - 台风可视化

    9月台风席卷全球,本刊特别选取台风最佳可视化案例,数据可视化应用功力最深厚者,当属纽约时报,而传播效果最佳的是the weather channel关于florence的视频预报,运用了数据可视化.可 ...

  4. PoPo数据可视化周刊第6期

    PoPo数据可视化 聚焦于Web数据可视化与可视化交互领域,发现可视化领域有意思的内容.不想错过可视化领域的精彩内容, 就快快关注我们吧 :) 本期可视化精彩视频请关注公众号浏览 全天智能获Pre-A ...

  5. PoPo数据可视化周刊第5期

    PoPo数据可视化 聚焦于Web数据可视化与可视化交互领域,发现可视化领域有意思的内容.不想错过可视化领域的精彩内容, 就快快关注我们吧 :) World Wire 数据可视化演示(视频) IBM公司 ...

  6. PoPo数据可视化周刊第一期

    PoPo数据可视化 聚焦于Web数据可视化领域, 发现前端可视化领域有意思的内容. 涵盖前端可视化领域最新资讯, 开源可视化库的发布更新消息, 可视化案例分析与讲解, 可视化技术文章, 可视化大神的日 ...

  7. PoPo数据可视化周刊第二期

    PoPo数据可视化 聚焦于Web数据可视化领域, 发现前端可视化领域有意思的内容. 涵盖前端可视化领域最新资讯, 开源可视化库的发布更新消息, 可视化案例分析与讲解, 可视化技术文章, 可视化大神的日 ...

  8. 高级转录组分析和R语言数据可视化第12期 (线上线下同时开课)

    " 福利公告:为了响应学员的学习需求,经过易生信培训团队的讨论筹备,现决定安排扩增子16S分析.宏基因组.Python课程线上直播课.报名参加线上直播课的老师可在1年内选择参加同课程的一次线 ...

  9. 高级转录组分析和R数据可视化第11期(报名线上课还可免费参加线下课2020.6)

    福利公告:为了响应学员的学习需求,经过易生信培训团队的讨论筹备,现决定安排扩增子16S分析.宏基因组.Python课程和转录组的线上直播课.报名参加线上直播课的老师可在1年内选择参加同课程的一次线下课 ...


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