Bounding-box regression


Mainly refer to appendix C in RCNN paper.

bbox regression 是一种针对bbox的机器学习回归问题


{ P i , G i } i = 1 , 2 , … , N \{P^i, G^i\}_{i=1,2,\dots,N} {Pi,Gi}i=1,2,…,N​

where P i = ( P x i , P y i , P w i , P h i , ) P^i=(P^i_x,P^i_y,P^i_w,P^i_h,) Pi=(Pxi​,Pyi​,Pwi​,Phi​,) specifies the pixel coordinates of the center of proposal P i P^i Pi’s bounding box together with P i P^i Pi’s width and height in pixels.

Hence forth, we drop the superscript i unless it is needed.
Each ground-truth bounding box G G G is specified in the same way: G = ( G x , G y , G w , G h ) G=(G_x,G_y,G_w,G_h) G=(Gx​,Gy​,Gw​,Gh​)

P P P is proposal bounding box, 由于RCNN的是在region poposal的基础上做的回归,所以自然引入了 P P P作为回归的初始值。同时也可以是认为是传统的滑动窗口检测思想的延伸。


Our goal is to learn a transformation that maps a proposed box P to a ground-truth box G G G.

未知模型 f : P → G f: P \to G f:P→G, 求 g g g, g : P → G ^ g: P \to \hat G g:P→G^, 使 g ≈ f g \thickapprox f g≈f


We parameterize the transformation in terms of four functions d x ( P ) , d y ( P ) , d w ( P ) , d h ( P ) d_x(P), dy_(P), d_w(P), d_h(P) dx​(P),dy(​P),dw​(P),dh​(P). The first two specify a scale-invariant translation of the center of P P P’s bounding box, while the second two specify log-space translations of the width and height of P’s bounding box.

After learning these functions, we can transform an input proposal P P P into a predicted ground-truth box G ^ \hat G G^ by applying the transformation

G x ^ = P w d x ( P ) + P w G y ^ = P h d y ( P ) + P h G w ^ = P w e x p ( d w ( P ) ) G h ^ = P h e x p ( d h ( P ) ) \begin{aligned} \hat{G_x} &= P_wd_x(P) + P_w \\ \hat{G_y} &= P_hd_y(P) + P_h \\ \hat{G_w} &= P_wexp(d_w(P)) \\ \hat{G_h} &= P_hexp(d_h(P)) \\ \end{aligned} Gx​^​Gy​^​Gw​^​Gh​^​​=Pw​dx​(P)+Pw​=Ph​dy​(P)+Ph​=Pw​exp(dw​(P))=Ph​exp(dh​(P))​

where d ∗ ( P ) = d ∗ ( P , Φ ( P ) ) = w ∗ T Φ ( P ) d_*(P)=d_*(P, \varPhi(P))=w_*^T\varPhi(P) d∗​(P)=d∗​(P,Φ(P))=w∗T​Φ(P), Φ ( P ) \varPhi(P) Φ(P) is the feature decided by P P P, w ∗ T w_*^T w∗T​ is weight to be learned, ∗ ∈ { x , y , w , h } * \in \{x,y,w,h\} ∗∈{x,y,w,h}, e x p ( x ) = e x exp(x)=e^x exp(x)=ex.

注意,不同于分类问题使用feature map上的所有特征,bbox regression只使用由 P P P决定的局部特征。

It is easy to get
d x = ( G ^ x − P x ) / P w d y = ( G ^ y − P y ) / P h d w = l o g ( G ^ w / P w ) d h = l o g ( G ^ h / P h ) \begin{aligned} d_x &=(\hat{G}_x-P_x)/P_w \\ d_y &=(\hat{G}_y-P_y)/P_h \\ d_w &=log(\hat{G}_w/P_w) \\ d_h &=log(\hat{G}_h/P_h) \\ \end{aligned} dx​dy​dw​dh​​=(G^x​−Px​)/Pw​=(G^y​−Py​)/Ph​=log(G^w​/Pw​)=log(G^h​/Ph​)​
scale-invariant translation

特征提取应该具有尺度不变性,即不同尺度的同一物体应得到相同的特征 d ( P ) d(P) d(P), 而 P P P的尺度随着物体尺度变化而变化(对于RCNN),从而尺度不变的 d x ( P ) , d y ( P ) d_x(P), d_y(P) dx​(P),dy​(P)能得到准确的 G ^ \hat G G^。

log-space (width/height) translation

猜测log-space使 δ w , δ h \delta_w,\delta_h δw​,δh​ 与 δ x , δ y \delta_x,\delta_y δx​,δy​在数值上比较接近从而在loss中的贡献也比较接近。

optimize objective

w ∗ = a r g m i n w ^ ∗ ∑ i = 1 N L ( δ ∗ i ) + λ R ( w ^ ∗ ) = a r g m i n w ^ ∗ ∑ i = 1 N L [ t ∗ i − d ∗ i ( P ) ] + λ R ( w ^ ∗ ) = a r g m i n w ^ ∗ ∑ i = 1 N L [ t ∗ i − w ^ ∗ T Φ ( P i ) ] + λ R ( w ^ ∗ ) \begin{aligned} w_* &= argmin_{\hat{w}_*} \sum_{i=1}^N L(\delta_*^i) + \lambda R(\hat {w}_*)\\ &= argmin_{\hat{w}_*} \sum_{i=1}^N L[t_*^i - d_*^i(P)] + \lambda R(\hat {w}_*) \\ &= argmin_{\hat{w}_*} \sum_{i=1}^N L[t_*^i - \hat {w}_*^T\varPhi(P^i)] + \lambda R(\hat {w}_*) \\ \end{aligned} w∗​​=argminw^∗​​i=1∑N​L(δ∗i​)+λR(w^∗​)=argminw^∗​​i=1∑N​L[t∗i​−d∗i​(P)]+λR(w^∗​)=argminw^∗​​i=1∑N​L[t∗i​−w^∗T​Φ(Pi)]+λR(w^∗​)​

where L L L is the loss function, R R R is the regularization function.

The regression targets t ∗ t_* t∗​ for the training pair ( P , G ) (P,G) (P,G) are defined as
t x = ( G x − P x ) / P w t y = ( G y − P y ) / P h t w = l o g ( G w / P w ) t h = l o g ( G h / P h ) \begin{aligned} t_x &=(G_x-P_x)/P_w \\ t_y &=(G_y-P_y)/P_h \\ t_w &=log(G_w/P_w) \\ t_h &=log(G_h/P_h) \\ \end{aligned} tx​ty​tw​th​​=(Gx​−Px​)/Pw​=(Gy​−Py​)/Ph​=log(Gw​/Pw​)=log(Gh​/Ph​)​
It is easy to get
δ x = ( G x − G ^ x ) / P w δ y = ( G y − G ^ y ) / P h δ w = l o g ( G w / G ^ w ) δ h = l o g ( G h / G ^ h ) \begin{aligned} \delta_x &=(G_x-\hat{G}_x)/P_w \\ \delta_y &=(G_y-\hat{G}_y)/P_h \\ \delta_w &=log(G_w/\hat{G}_w) \\ \delta_h &=log(G_h/\hat{G}_h) \\ \end{aligned} δx​δy​δw​δh​​=(Gx​−G^x​)/Pw​=(Gy​−G^y​)/Ph​=log(Gw​/G^w​)=log(Gh​/G^h​)​

…care must be taken when selecting which training pairs ( P , G ) (P,G) (P,G) to use. Intuitively, if $P $ is far from all ground-truth boxes, then the task of transforming P P P to a ground-truth box G G G does not make sense.

Faster RCNN

BBox regression of RPN is a variant of Basic bbox regression.

Region Proposal Network (RPN)

This architecture is naturally implemented with an n×n convolutional layer followed by two sibling 1 × 1 convolutional layers (for reg and cls, respectively).

Translation-Invariant Anchors

Multi-Scale Anchors as Regression References

P P P is equivalent to anchor box here, so anchors are proposal/references.

Φ ( P ) \varPhi (P) Φ(P) is 1 x 1 x C’ feature at the anchor position on the intermediate layer, and w ∗ w_* w∗​ is a 1 x 1 x C’ convolution kernal.


Bbox regression in SSD is a simplified version of Faster RCNN bbox regression.

The main difference between them is:

  1. SSD remove the intermediate layer and use 3x3 convolution in cls/reg layer. In MobileNet-SSD, use 1x1 convolution in cls/reg layer.
  2. SSD only predict k scores for foreground in cls layer, background is also predicted but not use.

P P P is called prior box or default box. but actually equivalent to anchor box.

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