


给定四个包含整数的数组列表 A , B , C , D ,计算有多少个元组 (i, j, k, l) ,使得 A[i] + B[j] + C[k] + D[l] = 0。

为了使问题简单化,所有的 A, B, C, D 具有相同的长度 N,且 0 ≤ N ≤ 500 。所有整数的范围在 -2^28 到 2^28 - 1 之间,最终结果不会超过 2^31 - 1 。



  • A = [ 1, 2]
  • B = [-2,-1]
  • C = [-1, 2]
  • D = [ 0, 2]





  1. (0, 0, 0, 1) -> A[0] + B[0] + C[0] + D[1] = 1 + (-2) + (-1) + 2 = 0
  2. (1, 1, 0, 0) -> A[1] + B[1] + C[0] + D[0] = 2 + (-1) + (-1) + 0 = 0



而这道题目是四个独立的数组,只要找到A[i] + B[j] + C[k] + D[l] = 0就可以,不用考虑有重复的四个元素相加等于0的情况,所以相对于题目18. 四数之和,题目15.三数之和,还是简单了不少!



  1. 首先定义 一个unordered_map,key放a和b两数之和,value 放a和b两数之和出现的次数。
  2. 遍历大A和大B数组,统计两个数组元素之和,和出现的次数,放到map中。
  3. 定义int变量count,用来统计 a+b+c+d = 0 出现的次数。
  4. 在遍历大C和大D数组,找到如果 0-(c+d) 在map中出现过的话,就用count把map中key对应的value也就是出现次数统计出来。
  5. 最后返回统计值 count 就可以了


class Solution {
public:int fourSumCount(vector<int>& A, vector<int>& B, vector<int>& C, vector<int>& D) {unordered_map<int, int> umap; //key:a+b的数值,value:a+b数值出现的次数// 遍历大A和大B数组,统计两个数组元素之和,和出现的次数,放到map中for (int a : A) {for (int b : B) {umap[a + b]++;}}int count = 0; // 统计a+b+c+d = 0 出现的次数// 在遍历大C和大D数组,找到如果 0-(c+d) 在map中出现过的话,就把map中key对应的value也就是出现次数统计出来。for (int c : C) {for (int d : D) {if (umap.find(0 - (c + d)) != umap.end()) {count += umap[0 - (c + d)];}}}return count;}



class Solution {public int fourSumCount(int[] nums1, int[] nums2, int[] nums3, int[] nums4) {Map<Integer, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();int temp;int res = 0;//统计两个数组中的元素之和,同时统计出现的次数,放入mapfor (int i : nums1) {for (int j : nums2) {temp = i + j;if (map.containsKey(temp)) {map.put(temp, map.get(temp) + 1);} else {map.put(temp, 1);}}}//统计剩余的两个元素的和,在map中找是否存在相加为0的情况,同时记录次数for (int i : nums3) {for (int j : nums4) {temp = i + j;if (map.containsKey(0 - temp)) {res += map.get(0 - temp);}}}return res;}


class Solution(object):def fourSumCount(self, nums1, nums2, nums3, nums4):# use a dict to store the elements in nums1 and nums2 and their sumhashmap = dict()for n1 in nums1:for n2 in nums2:if n1 + n2 in hashmap:hashmap[n1+n2] += 1else:hashmap[n1+n2] = 1# if the -(a+b) exists in nums3 and nums4, we shall add the countcount = 0for n3 in nums3:for n4 in nums4:key = - n3 - n4if key in hashmap:count += hashmap[key]return count
class Solution:def fourSumCount(self, nums1: list, nums2: list, nums3: list, nums4: list) -> int:from collections import defaultdict # You may use normal dict instead.rec, cnt = defaultdict(lambda : 0), 0# To store the summary of all the possible combinations of nums1 & nums2, together with their frequencies.for i in nums1:for j in nums2:rec[i+j] += 1# To add up the frequencies if the corresponding value occurs in the dictionaryfor i in nums3:for j in nums4:cnt += rec.get(-(i+j), 0) # No matched key, return 0.return cnt


func fourSumCount(nums1 []int, nums2 []int, nums3 []int, nums4 []int) int {m := make(map[int]int)   //key:a+b的数值,value:a+b数值出现的次数count := 0// 遍历nums1和nums2数组,统计两个数组元素之和,和出现的次数,放到map中for _, v1 := range nums1 {  for _, v2 := range nums2 {m[v1+v2]++}}// 遍历nums3和nums4数组,找到如果 0-(c+d) 在map中出现过的话,就把map中key对应的value也就是出现次数统计出来for _, v3 := range nums3 {for _, v4 := range nums4 {count += m[-v3-v4]}}return count


/*** @param {number[]} nums1* @param {number[]} nums2* @param {number[]} nums3* @param {number[]} nums4* @return {number}*/
var fourSumCount = function(nums1, nums2, nums3, nums4) {const twoSumMap = new Map();let count = 0;// 统计nums1和nums2数组元素之和,和出现的次数,放到map中for(const n1 of nums1) {for(const n2 of nums2) {const sum = n1 + n2;twoSumMap.set(sum, (twoSumMap.get(sum) || 0) + 1)}}// 找到如果 0-(c+d) 在map中出现过的话,就把map中key对应的value也就是出现次数统计出来for(const n3 of nums3) {for(const n4 of nums4) {const sum = n3 + n4;count += (twoSumMap.get(0 - sum) || 0)}}return count;


function fourSumCount(nums1: number[], nums2: number[], nums3: number[], nums4: number[]): number {let helperMap: Map<number, number> = new Map();let resNum: number = 0;let tempVal: number | undefined;for (let i of nums1) {for (let j of nums2) {tempVal = helperMap.get(i + j);helperMap.set(i + j, tempVal ? tempVal + 1 : 1);}}for (let k of nums3) {for (let l of nums4) {tempVal = helperMap.get(0 - (k + l));if (tempVal) {resNum += tempVal;}}}return resNum;


class Solution {/*** @param Integer[] $nums1* @param Integer[] $nums2* @param Integer[] $nums3* @param Integer[] $nums4* @return Integer*/function fourSumCount($nums1, $nums2, $nums3, $nums4) {$map = [];foreach ($nums1 as $n1) {foreach ($nums2 as $n2) {$temp = $n1 + $n2;$map[$temp] = isset($map[$temp]) ? $map[$temp]+1 : 1;}}$count = 0;foreach ($nums3 as $n3) {foreach ($nums4 as $n4) {$temp = 0 - $n3 - $n4;if (isset($map[$temp])) {$count += $map[$temp];}}}return $count;}


func fourSumCount(_ nums1: [Int], _ nums2: [Int], _ nums3: [Int], _ nums4: [Int]) -> Int {// ab和: ab和出现次数var countDic = [Int: Int]()for a in nums1 {for b in nums2 {let key = a + bcountDic[key] = countDic[key, default: 0] + 1}}// 通过-(c + d)作为key,去累加ab和出现的次数var result = 0for c in nums3 {for d in nums4 {let key = -(c + d)result += countDic[key, default: 0]}}return result


use std::collections::HashMap;
impl Solution {pub fn four_sum_count(nums1: Vec<i32>, nums2: Vec<i32>, nums3: Vec<i32>, nums4: Vec<i32>) -> i32 {let mut umap:HashMap<i32, i32> = HashMap::new();for num1 in &nums1 {for num2 in &nums2 {*umap.entry(num1 + num2).or_insert(0) += 1;}}let mut count = 0;for num3 in &nums3 {for num4 in &nums4 {let target:i32 = - (num3 + num4);count += umap.get(&target).unwrap_or(&0);          }}count}


object Solution {// 导包import scala.collection.mutabledef fourSumCount(nums1: Array[Int], nums2: Array[Int], nums3: Array[Int], nums4: Array[Int]): Int = {// 定义一个HashMap,key存储值,value存储该值出现的次数val map = new mutable.HashMap[Int, Int]()// 遍历前两个数组,把他们所有可能的情况都记录到mapfor (i <- nums1.indices) {for (j <- nums2.indices) {val tmp = nums1(i) + nums2(j)// 如果包含该值,则对他的key加1,不包含则添加进去if (map.contains(tmp)) {map.put(tmp, map.get(tmp).get + 1)} else {map.put(tmp, 1)}}}var res = 0 // 结果变量// 遍历后两个数组for (i <- nums3.indices) {for (j <- nums4.indices) {val tmp = -(nums3(i) + nums4(j))// 如果map中存在该值,结果就+=valueif (map.contains(tmp)) {res += map.get(tmp).get}}}// 返回最终结果,可以省略关键字returnres}


public int FourSumCount(int[] nums1, int[] nums2, int[] nums3, int[] nums4) {Dictionary<int, int> dic = new Dictionary<int, int>();foreach(var i in nums1){foreach(var j in nums2){int sum = i + j;if(dic.ContainsKey(sum)){dic[sum]++;}else{dic.Add(sum, 1);}}}int res = 0;foreach(var a in nums3){foreach(var b in nums4){int sum = a+b;if(dic.TryGetValue(-sum, out var result)){res += result;}}}return res;}


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