1. 什么是倒装?


Are you Mary?

Is this girl your sister?

Will you fall in love with me?

Have they concluded the conference?


2. 倒装句的用法

1. 否定词放在句首,用倒装

You can never understand me.


倒装:Never can you understand me.

Our teacher seldom punishes us.


倒装:Seldom does our teacher punish us.

She is by no means a prominent lawyer.


倒装:By no means is she a prominent lawyer.

Respecting parents not only keeps a Chinese traditional virtue but also proves the duty of their offspring.


倒装:Not only does respecting parents keep a Chinese traditional virtue but also prove the duty of their offspring.

否定词:never、seldom、hardly、by no means 、in no way、under no circumstance, in no case等

2. so(肯定) 、nor/neither(否定)放句首,用倒装,表承接前句子

Mary is beautiful and Jane is beautiful , too.

倒装: Mary is beautiful and so is Jane.


Jack is not from Japan. Mike is not from Japan either.

倒装:Jack is not from Japan, and neither / nor is Mike.


I will not leave. My father will not leave either.

倒装: I will not leave, and neither / nor will my father.


3. so…that…结构中,so及其引导内容放句首,用倒装

This lady is so elegant that everyone present is startled.

倒装:So elegant is this lady that everyone present is startled.


The old man looks so robust that every individual doubts his age.

倒装: So robust does the old man look that every individual doubts his age.


Some adolescents work so hard that they can make ends meet by themselves.

倒装:So hard do some adolescents work that they can make ends meet by themselves.


4. as引导让步状语从句,从句是主系表结构,可将表语提前作倒装

As I am ugly, I prove quite a good boy.

倒装:Ugly as I am , I prove quite a good boy.

倒装:As ugly as I am, I prove quite a good boy.


As this question appears simple, the meaning behind it is thought-provoking.

倒装:Simple as this question appears, the meaning behind it is thought-provoking.


5. Only 引导的状语放句首,用倒装

He listens to this song only once.

倒装:Only once does he listen to this song.


I can feel warm and comfortable only at home.

倒装:Only at home can I feel warm and comfortable.


This lad will call his father only when he is in need of living expense.

倒装:Only when he is in need of living expense will this lad call his father.


You can solve this problem only in a crazy way.

倒装:Only in a crazy way can you solve this problem.


3. 练习题

1. 将下列句子进行倒装

The public can fail to pour attention into the issue of pollution under no circumstance.

Under no circumstance can the public fail to pour attention into the issue of pollution.


We should lose our heart in no case.

In no case should we lose our heart.


We will establish a harmonious society only by taking these measures.

Only by taking these measures will we establish a harmonious society.


2. 将下列句子还原并进行翻译

Never will I give up.

I will never give up.


Only in my dream can he become a billionaire.

he can become a billionaire only in my dream.


So efficiently does he finish the work that everyone absent feels rather guilty.

He finishes efficiently the work everyone absent feels rather guilty.


As beautiful as she is , we fail to get along well with her.

She is beautiful , we fail to get along well with her.


Only when our future generations keep this history in mind will our country prosper.

Our country will prosper when our future generations keep this history in mind.


4. 作业-将下列倒装句还原并进行翻译

So gentle does he look that all girls in this school have a strong liking for him.

He looks so gentle that all girls in this school have a strong liking for him.


In no way will I fail to win this speech contest since I am preparing for it.

I will in no way fail to win this speech contest  since I am preparing for it .


Only when our government takes effective actions concerning this issue can our country rebuild the economy.

When our goverment takes effective actions concerning this issue our country can rebuild the econnmy.


Only after studies provided evidence of the harmful effects of this game will it be possible to modify the review policy.

After studies provided evidence of the harmful effects of this game it will be possilbe to modify the review policy.


So seriously involved with their cell phones does this boy become that his mother always asks him to go for a walk.

This boy becomes so seriously involved with their cell phones that his mother always asks him to go for a walk.



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  3. 【考研英语语法】前置与倒装句

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