



TokenGazer 研究员 Tiger:

BG Staging第5期项目为什么选择WOM Protocol ?以及该项目的特点是什么?

Sunny | Bithumb 全球站:




TokenGazer 研究员 Tiger:

BG Staging推出上线项目的频率是否每月一期?以及这些项目的来源是哪里?

Sunny | Bithumb 全球站:

我们根据项目数量的多少来安排时间,目前基本可以做到每月一期。关于项目来源方面,我们BG有个海外团队,长期在全世界各地参加各种顶级会议,与一些知名的学术机构和孵化器建立了长期的合作伙伴关系。比如,BG在美国举办了顶级高校的区块链大赛,包括MIT、哈佛、威斯康星、斯坦福等名校,现在一些参与BG Staging的项目就是从当时激烈的竞争中脱颖而出的。



TokenGazer Researcher Tiger:

What business models are there for current advertising? What are the drawbacks of these business models in terms of efficiency?

Melanie | WOM:

The current online advertising industry - worth $237 billion annually - focuses on performance channels and metrics. Marketers are expected to master an array of tools, exchanges, and technologies to drive conversion within ever more granular target segments.

These tools continually get smarter (retargeting, cross-device tracking, micro-fencing, etc.) but the performance marketing industry in general faces greater challenges as consumers are increasingly annoyed by websites and social media platforms for using their data for commercial purposes - and for being bombarded with invasive ads as they talk to their friends.

Online marketing faces several challenges:

Challenge 1: Technology Barriers

First, the use of desktop and mobile ad-blockers is growing at a rate of 30% and 62% respectively, making online advertising less and less effective.

Challenge 2: Behavioral Changes

In addition to physical ad-blockers, consumers also mentally block ads. 86% of consumers are “banner blind”, subconsciously skipping over or ignoring anything that feels like an ad and distracts from their goal. This includes traditional pop-up and banner ads, as well as sponsored posts from influencers on social media.

Consumers’ attention spans are also shrinking and the number of distractions (apps, devices, etc.) are growing. Consumers jump from platform to platform and conversation to conversation when they get bored or see something more interesting. Advertisers, therefore, compete in an increasingly-saturated market for even less attention.

Challenge 3: Trust Issues

Marketers currently funnel some $5-$10 billion each year into recommendations from online influencers. This is one way the industry has attempted to overcome ad-blockers and banner blindness using the power of peer-to-peer recommendations.

Unfortunately for brands, however, consumers are increasingly distrustful of sponsored social media and almost half consider influencers inauthentic. As a result, engagement and conversion through influencer marketing is dwindling. Even worse, consumer distrust in influencers also stains the brand image.

The logical next step for brands is to hand over their marketing to the billions of regular users and fans who make authentic recommendations online every day. And yet so far leveraging honest word-of-mouth recommendations has not been possible in the broader consumer market.



TokenGazer 研究员 Tiger:


Melanie | WOM:















TokenGazer Researcher Tiger:

What is WOM Protocol’s solution to these drawbacks? And what is your advantage over your competitors?

Melanie | WOM:

First, brands need a way to bring organic word-of-mouth recommendations into their marketing mix in a measurable and scalable way. The people making the recommendations should be rewarded. The relevant publishing platforms should be rewarded as well. And this all needs to happen in a way that ensures the authenticity and trustworthiness of the content.

Second, rewards for creating word-of-mouth content must not compromise the genuine nature of the content. Content creators should be fans of the brand or product they are promoting and talk about it in a positive way because they really believe in it - and not because they were paid or are going to be paid for creating and sharing brand or product-related content. The more honest the recommendation, the deeper the impact on consumer decision-making.

The WOM Protocol, which is based on blockchain technology, will enable brands to access genuine word-of-mouth recommendations and will provide a way to reward creators for their product-referring content without compromising consumer trust in the content and its creators.



TokenGazer 研究员 Tiger:

给出的解决方案是什么?与竞品相比,WOM Protocol的优势有哪些?

Melanie | WOM:






TokenGazer Researcher Tiger:

What is the current status of WOM’s ecosystem development? How many enterprise-level partners do you have? What are your plans for ecosystem development in the future?

Melanie | WOM:

The WOM Protocol is unique and successful because it reverses the current user-generated content trend seen in influencer advertising and other UGC advertising models. In the current model, advertisers pay influencers and other content creators to then represent their brands “organically” on the creators’ social channels. Consumers understand that the influencer is talking about the product or brand because they were paid to do so.

WOM is building the WOM Protocol as an open, censorship-resistant, and decentralized protocol to enable brands to connect with fans and reward them on a global scale. It will facilitate the scaling of an entire WOM Ecosystem and enable monetization of word-of-mouth content for brands, authenticators, creators, and publishers.

Since honesty and trust are the key for word-of-mouth recommendations, a central authority would contradict the essence of WOM by definition. Blockchain technology allows the development of the WOM Protocol as a trustless infrastructure for WOM content. The core mechanisms for emitting and distributing tokens as well as managing the trades between brands and content creators run as immutable code on the blockchain.

WOM must take steps to reach true decentralization. In the beginning, WOM will test every aspect of the economy rules in a controlled environment before releasing it on a public blockchain. The YEAY app with 180,000 registered users is the first adopter of the WOM Protocol and will be the testing ground for WOM. Additionally, adidas is the first enterprise partner to use the Campaign Manager and run campaigns. These campaigns will be the ideal use cases to then recruit additional brands to join the WOM Ecosystem.

As the ecosystem grows, our primary focus will be to continue research and integration of well-known scalability solutions when they have been fully developed and tested and add additional apps as possible.

Over time as scalability is solved, more and more platforms will connect to the WOM Protocol. This creates a network effect, which strengthens the economy. In this manner, a decentralized ecosystem is created that does not depend on just one interface to provide a gateway, but instead relies on many gateways.

Ultimately, WOM Protocol Pte. Lte. will dissolve so that the WOM Protocol becomes a DAO that cannot be controlled by any single entity. Since honesty and trust are the key for word-of-mouth recommendations, a central authority would contradict the essence of WOM by definition.



TokenGazer 研究员 Tiger:


Melanie | WOM:




WOM必须采取措施实现真正的去中心化。首先,WOM将在受控环境中测试经济规则的各个方面,然后再将其发布到公共区块链上。拥有18万注册用户的YEAY应用程序是WOM协议的第一个采用者,它将成为WOM的试验场。此外,阿迪达斯是第一个使用Campaign Manager App开展广告活动的企业合作伙伴。这些活动将成为理想用例并吸引其他品牌加入WOM生态系统。






TokenGazer Researcher Tiger:

Why do you pay special attention to Generation Z users? Will the design for this group be less friendly to other age groups?

Melanie | WOM:

Generation Z consumers have an especially-heightened awareness of sponsored content created by influencers paid to spread brand messages. For these young consumers, this not only causes a lack of trust in the content creator, but also in the brand paying for the creator’s reach and potential influence over purchase decisions. This, in turn, means that the real fans and advocates making honest recommendations are not rewarded for the value they bring to brands through their genuine content.

The WOM go-to-market strategy focuses on apps with a high proportion of Generation Z users. Teenagers and young twenty-somethings are a great starting point to bring blockchain to the masses. In addition to their inherent skepticism with sponsored posts and influencers, they are digital natives and understand the concept of digital scarcity much more intuitively than older generations. They also grew up with social media and are open to earning extra incremental amounts to increase their pocket money.

Concerning design, WOM does not influence or impact the design of the apps and platforms that adopt the WOM Protocol. The YEAY app and other first-adopters are Gen Z focused and therefore have designs catering to that generation. Other apps that adopt the WOM Protocol maybe be Millennial or Gen X focused and the platforms will reflect design suitable for those generations.

The design of the Campaign Manager was created and tested with real professional audiences including adidas.



TokenGazer 研究员 Tiger:

为什么会特别关注Generation Z用户?针对这个用户群体的设计会不会让其它年龄段的用户不习惯?

Melanie | WOM:



关于设计,WOM不会影响采用WOM协议的应用程序和平台的设计。YEAY App和其他的首批WOM采用者关注Z代用户,因此进行了迎合该群体的设计。其他采用WOM协议的应用程序可能专注于千禧一代或X代用户,这些平台将针对相应的用户群体进行设计。

Campaign Manager App是和包括Adidas在内的真正专业的受众一起设计和测试的。



TokenGazer Researcher Tiger:

Who serve as the Content Creators in the infancy of WOM ecosystem? How do you attract Content Creators in the early stage?

Melanie | WOM:

The content creators in the WOM Ecosystem are the users and creators of the apps and platforms that have adopted the WOM Protocol. Therefore, in the beginning YEAY users are the initial content creators in the WOM Ecosystem. YEAY currently has 180,000 registered users and will make a massive user acquisition push when the brand new YEAY Creator app launches next month.

YEAY will combine traditional, proven user acquisition strategies similar to any other platform, together with targeting influencer agencies. The new “reward” benefit of the WOM Protocol within the YEAY app has proven interesting and attractive for influencers we have reached out to thus far.



TokenGazer 研究员 Tiger:

在项目早期,WOM生态中Content Creators是由谁来担任?如何在项目初期吸引更多的Content Creators加入?

Melanie | WOM:

WOM生态系统中的内容创建者是采用WOM协议的应用程序/平台上的用户和内容创建者,因此,从一开始,YEAY用户就是WOM生态系统中的最初内容创建者。YEAY目前拥有18万注册用户,并将在下个月全新的YEAY Creator应用启动时进行大规模的用户获取。




TokenGazer Researcher Tiger:

How does the WOM token capture value? What functions do the WOM token have?

Melanie | WOM:

Essentially, the WOM Token enables the WOM Protocol to reward content creators, authenticators, and content distribution platforms for spreading the word about brands, products, and services. This increases the circulating supply of WOM Tokens in a controlled way, while value for all participants is created. The process of rewarding content creation and authentication is similar to the process of rewarding block creation and security for the Ethereum or Bitcoin blockchain (AKA mining).

The WOM Token enables access to this valuable WOM content for brands. Brands can use the WOM Token to create “campaigns” with budgets connected to specific content and interaction patterns. Based on the campaign criteria and the WOM Protocol mechanisms, the token functions as a means for additionally rewarding selected content.

The content must also emphasize the creator’s true excitement for a brand or product. The higher-quality, more honest, and/or more creative the content, the more consumers will be reached. This will lead to more interactions with the content and a greater reward in WOM Tokens for the creator.

The WOM Token is the most important element of the WOM Protocol and its surrounding economy. It has three main utilities, with various roles and functions within each utility:

  1. Reward unit: Brands, content creators, and content authenticators all use the WOM Token in various ways to reward actions within the decentralized WOM Ecosystem.

  2. Earning rights: Content creators and authenticators need to stake WOM Tokens (as collateral) to make their content available for campaigns.

  3. Governance: Token holders have decision rights in order to influence the most crucial changes to the WOM Token smart contracts. The smart contracts define how the economy works.



TokenGazer 研究员 Tiger:


Melanie | WOM:





  1. 奖励单位:品牌、内容创建者和内容验证者都以各种方式使用WOM通证来奖励去中心化的WOM生态系统中的行为。

  2. 收益权:内容创建者和验证者需要抵押WOM通证(作为担保),以使其内容可用于广告活动。

  3. 治理:通证持有者拥有决定权,以影响对WOM通证智能合约的最关键变更。智能合约定义了经济生态的运作方式。



TokenGazer 社区成员:


Sunny | Bithumb 全球站:


我们会在产品机制方面进行改动,满足不同地区不同用户的不同需求,我们也希望未来有更多用户可以来我们Bithumb Global生态系统中交易。



TokenGazer 社区成员:


Sunny | Bithumb 全球站:




TokenGazer 社区成员:

目前投资者对交易所1EO关注度在下降,为何用户对BG Staging关注度这么高?

Sunny | Bithumb 全球站:


简单来说,Staging板块就是提供首发项目方一个展示自己的机会,同时给平台内用户赠送一些福利,这就是BG Staging的口号“不花钱,抢首发”的来源。


关于 TokenGazer

TokenGazer 致力于为区块链行业提供长期有效,不断完善的价值研究方法和工具集,以及针对区块链和 Token 项目的技术和商业洞察。为国内外用户提供行业领先的定性、定量分析工具、研究模版、数据仓库、数据可视化服务等,帮助用户更好的分析和衡量区块链项目的真实价值。




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