

Qt 版本 5.5.1



1. 下载MSYS

2. 配置

set PATH=D:\Qt\Qt5.5.1\Tools\mingw492_32\bin:$PATH

3. 编译
./configure --minimal --config=MinGW --no-tests --no-samples   --shared --static --cflags=-std=c99



输入./configure --help查看参数命令

usage: configure {options}
Configure the POCO C++ Libraries.Options:--helpDisplay this help screen.--config=<config_name>Use the given build configuration.Available configurations are:AIX                    Darwin64-clang         SH-Linux
ARM-Linux              Darwin64-clang-libc++  SSV-LINUX
Alpine                 DigiEL                 SmartOS-gcc
Android                ELDK                   SunOS
Angstrom               FreeBSD                SunOS-GCC
AppleTV                FreeBSD-Linux-compat   SunOS-SunForte
AppleTVSimulator       GCCEMBEDLINUX          SunOS-SunStudio
BeagleBoard            HP-UX                  SunOS-SunStudio11
CEGCCARM               Linux                  SunOS-stdcxx-x86_64
CYGWIN                 Linux-SolarisStudio    WatchOS
CygLinux               Linux-clang            WatchSimulator
Darwin                 MinGW                  Yocto
Darwin-clang           MinGW-CrossEnv         iPhone
Darwin-clang-libc++    NIOS2-Linux            iPhone-clang
Darwin32               OSF1                   iPhone-clang-libc++
Darwin32-clang         OpenPandora            iPhoneSimulator
Darwin32-clang-libc++  PPC-Linux              iPhoneSimulator-clang
Darwin64               QNX                    iPhoneSimulator-clang-libc++--prefix=<install_prefix>Use the given install directory for make install.Default is /usr/local.--no-prefixDo not use /usr/local as default install directory and do notdefine POCO_PREFIX.--stdcxx-base=<apache_stdcxx_install_prefix>If (and only if) the /e/3rd/poco-1.9.0-all/poco-1.9.0-all/build/config selected with --configuses the Apache stdcxx library, then apache_stdcxx_install_prefixspecifies the base directory where stdcxx is installed.--no-testsDo not build testsuites.--no-samplesDo not build samples.--minimalBuild only Foundation, XML, JSON, Util and Net.--typical (default)Build only Foundation, XML, JSON, Util, Net, Crypto, NetSSL, Data/SQLite and Zip.--everythingBuild everything.--no-wstringCompile with -DPOCO_NO_WSTRING.Useful if your C++ compiler does not support std::wstring(such as uClibc-based systems).--no-fpenvironmentCompile with -DPOCO_NO_FPENVIRONMENT.Useful if your C++ compiler has incomplete floating-point support(such as uClibc-based systems).--no-sharedmemoryCompile with -DPOCO_NO_SHAREDMEMORY.For systems that don't support shared memory API's,like uClibc-based Linux systems.--no-sharedlibsCompile with -DPOCO_NO_SHAREDLIBS.For systems that don't support shared library loading.--no-ipv6Compile with -DPOCO_NET_NO_IPv6.For systems that don't support IPv6.--sqlite-fts=<path>Compile with -DPOCO_DATA_SQLITE_FTS.Compile SQLite with Full Text Search support.--sqlite-thread-safe=<value>Compile with -DSQLITE_THREADSAFE=<value>.Valid values are:- 0 single-thread, no thread safety- 1 serial access, highest thread safety- 2 multi-threaded, without session sharing support--omit=<component>{,<component>}Do not build the specified component(s).Example: --omit=Data/MySQL,Data/ODBC,Zip--include-path=<path>Add search path for header files.--library-path=<path>Add search path for library files.--odbc-lib=<path>Specify the directory where ODBC library is located.--odbc-include=<path>Specify the directory where ODBC header files are located.--cflags=<flags>Pass additional flags to compiler.Example: --cflags=-wall--poquitoOmit a few features for smaller codesize when linkingstatically for embedded targets.--unbundledUse system-provided zlib, pcre, expat and sqlite instead ofbundled ones.--staticBuild static libraries. Overrides default mode, whichdepends upon target. Can be specified togetherwith --shared to build both.--sharedBuild shared libraries. Overrides default mode, whichdepends upon target. Can be specified togetherwith --static to build both.



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