

1 概述



  1. 找到链表中合适的位置;
  2. 将节点插入到步骤1找到的位置中。


{if (list == null)           // insert into empty list{list <- new(*new).link <- null}else{while (((*new).data > (*cur).data) && ((*cur).link != null))    // find location where the new node insert into{pre <- curcur <- (*cur).link}if ((*new).data <= (*cur).data){if (list == cur)                // insertion at the beginning{list <- new(*new).link <- cur}else                            // insertion in the middle{(*pre).link <- new(*new).link <- cur}}if ((*cur).link == null)            // insertion at the end{(*cur).link <- new(*new).link <- null}}return list

2 代码示例



#include <stdio.h>#define STRUCT_LEN sizeof(struct student)struct student
{int stu_num;                /* student number */float stu_score;            /* student score */struct student* next;
};int main()
{/* declaration of func */struct student * insert(struct student * head, struct student * new_node);void print(struct student * list);/* create a static linked list, which sorted by student score from small to large */struct student * list;struct student stu_1, stu_2, stu_3;stu_1.stu_num = 1;stu_1.stu_score = 88;stu_2.stu_num = 2;stu_2.stu_score = 66;stu_3.stu_num = 3;stu_3.stu_score = 100;list = &stu_2;stu_2.next = &stu_1;stu_1.next = &stu_3;stu_3.next = NULL;/* print linked list before insertion */printf("before insertion, content of linked list as followed(sorted by student score from small to large):\n");print(list);/* create new node that wants to insert into linked list */struct student stu_new;stu_new.stu_num = 5;stu_new.stu_score = 83;/* insert new node into linked list */list = insert(list, &stu_new);/* print linked list after insertion */printf("after insertion, content of linked list as followed(sorted by student score from small to large):\n");print(list);return 0;
** this is the insert linked list function.
struct student * insert(struct student * head, struct student * new_node)
{struct student * cur;struct student * pre;struct student * new;cur = head;                 /* let cur point first node */new = new_node;             /* let new point the node that wants to insert into linked list */if (NULL == head)           /* insert into empty list */{head = new;(*new).next = NULL;}while (((*new).stu_score > (*cur).stu_score) && ((*cur).next != NULL))  /* find location where the new node insert into */{pre = cur;cur = (*cur).next;}if ((*new).stu_score <= (*cur).stu_score){if (head == cur)        /* insertion at the beginning */{head = new;(*new).next = cur;}else                    /* insertion in the middle */{(*pre).next = new;(*new).next = cur;}}if ((*cur).next == NULL)        /* insertion at the end */{(*cur).next = new;(*new).next = NULL;}return head;
*  this is the print linked list content function.
void print(struct student * list)
{struct student *walker;walker = list;printf("The linked list contents(student number and score) as followed:\n");printf("[student number] [student score]\n");while (walker != NULL){printf("%d                %-f\n", (*walker).stu_num, (*walker).stu_score);walker = (*walker).next;}return;




  • 为了简化代码内容,上述代码示例使用的是静态链表,即链表的所有节点都是在程序中定义的,节点的存储空间不是临时开辟的;
  • 上述代码示例中,链表是按照学生的分数由小到大排序的。


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