富文本 Rich Text

Date:2013-08-02 04:32
The text for GUI elements and text meshes can incorporate multiple font styles and sizes. The GUIStyle, GUIText and TextMesh classes have a Rich Text setting which instructs Unity to look for markup tags within the text. The Debug.Log function can also use these markup tags to enhance error reports from code. The tags are not displayed but indicate style changes to be applied to the text.

这种文本用于GUI元素和文本网格可以结合多种字体类型和大小。 GUIStyle, GUIText 和 TextMesh类都有富文本设置,能指示unity寻找文本内含有的标记标签。Dubug.Log也可以用这些标记标签来增强代码报告错误的能力。这些标签不显示,而是显示应用到文本的风格变化。

Markup format 标记格式

The markup system is inspired by HTML but isn’t intended to be strictly compatible with standard HTML. The basic idea is that a section of text can be enclosed inside a pair of matching tags:-


We are <b>not</b> amused

As the example shows, the tags are just pieces of text inside the “angle bracket” characters, < and >. The text inside the tag denotes its name (which in this case is just b). Note that the tag at the end of the section has the same name as the one at the start but with the slash / character added. The tags are not displayed to the user directly but are interpreted as instructions for styling the text they enclose. The b tag used in the example above applies boldface to the word “not”, so the text will appear onscreen as:-

示例所示,标签只是“尖括号”和文本,< 和 >。标签内的文本表示的名字(在这个示例中就是b)注意:这个结尾部分的标签和开头那个名字一样但带有/符号。该标签不直接显示给用户但是诠释为它们扩起来的文字风格,即把not用b括起来,在例子中的b标签在单词“not”上应用粗体字,所以这个文本将会以如下形式出现:

We are not amused

A marked up section of text (including the tags that enclose it) is referred to as an element.

已标记的文本块(包括标签括入的)被作为一个元素 如not

Nested elements 嵌套元素

It is possible to apply more than one style to a section of text by “nesting” one element inside another


We are <b><i>definitely not</i></b> amused

The i tag applies italic style, so this would be presented onscreen as


We are definitely not amused

Note the ordering of the ending tags, which is in reverse to that of the starting tags. The reason for this is perhaps clearer when you consider that the inner tags need not span the whole text of the outermost element


We are <b>absolutely <i>definitely</i> not</b> amused

which gives 显示为:

We are absolutely definitely not amused

Tag parameters 标签参数

Some tags have a simple all-or-nothing effect on the text but others might allow for variations. For example, the color tag needs to know which color to apply. Information like this is added to tags by the use of parameters:-


We are <color=green>green</color> with envy

Note that the ending tag doesn’t include the parameter value. Optionally, the value can be surrounded by quotation marks but this isn’t required.


Supported tags 支持的标签

The following list describes all the styling tags supported by Unity.



Renders the text in boldface.


We are <b>not</b> amused


Renders the text in italics.


We are <i>usually</i> not amused

size 大小

Sets the size of the text according to the parameter value, given in pixels.


We are <size=50>largely</size> unaffected

Although this tag is available for Debug.Log, you will find that the line spacing in the window bar and Console looks strange if the size is set too large.


color 颜色

Sets the color of the text according to the parameter value. The color can be specified in the traditional HTML format



…where the letters correspond to pairs of hexadecimal digits denoting the red, green, blue and alpha (transparency) values for the color. For example, cyan at full opacity would be specified by



Another option is to use the name of the color. This is easier to understand but naturally, the range of colors is limited and full opacity is always assumed.



The available color names are given in the table below.

material 材质

This is only useful for text meshes and renders a section of text with a material specified by the parameter. The value is an index into the text mesh’s array of materials as shown by the inspector.


We are <material=2>texturally</material> amused

quad 嵌入

This is only useful for text meshes and renders an image inline with the text. It takes parameters that specify the material to use for the image, the image height in pixels, and a further four that denote a rectangular area of the image to display. Unlike the other tags, quad does not surround a piece of text and so there is no ending tag - the slash character is placed at the end of the initial tag to indicate that it is “self-closing”.


<quad material=1 size=20 x=0.1 y=0.1 width=0.5 height=0.5 />

This selects the material at position in the renderer’s material array and sets the height of the image to 20 pixels. The rectangular area of image starts at given by the x, y, width and height values, which are all given as a fraction of the unscaled width and height of the texture.


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