shutdown command is used to halt, shutdown, reboot, restart the given system. shutdown command can be used for both Linux and Windows. In this tutorial, we will examine the shutdown r command usage.

shutdown命令用于停止,关机,重新引导,重新启动给定的系统。 shutdown命令可用于Linux和Windows。 在本教程中,我们将检查shutdown r命令的用法。

重新启动或重新启动 (Reboot or Restart)

r option is mainly used to restart or reboot the system. If we do not provide any extra option the system will reboot after 60 seconds or 1 minute. This time is used to provide the users to complete and save their works.

r选项主要用于重新启动或重新引导系统。 如果我们不提供任何其他选项,则系统将在60秒或1分钟后重启。 该时间用于为用户提供完成和保存其作品的时间。

> shutdown /r

重新启动或立即重新启动 (Reboot or Restart Immediately)

If we now that there are no other users connected to the server or we do not want to wait for 1 minute to reboot we can use /t 0 option. This option means restart or reboot the system immediately with 0 second wait time.

如果现在没有其他用户连接到服务器,或者我们不想等待1分钟重新启动,则可以使用/t 0选项。 此选项意味着等待时间为0秒,立即重新启动或重新引导系统。

> shutdown /r /t 0

在指定时间重启 (Reboot At Specified Time)

We may want to reboot after work or after time passed. If we want to reboot at specified time we can use /t option with a time value in seconds. In this example, we will restart the system after 1 hour which is equal to 3600 seconds.

我们可能要在工作后或经过一段时间后重新启动。 如果要在指定时间重新启动,可以使用/t选项,并带有以秒为单位的时间值。 在此示例中,我们将在1小时(等于3600秒)后重新启动系统。

> shutdown /r /t 3600

Restart after 10 minutes


> shutdown /r /t 600

Restart after 1 day


> shutdown /r /t 14400

Restart after 8 hours


> shutdown /r /t 4800

重新启动指定的服务器或计算机 (Reboot Specified Server or Computer)

Up to now we have restarted or rebooted given local system or server. We can also reboot or restart a remote server or computer by providing its hostname or IP address. We will use \\ with the server hostname or IP address. In this example, we will reboot the host named POFTUT1.

到目前为止,我们已经重启或重启了给定的本地系统或服务器。 我们还可以通过提供其主机名或IP地址来重启或重启远程服务器或计算机。 我们将在服务器主机名或IP地址中使用\\ 。 在此示例中,我们将重新引导名为POFTUT1的主机。

> shutdown /r \\POFTUT1

取消重启 (Cancel Reboot)

After issuing a reboot or restart command we may need to cancel the reboot or restart operation. We can use /a option which will cancel or abort current issued shutdown operations like restart and reboot.

发出重新启动或重新启动命令后,我们可能需要取消重新启动或重新启动操作。 我们可以使用/a选项来取消或中止当前发出的shutdown操作,例如重新启动和重新启动。

> shutdown /a
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LEARN MORE  Linux Shutdown and Reboot Command Tutorial with Examples

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